[FREE PDF] The Hundred Dresses Part 2 MCQs | First Flight Chapter 6 [TERM 1]
Dear students, recently CBSE announced that they will be gradually revising the question pattern in the upcoming examinations for almost all subjects, including English. They declared that from now on, at least 50% of the total questions will be multiple-choice based questions (MCQs). Based on this decision of the board, we have decided to come up with sessions discussing model MCQs as per the guidelines.
Our today’s session is going to be focused on MCQs exclusively based on English, chapter 6, ‘The Hundred Dresses – II’.

The Hundred Dresses – II Short Summary
‘The hundred dresses’, written by American author Eleanor Estes (also known as El Bsor Ester), touches on the topic of discrimination against Polish, Italian, Irish and Jewish immigrants in America. In part I, we see how the girls teased and mocked Wanda because of her being different. Part II opens with Miss Mason receiving a note from the Principal’s office. Wanda’s father has written to the school informing them that Wanda and her sibling would no longer be coming to the school. They are going to a big city where they won’t be teased about their ‘funny’ names.
Miss Mason feels disappointed in the students and they feel sad as well. Maddie is ashamed and wants to go say sorry to Wanda. Peggy and Madeline end up going to Wanda’s house after school is over but they find no one there. The Petronski family had already left the place. Maddie feels disturbed and is unable to sleep at night. She decides that she will always stand up for the right and won’t let anyone bully others again. Peggy and Maddie write a letter to Wanda and send it to her. But days pass and they do not receive any reply.
On the last day of school before the Christmas holidays begin, Miss Mason receives a letter from Wanda. Wanda wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and wants Peggy and Madeline to have one of her drawings each. She asks Miss Mason to give Peggy the drawing of a green dress with red trimmings and to Madeline, the blue one. Peggy thinks Wanda has forgiven them and really likes them. However, Madeline is still sad, knowing she will never be able to meet Wanda and make things right between them. Once home, Maddie keeps looking at the drawing she got and realizes that the face resembles her. She rushes to Peggy and they discover that the face on the drawing Peggy received resembles Peggy. Peggy says that Wanda must have really liked them. Thinking about how they treated Wanda makes Madeline teary-eyed.
The Hundred Dresses – II MCQs With Answers
- Eleanor Estes was also known as-
A. Eleanor Roosevelt
B. El P Estes
C. El Bsor Ester
D. Eleanor P Ester
Answer: C. El Bsor Ester
2. Who brought the note from the Principal’s office to Miss Mason?
A. The monitor from the Principal’s office
B. The monitor from room thirteen
C. The class teacher
D. A staff
Answer: A. The monitor from the Principal’s office
3. What is the name of Wanda’s father?
A. William Petronski
B. Will Petronski
C. Jan Petronski
D. William Bounce
Answer: C. Jan Petronski
4. What do you mean by ‘listened closely’?
A. Listened with attention
B. Came close to listen
C. Listened without paying attention
D. Listened and went away
Answer: A. Listened with attention
5. What is the name of Wanda’s sibling?
A. Will Petronski
B. Ben Petronski
C. Jake Petronski
D. Jan Petronski
Answer: C. Jake Petronski
6. “I prefer to think that what was said was said in thoughtlessness.” Why does Miss Mason utter these words?
A. Wanda’s father, in his letter, had said that their family is going to a big city where his kids wouldn’t be mocked because of their ‘funny’ name. Miss Mason wants the class to know that she would like to believe that no one purposely bullied the kids.
B. Miss Mason thinks Wanda’s father is being thoughtless.
C. Miss Mason thinks Wanda is being thoughtless.
D. Miss Mason is angry at the students.
Answer: A. Wanda’s father, in his letter, had said that their family is going to a big city where his kids wouldn’t be mocked because of their ‘funny’ name. Miss Mason wants the class to know that she would like to believe that no one purposely bullied the kids.
7. What does Miss Mason think of Wanda leaving the school?
A. She thinks it is a sad and unfortunate situation.
B. She is happy about it.
C. She is angry.
D. She is unbothered about it.
Answer: A. She thinks it is a sad and unfortunate situation.
8. How does Maddie feel after listening to the note from Wanda’s father?
A. She was unbothered and didn’t think she had done anything wrong.
B. She is sad and wants to break her friendship with Peggy.
C. She is angry and wants to talk to Wanda.
D. She is disappointed in herself and feels like a coward for not standing up for Wanda.
Answer: D. She is disappointed in herself and feels like a coward for not standing up for Wanda.
9. What does Maddie want to tell Wanda about her and the hundred dresses?
A. That she is smart but the dresses are ugly.
B. That she is smart and the hundred dresses are beautiful.
C. That she is ugly but the dresses are beautiful.
D. That she doesn’t like any of them.
Answer: B. That she is smart and the hundred dresses are beautiful.
10. What does ‘damp and dismal’ mean?
A. Wet, sad, hopeless
B. Wet and gross
C. Wet and muddy
D. Depressing
Answer: A. Wet, sad, hopeless
11. Where did Peggy and Maddie decide to go after school?
A. To the park near Hill road
B. To the garden opposite Oliver Street
C. To Wanda’s house in Boggins Heights
D. To the theatre
Answer: C. To Wanda’s house in Boggins Heights
12. What was the colour of Wanda’s house?
A. Red
B. Pink
C. Blue
D. White
Answer: D. White
13. What was the similarity between Wanda’s house and her blue dress?
A. Both were faded and blue
B. Both were shabby but clean
C. Both were in a bad condition
D. Both were beautiful
Answer: B. Both were shabby but clean
14. What does it mean to make amends?
A. To show that one is sorry by doing something good.
B. To bake cakes together.
C. To play together.
D. To ask the other person to say sorry.
Answer: A. To show that one is sorry by doing something good.
15. What lesson did Maddie learn?
A. To stand up for what is right and never stay silent when someone is being bullied.
B. To support Peggy irrespective of everything.
C. To focus on her studies.
D. To help her mother at home.
Answer: A. To stand up for what is right and never stay silent when someone is being bullied.
16. What does picking on someone mean?
A. Picking someone up
B. Picking something up
C. Unfairly criticising someone
D. Treating someone kindly
Answer: C. Unfairly criticising someone
17. What are cornucopias?
A. A type of corn
B. A type of cereal
C. A type of animal
D. Decorative containers filled with flowers or fruits, symbolising plenty
Answer: D. Decorative containers filled with flowers or fruits, symbolising plenty
18. Which day of the week do Peggy and Maddie spend writing a letter to Wanda?
A. Monday
B. Tuesday
C. Saturday
D. Sunday
Answer: C. Saturday
19. Why did Maddie and Peggy write “please forward” on the envelope?
A. They didn’t know Wanda’s new address.
B. They wanted the letter to be delivered fast.
C. The letter would return to them if left undelivered.
D. It is a custom.
Answer: A. They didn’t know Wanda’s new address.
20. How did Maddie put herself to sleep at night?
A. By going to bed early.
B. By finishing her homework early.
C. By imagining situations in her head where she would defend and protect Wanda from being bullied.
D. By talking to Wanda in her dreams.
Answer: C. By imagining situations in her head where she would defend and protect Wanda from being bullied.
21. How was the classroom decorated for Christmas?
A. There was a Santa doll and a Christmas tree.
B. There were Christmas bells and a small Christmas tree.
C. There were Christmas bells and a large Christmas tree.
D. There was a Santa doll and Christmas bells.
Answer: B. There were Christmas bells and a small Christmas tree.
22. When did the teacher receive the letter from Wanda?
A. On the last day of school before the Christmas holidays
B. On the second last day of school before the Christmas holidays
C. On the day before Christmas
D. Two days before Christmas
Answer: A. On the last day of school before the Christmas holidays
23. Wanda asked Miss Mason to give Peggy one of her dress designs. What was the colour of the dress in the drawing?
A. Faded blue
B. Green with red trimmings
C. Blue with white trimmings
D. Green with a red sash
Answer: B. Green with red trimmings
24. Wanda asked Miss Mason to give Madeline one of her dress designs. What was the colour of the dress in the drawing?
A. White and pink
B. Green
C. Red
D. Blue
Answer: D. Blue
25. Why was Maddie sad even after receiving a drawing from Wanda as a gift?
A. Because she knew she would never be able to see Wanda again and make things right between them.
B. Because she wanted another drawing.
C. Because she didn’t want the drawing.
D. Because she was not feeling well.
Answer: A. Because she knew she would never be able to see Wanda again and make things right between them.
26. What was the colour of the wallpaper in Madeline’s bedroom?
A. Faded blue
B. Floral pink
C. Red
D. Green
Answer: B. Floral pink
27. What does Maddie discover about the drawing Wanda gave her?
A. The face resembles Miss Mason
B. The face resembles Wanda
C. The face resembles Maddie
D. The face is not recognisable
Answer: C. The face resembles Maddie
- Choose the personality trait that does not match the following people:
27. Peggy
A. Introverted
B. Sarcastic
C. Thoughtless
D. Arrogant
Answer: A. Introverted
28. Wanda
A. Introverted
B. Kind
C. Talented
D. Cruel
Answer: D. Cruel
29. Madeline
A. Lonely
B. Timid
C. Placid
D. Stolid
Answer: A. Lonely
- Choose the appropriate meaning of the following phrasal verbs:
30. The Monday morning blues
A. a special welcome
B. of noble birth or from a royal family
C. sadness or depression after a weekend of fun
D. the sign or permission to begin an action
Answer: C. sadness or depression after a weekend of fun
31. Go red in the face
A. of noble birth or from a royal family
B. a dishonest person with no sense of right or wrong
C. feel embarrassed/angry/ashamed
D. feel very sick as if about to vomit
Answer: C. feel embarrassed/angry/ashamed
32. Look green
A. of noble birth or from a royal family
B. a special welcome
C. a dishonest person with no sense of right or wrong
D. feel very sick as if about to vomit
Answer: D. feel very sick as if about to vomit
33. The red carpet
A. a special welcome
B. of noble birth or from a royal family
C. a dishonest person with no sense of right or wrong
D. in an unlawful act; while doing something wrong
Answer: A. a special welcome
34. Blue-blooded
A. a special welcome
B of noble birth or from a royal family
C a dishonest person with no sense of right or wrong
D feel embarrassed/angry/ashamed
Answer: B. of noble birth or from a royal family
35. A green belt
A. an area of a subject or a situation where matters are not very clear
B. land around a town or city where construction is prohibited by law
C. a photographic print of building plans; a detailed plan or scheme
D. a sign of surrender or acceptance of defeat; a wish to stop fighting
Answer: B. land around a town or city where construction is prohibited by law
36. Black guard
A. of noble birth or from a royal family
B. a special welcome
C. a dishonest person with no sense of right or wrong
D. an area of a subject or a situation where matters are not very clear
Answer: C. a dishonest person with no sense of right or wrong
37. A grey area
A. an area of a subject or a situation where matters are not very clear
B. land around a town or city where construction is prohibited by law
C. a photographic print of building plans; a detailed plan or scheme
D. a dishonest person with no sense of right or wrong
Answer: A. an area of a subject or a situation where matters are not very clear
38. A white flag
A. a special welcome
B. the sign or permission to begin an action
C. feel embarrassed/angry/ashamed
D. a sign of surrender or acceptance of defeat; a wish to stop fighting
Answer: D. a sign of surrender or acceptance of defeat; a wish to stop fighting
39. A blue print
A. of noble birth or from a royal family
B. a photographic print of building plans; a detailed plan or scheme
C. land around a town or city where construction is prohibited by law
D. the sign or permission to begin an action
Answer: B. a photographic print of building plans; a detailed plan or scheme
40. Red-handed
A. in an unlawful act; while doing something wrong
B. a dishonest person with no sense of right or wrong
C. a sign of surrender or acceptance of defeat; a wish to stop fighting
D. the sign or permission to begin an action
Answer: A. in an unlawful act; while doing something wrong
41. The green light
A. a special welcome
B. the sign or permission to begin an action
C. sadness or depression after a weekend of fun
D. feel very sick as if about to vomit
Answer: Try answering this question in the comment section below and to know the right answer please join our Telegram Channel.
These were our model MCQs based on the chapter, ‘The Hundred Dresses – II’. I hope that going through this session helped you gain an understanding of the question mentality and demand of CBSE. For your further help, you can download this entire session and store it as a PDF. If you have liked this initiative and found the session useful, kindly leave a quick comment to let us know. Besides, if you want me to cover such MCQ sessions on any specific topic of English literature/language, please let us know that as well.
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MCQs for CBSE Class 10 English with Answers First Flight Prose:
CHAPTER-1: A Letter To God MCQs
CHAPTER-2: Nelson Mandela MCQs
CHAPTER-3: Two Stories about Flying MCQs
CHAPTER-4: The Hundred Dresses – I
CHAPTER-5: The Hundred Dresses – II