[Free PDF] MCQs of Classified Advertisement | Q&A | CBSE Class 12 [TERM 1]
Dear students, through a recent video conference, CBSE has announced that they will be revising their question pattern for the upcoming examinations. So, question patterns for almost all subjects are going to be changed from your term exam. It is high time to be prepared with the new pattern suggested by CBSE.
Moreover, from now, at least 50% of the total questions will be in MCQ form for all subjects. The same applies to English writing skill tests too. Apart from this, CBSE has notified that MCQs based on the format of various English writings will no longer be asked. Rather, the questions will be framed to test the students’ overall comprehension skills more efficiently.
Based on this urgent notification released by CBSE, we decided to come up with suggestive model question papers on various types of English comprehensions that come exclusively under CBSE’s syllabus. We have previously covered a few such sessions on suggestive model question papers of Letters Writing MCQs and Notice Writing MCQs. To read them, I recommend you to take a tour of our website.
Our today’s session is going to be focused on MCQs based on classified advertisement writing. I suggest you please try to understand the questioning approach and mentality of CBSE through the following model question. That will help you the most to score well in your upcoming exams.

Classified Advertising MCQs With Answers:
- For what purposes classified advertisements can be written?
A. For recruitment purpose
B. For sell purpose
C. Auction
D. All of the above
Answer: D
2. You have to write a classified advertisement for a recruitment purpose in an office. Select the appropriate points that must be mentioned in the advert.
i. The salary
ii. The job profile
iii. The designation
iv. Contact details
A. ii and iv only
B. i, ii, iii, iv
C. ii, iii, and iv only
D. i, iii, and iv only
Answer: D
3. What tone should you always maintain while writing an advert?
A. Formal and brief
B. Professional and detailed
C. Appealing and brief
D. Dull but detailed
Answer: A
4. Which of the following is not mandatory for classified advertisement writing?
A. Publishing date
B. Contact Details
C. Title
D. Subject in brief
Answer: D
5. Suppose you are an employer who has to write an advert for a vacant position in your company. Which of the following titles will be appropriate for your advert?
A. Position Vacant
B. Employee wanted
C. Open walk-in-interview
D. None of the above
Answer: A
6. What is the basic difference between classified advertisement and display advertisement?
A. Display adverts are larger in size
B. Display advertisements are more colourful & attractive
C. Huge difference in cost
D. None of these
Answer: D
7. You are asked to write a classified advertisement for a recruitment purpose in your office. In which tense should you write the advert?
A. Present and past
B. Present
C. Future and Present
D. Past
Answer: B
8. Which of the following is mandatory for classified advertisement writing?
i. Date
ii. Salutation
iii. Contact details
iv. Official address
A. i and iv only
B. i, ii, iii, and iv
C. i and iii only
D. i, iii, and iv
Answer: D
9. Which of the following classified advertisements need a brief description?
A. Description is not required in advertisements
B. Missing
C. Walk-in-interview
D. Matrimonial
Answer: C
10. How would you like to refer to classified advertisements?
A. Public announcement
B. Private ceremonial adverts
C. Both Public and Private announcements
D. None of the above
Answer: A
11. Choose the appropriate approach to write a classified advertisement.
A. Complete sentences
B. Attractive individual words
C. Questions in brief
D. Phrases
Answer: D
Your Grandfather 75 has been missing for the last three days. Draft an advertisement in not more than 50 words for the Missing Person column of any national newspaper. You are Rahul. Contact number 8562699856
12. Which of the following physical descriptions you should not mention in the classified advertisement writing on the topic mentioned above?
A. Hair colour
B. Skin colour
C. Attire he last wore
D. Height
E. All of the above is necessary
Answer: E
13. Whom should you address in this advertisement?
A. The grandfather himself
B. The newspaper editor
C. The public
D. No need to address anyone
Answer: D
14. Why should you write the specific advertisement in brief?
i. There are charges for each word
ii. Brief description will help to attract people’s attention
iii. It’ll be easy for grandfather to notice the advert and return
iv. It’ll be easy for everyone to read
A. i only
B. i, iii, and iv only
C. i and ii only
D. i, ii, iv only
Answer: C
15. How important is it to declare awards for the person who finds your grandfather?
A. Very important
B. Not Mandatory
C. Somewhat important
D. Should not be declared
Answer: B
(16) ……………………An experienced female English teacher as a private tutor for an IX standard girl. (17)…………………… should have at least 7 years experience of teaching English in any institution. She should be a strict disciplinarian to be able to deal with the student on a stem note. (18)…………………… no constraint for the right candidate. Apply with (19)…………………………….. to Rajesh Mukherjee, 28, Minto Park, Kolkata: 700019.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate phrases
A. Wanted
B. Private Tutor Required
C. Tutor Needed
D. Contact for Private Tuition
Answer: A
A. The teacher
B. She
C. Candidate
D. The Candidate
Answer: C
A. Fees
B. Salary
C. The remuneration
D. Remuneration
Answer: D
A. Biodata
B. Complete details
C. Resume
D. Proper certificates
Answer: B
21. Suppose you are writing an advertisement seeking a job. Which following type of classified advertisement would you choose as the appropriate one?
A. Need Job
B. Situation Wanted
C. Accommodation Waned
D. Accommodation Vacant
Try answering this question yourself in the comment section below. To know the right answer to this question, join our Telegram channel.
That was all about our comprehensive session on suggestive model question answers for your next term exam as per the regulation released by CBSE. I hope after going through this session thoroughly, you have understood the pattern in which CBSE is going to ask you MCQs on classified advertisements. So, from now on, instead of focusing on memorizing the format, try to develop your overall writing skill. To go through sessions specifically on various types of English comprehension, I would like to request you to check our website once. It is exclusively designed to help students like you.
If you find this session helpful, let us know through the comment section below. Moreover, if you have any doubts regarding this session, please post them through comments. And to get updates on our upcoming sessions, please join our telegram channel.
Thank you. Best of luck with your exam.