[FREE PDF] A Letter To God MCQs | CBSE Class 10 English Chapter 1 [TERM 1]
Dear students, with the pandemic contained, academic activities are now resuming gradually after a long pause. With the changing demand of time, CBSE is also trying to bring significant changes in various academic approaches. CBSE has declared that from now on, at least 50% of the total questions will be multiple-choice based questions (MCQs).
Based on this decision of the board, we have decided to come up with sessions discussing model MCQs as per the guidelines. Previously on our website, we have covered the entire syllabus of the writing skill part through multiple sessions containing dedicated MCQs on Letter writing, classified advertisements, Notice Writing, etc. Now, this is the beginning of our new series under which we are going to cover the prose and poetry section of the class 10 English syllabus one by one. This particular session is going to be focused on MCQs exclusively based on chapter 1, ‘A letter to God’.

A Letter to God Short Summary
‘A letter to God’ is written by G.L. Fuentes. A Mexican poet, novelist, and journalist, he was one of the greatest writers of his time. The story revolves around a farmer named ‘Lencho’ and is based in a Latin American country. Lencho’s house is the only one in the valley, where he lives with his wife and sons. He has a field of ripe corn and is hoping for a downpour of rain which would guarantee a good harvest. As his wife calls the family for supper, rain starts to fall. Lencho is overjoyed and goes outdoors to enjoy the rain.
However, in no time, a strong wind begins to blow and brings a hailstorm. His sons run out to collect the hails that look like silver coins. Lencho gets worried because hail is not good for his crops and wishes for the storm to stop. The storm calms down after an hour and leaves the house, garden, field, and valley covered in hail. The family is filled with sorrow as the crop is all destroyed and wonder how they would survive without food for a year. But they have hope in their hearts. An unshakeable faith that God would help them.
The following Sunday, Lencho writes a letter addressed to God, asking for a hundred pesos to be able to sow his field again and to survive until the crop comes. He goes to the town and drops the letter in the post office mailbox. A postman who also helps at the post office sees his letter and laughing heartily, takes it to the postmaster. The postmaster finds it amusing as well, but seeing the faith of Lencho, decides to help him. He collects money from his employees, friends, and himself gives a part of his salary, and is able to put together a sum of seventy pesos. He puts the money in an envelope for Lencho and signs it as ‘God’.
The next Sunday, Lencho comes to the post office and asks if there is a letter for him. The postman hands him the envelope. Lencho doesn’t seem surprised, having full faith in God, opens the envelope. However, seeing the discrepancy in amount, he gets angry, asks for paper and ink, and again begins to write a letter to God. He knows God couldn’t have made a mistake, so it must be the post office employees. He puts a stamp on the letter and drops it in the mail. The postmaster, filled with the contentment of having done a good deed, opens the letter to see that Lencho has complained to God and asked him to send the rest of the money. Ironically enough, he has asked the money to not be sent via the post office as he doubts the employees of having taken the money.
A Letter To God MCQs with Answers
With respect to a Money Order form, answer the following questions:
- In addition to the sender, a Money Order form has to be signed by the _______.
A. Receiver
B. Payer
C. Paying Official
D. Payee
Answer: C. Paying Official
2. The ‘Acknowledgement’ section of the form is sent back by the post office to the ________ after the _______ signs it.
A. sender, receiver
B. receiver, the sender
C. sender, paying official
D. paying official, receiver
Answer: A. sender, receiver
3. The ‘Space for Communication’ section is used for _______.
A. Signature of the sender
B. Signature of receiver
C. Writing a message
D. Signature of paying official
Answer: C. Writing a message
4. The form has six sections. The sender needs to fill out _______ sections and the receiver ________.
A. (1st, 4th, and 5th), (2nd and 3rd)
B. (1st, 3rd, and 2nd), (4th and 5th)
C. (1st and 2nd), (3rd, 4th, and 5th)
D. (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th), (5th)
Answer: B. (1st, 3rd, and 2nd), (4th and 5th)
5. The rain clouds approached Lencho’s field from which direction?
A. East-West
B. North-East
C. North-West
D. South-East
Answer: B. North-East
6. How long did the hail rain on Lencho’s field?
A. 10 minutes
B. 30 minutes
C. 1 hour
D. 2 hours
Answer: C. 1 hour
7. What does ‘crest’ mean?
A. Valley
B. Mountain or hill
C. Top of a hill
D. Top of a hut
Answer: C. Top of a hill
8. What does ‘draped’ mean?
A. Covered (with cloth)
B. Cloth
C. Roof
D. Fallen crops
Answer: A. Covered (with cloth)
9. What are locusts?
A. Another word for ‘location’
B. A swarm of bees
C. Name of a hailstorm
D. Grasshopper like insects which fly in big swarms and destroy crops
Answer: D. Grasshopper like insects which fly in big swarms and destroy crops
10. What did the big drops of rain resemble?
A. Silver coins
B. Gold coins
C. Ocean pearls
D. Old coins
Answer: A. Silver coins
11. Why did Lencho say the raindrops were like ‘new coins’?
A. They were going to make him rich by giving him a good crop.
B. Coins were raining from the sky.
C. The rainwater would give him new coins.
D. He was going to save the water and sell it.
Answer: A. They were going to make him rich by giving him a good crop.
12. What crops did Lencho grow in his fields?
A. Corn
B. Rice
C. Wheat
D. Barley
Answer: A. Corn
13. What happened to Lencho’s field?
A. It was destroyed by locusts
B. It was destroyed by a hailstorm
C. The crops failed because of draught
D. The crops failed because of pests
Answer: B. It was destroyed by a hailstorm
14. What were Lencho’s feelings when the hail stopped?
A. He was happy.
B. He was eager to plant new crops.
C. He was sorrowful to see his crops destroyed.
D. He wished for locusts to attack his crops.
Answer: C. He was sorrowful to see his crops destroyed.
15. What hope did Lencho and his family hold on to?
A. Help from Go
B. Help from the government
C. Help from neighbours
D. Help from landlords
Answer: A. Help from God
16. What did Lencho hope for from God?
A. 1 hundred pesos
B. New crop of corn
C. Sending rain clouds
D. Making the soil fertile
Answer: A. 1 hundred pesos
17. On which day of the week, Lencho wrote a letter to God?
A. Monday
B. Tuesday
C. Friday
D. Sunday
Answer: D. Sunday
18. What does ‘conscience’ mean?
A. inner sense of right and wrong
B. Aware and responsive
C. A plan or intention
D. An abstract idea
Answer: A. Inner sense of right and wrong
19. What is the meaning of ‘amiable’?
A. Displaying a friendly and pleasant manner
B. Not having a friendly manner
C. Rude and arrogant
D. Ability to make people laugh
Answer: A. Displaying a friendly and pleasant manner
20. Why did the postman and the postmaster laugh reading Lencho’s letter?
A. Because the letter was addressed to ‘God’.
B. Because he didn’t sign it properly.
C. Because the letter was funny.
D. Because they thought Lencho didn’t know how to write.
Answer: A. Because the letter was addressed to ‘God’.
21. Why did the postmaster decide to help Lencho?
A. He had a lot of money.
B. He wanted to help grief-stricken farmers.
C. He appreciated Lencho’s faith in God.
D. He was a charitable man.
Answer: C. He appreciated Lencho’s faith in God.
22. How much money was delivered to Lencho?
A. 1 hundred pesos
B. 50 pesos
C. 70 pesos
D. 75 pesos
Answer: C. 70 pesos
23. Why did Lencho get angry about receiving the letter from God?
A. The money was less than what he had asked for.
B. God didn’t reply to him.
C. God didn’t want to help him.
D. God said he will get only half the money.
Answer: A. The money was less than what he had asked for.
24. Who does Lencho think has taken the rest of the money?
A. God
B. The postmaster
C. The post office employees
D. Letter delivery man
Answer: C. The post office employees
25. Why is the situation at the end of the story ironic?
A. Because God didn’t answer Lencho despite his faith.
B. Because Lencho got angry at God who helped him.
C. Because the postmaster wanted to help Lencho but Lencho thought they were the ones who took his money.
D. Because God sent only half the money.
Answer: C. Because the postmaster wanted to help Lencho but Lencho thought they were the ones who took his money.
26. Which word is not a synonym for “storm”?
A. Gale
B. Loch
C. Whirlwind
D. Typhoon
Answer: B. Loch
27. What does a ‘hailstorm’ mean?
A. Heavy rain
B. Thunderstorm
C. Thunder and lightning
D. A storm of heavy hail
Answer: D. A storm of heavy hail
28. ‘Peso’ is the currency of which country/group of countries?
A. Philippines
B. Latin America
C. Several countries in America
D. Philippines and several countries in Latin America
Answer: D. Philippines and several countries in Latin America
29. “They say faith can move ____.”
A. Hills
B. Houses
C. Mountains
D. Rivers
Answer: C. Mountains
30. How many houses were there in the entire valley?
A. One
B. Two
C. Five
D. Hundred
Answer: A. One
31. What was the woman doing before the rain began to fall?
A. Sweeping the house
B. Preparing supper for the family
C. Washing dishes
D. Working in the fields
Answer: B. Preparing supper for the family
32. Why did the boys run out in the rain?
A. To protect the crops
B. To collect frozen pearls/hail
C. To dance in the rain
D. Because their father asked them to go
Answer: B. To collect frozen pearls/hail
33. What did the hail-covered field and valleys resemble?
A. White sand
B. White pearls
C. Salt
D. Snow
Answer: Try answering this question in the comment section below. To know the right answer to the question join us on Telegram.
These were our model MCQs based on the chapter, ‘A letter to God’. I hope that going through this session helped you gain a holistic understanding of the questioning mentality and demand of CBSE. For your further help, you can download this entire session and store it as a PDF. If you have liked this initiative and found the session useful, kindly leave a quick comment to let us know. Besides, if you want me to cover such MCQ sessions on any specific topic/story of English literature/language, please let us know that as well. If you want to go through the important sessions we have already conducted keep browsing our website.
To get the latest updates about our upcoming sessions, please join our telegram channel. Thank you for being with us. Have an excellent exam ahead.
MCQs for CBSE Class 10 English with Answers First Flight Prose:
CHAPTER-1: A Letter To God MCQs
CHAPTER-2: Nelson Mandela MCQs
CHAPTER-3: Two Stories about Flying MCQs
CHAPTER-4: The Hundred Dresses – I
CHAPTER-5: The Hundred Dresses – II