[Free PDF] Letter Writing MCQs | Q&A | CBSE Class 10|11|12 [TERM 1]
Dear students, recently CBSE has released their new guidelines for the term 1 examination. According to this regulation, 50% of questions will be based on the MCQ pattern from now on. Moreover, the format of the question is also going to be changed for many subjects in order to evaluate the students’ skills in a more comprehensive way.
For English writing skills too, the previous pattern is going to be transformed. So, on our website, we have decided to publish comprehensive suggestions based on the new pattern suggested by CBSE one by one. Today’s session will be solely focused on letters writing MCQs with answers. According to CBSE, letter writing MCQs will no longer be asked on the format of the letters. Rather, MCQs will now demand the reading, understanding, analytical, and decision-making skills of the students.
During the session that we are now going to begin, I would like to request you to follow and understand the pattern as well the questioning mentality of CBSE to score better in your upcoming exams.
We have also covered Notice writing MCQs, Article Writing MCQs, I encourage you to read that after this article to get an in-depth idea of the CBSE MCQ question patterns.

Table of Contents
Letter Writing MCQ Questions with Answers:
We have divided letter writing MCQ into three sub-topics, let’s look at them individually.
MCQs of Letter to Editors:
First, let’s take a look at some potentially important MCQs and their answers related to Editorial letters.
Suppose, you are Adarsh. You are recently facing tremendous problems with drinking water in your village in Himachal Pradesh. Write a letter to the editor of any national daily newspaper explaining this issue and the problems you are facing due to it.
- Select the option with relevant aspects that Adarsh should select, for this letter.
1) The newspaper’s name
2) Attached proof of the newspaper subscription
3) Debashree’s address
4) Formal tone
5) Expected date of the letter’s receipt
A. (1) and (5)
B. (2), (3), and (4)
C. (3) and (5)
D. (1), (3), and (4)
Answer: C
- Select the appropriate subject for this letter.
A. Lack of Drinking water: Inconvenience of Crisis
B. Facing tremendous problems with drinking water in my village
C. Lack of drinking water is causing problems in Village
D. Villagers livelihood affected due to an absence of drinking water
Answer: D
- Select the sequence Adarsh should choose to describe the issue properly.
1) Where is the village? What are the issues with water? How to solve them. | 2) What are the problems with water? The political orientation of the locality.How it’s affecting the livelihood |
3) The issues faced by the villagers. What causes the main problems. A potential solution to those issues. | 4) How important is water for humans? What issues are the people facing adversities in the way of possible solutions? |
A. Option 1
B. Option 2
C. Option 3
D. Option 4
Answer: C
- Adarsh shares some suggestions in her letter, to address the issue.
Select the option that helps her complete these suggestions, appropriately.
In my opinion, the media can play a pivotal role in transforming the higher authority’s (i)___________and also in making the entire community (ii) ___________ against negligence to the needs of the most essential drinking water in the villages.
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate option
A. (i) beliefs and traditions (ii) Cautioned and protesting
B. (i) perceptions and attitudes (ii) aware and active
C. (i) preferences (ii) protesting
D. (i) interactions (ii) keeping minimum interference
Answer: B
- Select the appropriate line that Adarsh should choose to conclude the letter in a formal way.
I hope that my letter will ___________
A. help spread awareness about the issue and draw the attention of the higher authority.
B. lead to action against all authorities responsible for the maintenance of water in our village.
C. improve circulation of the national daily.
D. results in positive reviews by the readers.
Answer: A
- While writing editorial letters, what should be Adarsh’s appropriate tone of representing the issue.
A. Grivancing and Bossy
B. Complaining and requesting
C. Explanatory and Authoritative
D. Explanatory and Grateful
Answer: D
- Consider the following statements regarding the editorial letter.
1. Describing personal issues due to the problem can help boost the purpose.
2. Political turmoil can not be included but is relevant for such editorial letters.
3. Importance of drinking water is essential to mention.
Identify the incorrect statement/statements.
A. 1 and 3
B. 2 only
C. 1, 2, 3
D. 2 and 3
Answer: D
- An editorial letter has been given below. Some of the portions have been left blank. Fill in the spaces by choosing the correct option.
Recently the ill effects of noise pollution have been discussed all around the world. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper discussing this very issue and suggest some solution to the problem.
Kolkata: 700112
(9) _____________
The Editor
The Indian Express
Howrah: 711 409
Subject: Rising noise pollution and the need of the hour
(10) _____________ ,
I am a regular follower of your esteemed daily. Recently, the issue of rising noise pollution is being discussed worldwide by experts, environmental activists, and all kinds of media. Your newspaper was no exception to it. Today, I am writing this letter to you in order to discuss (11) ____________________
Very recently, for unknown reasons the level of noise pollution has risen to a great extent all over the globe. Scientists and psychologists are referring to the frustration and disgust of the world community as the reason behind this rising noise pollution. According to them, this situation is the soul aftereffect of the pandemic that the world witnessed in recent times. But such noise pollution is a serious matter of concern. According to doctors and medical researchers, high noise pollution causes severe diseases like nausea, migraines, heart diseases, etc.
So, in order to control the problems of noise pollution, our government should take immediate steps following the other countries all around the world.
Yours Sincerely
Rohit Barman
From the following choices select the correct option for the blanks in the letter given above.
A. 51/6/A, Nabinpally, Golap Colony
B. Nabin Pally, 51/6/A, Golap Colony
C. 51/6/A, Golap Colony, Nabinpally
D. Nabinpally, 51/6/A, Golap Colony
Answer: C
A. 20XX, February 18th
B. 18th February, 20XX
C. February 18, 20XX
D. 18 August, 20XX
Answer: C
A. Dear Sir/Madam
B. Dear sir/madam
C. Sir/Madam
D. Dear sir, madam
Answer: A
A. this issue of high noise pollution all around the world
B. about noise pollution
C. noise pollution
D. in detail about worldwide noise pollution
Answer: A
A. Yours Faithfully,
B. Yours Sincerely
C. Thanking You
D. Thanks and Regards
Answer: B
MCQs Related to Complaint Letters:
Now, let’s discuss some important sample MCQs related to Complaint letters.
Suppose, You are Baishakhi, The unsanitary conditions in your colony are causing multiple diseases. Write a letter to the municipal Commissioner complaining about this problem and request him to take urgent action on the matter.
- Select the point you should never refer to in complaint letters.
A. Your personal problems.
B. Write on behalf of many people
C. Your locality’s political problems
D. Potential solutions to the problems
Answer: C
- Select the most suitable subject for this letter.
A. Unsanitary conditions are leading to multiple diseases
B. People are suffering due to unsanitary conditions in the locality
C. Unsanitary condition becoming a super-spreader of diseases
D. Need to improve unsanitary conditions to stop diseases
Answer: D
- Select the sequence Baisakhi should choose to describe the issue properly.
1)Where is the locality? The worst sanitary condition.How to solve them. | 2) What is the issue with sanitary conditions? How political problems are affecting.How people are suffering |
3)The location of your area. The issues you are facing are due to unsanitary conditions. Potential solutions to those issues. | 4) The location of your area. The issues you are facing are due to unsanitary conditions. Adversities in the way of possible solutions. |
A. Option 1
B. Option 2
C. Option 3
D. Option 4
Answer: C
- To address some solutions for the issue, help Baisakhi to frame the lines.
In my opinion, the municipality can conduct (i) —————– and also launch (ii) ———— in order to make the entire community aware and active to save and protect their environment. (iii) ———— can also help to control diseases.
Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blanks
A. (i) regular cleaning programs (ii) public awareness campaign (iii) Periodical health checkup
B. (i) regular survey (ii) miking campaign (iii) Medicines
C. (i) Major weekend cleaning (ii) welfare projects (iii) Weekly health camps
D. (i) one-to-one public interaction program (ii) survey (iii) Spraying disinfectants
Answer: A
- Select the appropriate line that Baisakhi should choose to conclude the letter in a formal way.
I hope that my letter will ___________
A. help spread awareness about the issue and will be able to draw your kind attention to the issue.
B. lead to action against all those people who are responsible for this unsanitary condition in our locality.
C. be able to draw your kind attention and you will be taking immediate action to save us from this menace.
D. Reach to the environment ministry of our state.
Answer: C
- While writing editorial letters, what should be Baisakhi’s appropriate tone of representing the issue.
A. Grivancing and Authoritative
B. Complaining and requesting
C. Explanatory and Grateful
D. Explanatory and Polite
Answer: B
- Consider the following statements regarding the proposed complaint letter of Baisakhi.
1. Describing personal issues due to the problem can help boost the purpose.
2. Political turmoil can not be included but may be relevant and responsible for causing the issue.
3. Importance of a proper sanitary system must need to be mentioned.
Identify the correct statement/statements.
A. 1 and 3
B. 2 only
C. 1 and 2
D. 1, 2 and 3
Answer: C
- A complaint letter has been given below. Some of the portions have been left blank. Fill in the spaces by choosing the correct option.
In your school, you feel irritated due to foul smells coming from the adjacent market. In this context write a letter to the municipal commissioner of your school area to get this issue resolved. Take help of this hint provided below.
Ward no. 08
(9) _____________
The Counsellor
Hooghly Chinsurah Municipality
Mahendra Mitra Road, Pipulpati
West Bengal 712103
Subject: Foul smells from unattended garbages are interrupting school life
(10) _____________ ,
I am a student of class 10 from Uttarpara boys’ high school. Today I am writing this letter to you to highlight the issue of (11) _____________ and how it is interrupting our school life.
We have a large raw materials marketplace in the adjacent area of our school. Due to heavy crowds, the market usually stays very dirty and full of garbage. Recently during the last few weeks, foul smells from that garbage are entering our school, even our classroom. We are feeling quite irritated due to this issue and many of the students are not attending their classes. After inquiry, we got to know that the smell is coming due to unattended garbage in the market area.
So, I would like to request you earnestly, please take some immediate steps to clean those garbage and help us to restore our normal school life.
(12) _____________ ,
Aditya Bansal
From the following choices select the correct option for the blanks in the letter given above.
A. Bottola Road, 72A, Uttarpara
B. 72A, Bottola Road, Uttarpara
C. Uttarpara, 72A, Bottola Road
D. Bottola Road, Uttarpara, 72A
Answer: B
A. 20XX, February 18th
B. 18th February, 20XX
C. February 18, 20XX
D. 18 August, 20XX
Answer: C
A. Dear Sir/Madam
B. Dear sir/madam
C. Sir/Madam
D. Dear sir, madam
Answer: A
A. unattended garbage in the adjacent area of our school
B. unattended garbage
C. unattended garbage in near our school
D. our school’s unattended garbage
Answer: A
A. Yours Faithfully,
B. Yours Sincerely
C. Thanking You
D. Thanks and Regards
Answer: A
MCQs of Business Letters or Official Letters:
Now we will be discussing the potentially important MCQs for the Business or official letters.
You are Subham/Mohini. You are willing to buy an Air conditioner to cope with extreme summers. Write a letter to Sathi electronics, of Etawah, asking them if they sell branded ACs or not. Ask about power requirements, electricity consumption, expected life, guarantee, price, and other relevant details.
- What should be the subject line for the Business letter mentioned above?
A. Inquiry for buying an Air conditioner
B. Want to buy an AC
C. Inquiry about the configuration of an air conditioner
D. Subject isn’t required
Answer: A
- Whom should you write to?
A. The shop owner
B. The Sells Co-ordinator
C. Departmental Supervisor
D. Manager
Answer: D
- How should you approach writing?
A. Polite and Inquiring
B. Friendly and Inquiring
C. Inquiring and Authoritative
D. Professional
Answer: A
- Consider the following statements regarding the proposed Business letter.
1. Describing personal reasons for purchasing can help to grab a good deal.
2. Bargaining statements are necessary to include in the letter.
3. Introducing yourself is a must for such business letters.
Identify the incorrect statement/statements.
A. 1 and 3
B. 3 only
C. 1 and 2
D. 1, 2 and 3
Answer: D
- Fill the blanks with the appropriate options.
I came across your (i) _____________ in the Times of India 9th May, 20XX announcing the (ii) _____________ of inverters at your showroom. I am interested in buying one for my house.
A. (i) Advertisement, (ii)Sell
B. (i) News, (ii) Offer
C. (i) News, (ii) Availability
D. (i) Advertisement, (ii) Offer
Answer: D
- Select the appropriate sequence to describe your concern properly.
1) Where you live. Why do you need the AC?Inquiry about the price. | 2) Mention your reference. State your Requirements.Inquiry about the specs and price |
3) The location of your area. Recommended specification for your room. What is your budget? | 4) The specification that you require. Price up to what you can afford. Asking for an extra offer as a special customer. |
A. Option 1
B. Option 2
C. Option 3
D. Option 4
Answer: B
- Business letters should always make clear
1. Your primary purpose
2. Your basic introduction
3. Your relations with the entity
A. 1 only
B. 1, 2 and 3
C. 2 and 3
D. 1 and 3
Answer: B
- In the following, here’s a sample business letter. Fill in the spaces by choosing the correct options provided next to the letter.
You are Tridib Bharadwaj, the General Manager in the Satoshi Garments company of Lucknow. Write a letter to Manoj Kumar Sanyal, the Chief Executive officer of Hatari Insurance inviting him to an event that is going to take place in your office.
(8) __________
July 1st, 2020
Manoj Kumar Sanyal
Chief Executive officer
Hatari Insurance
Pune, Maharashtra
(9) _____________,
I would like to invite you to a technical event which is going to be conducted in our company. The event will be held on 21st July, afternoon.
This event will introduce new technologies which our company will be implementing in the upcoming months. Also, we will be launching our new products at this great event to the world. The event provides an opportunity for the employees to meet the business leaders and gain knowledge from them. The event will be conducted at our company’s auditorium and last about three hours.
If you are interested in attending the event please let me know that I can reserve a seat for you. Thank you for your precious time. (10) _____________
Tridib Bharadwaj
General Manager
From the following choices select the correct option for the blanks in the letter given above.
Tridib Bharadwaj
Satoshi Garments company
12B Rikivu Street,
Satoshi Garments company
Tridib Bharadwaj
12B Rikivu Street,
Satoshi Garments company
12B Rikivu Street,
Tridib Bharadwaj
Tridib Bharadwaj
General Manager
Satoshi Garments company
12B Rikivu Street,
Answer: A
A. Dear Mr. Sanyal
B. Dear Manoj Kumar Sanyal
C. Sir
D. Hello sir
Answer: A
A. Wish you to meet you soon
B. Hopefully you will attend our event
C. You must come to our event
D. Let me know whether your come or not
Answer: B
A. Yours Faithfully
B. Cordially
C. Thanking You
D. Thanks and Regards
Answer: B
Hopefully, this comprehensive session with model MCQ suggestions has helped you. You should now have clarity about the revised pattern of CBSE from the next term exam. If you have any doubt regarding the whole session, let me know in the comment section below. And, if you like our initiative, let us know that too through some quick comments.
Thank you. Best of luck.
MCQs for CBSE Class 10 English with Answers First Flight Prose:
CHAPTER-1: A Letter To God MCQs
CHAPTER-2: Nelson Mandela MCQs
CHAPTER-3: Two Stories about Flying MCQs
CHAPTER-4: The Hundred Dresses – I
CHAPTER-5: The Hundred Dresses – II