Sentence in English Grammar with Examples [PDF]
In this article, we are going to discuss What is Sentence in English Grammar, and we are going to see it’s types and examples. So let’s dive into the article. To download the lesson in PDF format, please find the downloadable link attached below in the article.

Definition of Sentence:
A group of words that is complete in itself, typically containing a subject, modifier, and predicate, conveying a statement, question, exclamation, or command, and consisting of a main clause and sometimes one or more subordinate clauses. In daily life, people use sentences in both speech and writing.
A sentence is used to communicate a fact, a request, ask a question, and to express strong emotion.
Example of sentences is given below:
- I do not know a way to market.
- I enjoyed the cake that you brought for me.
- The girl ran into the living room.
The sentence has several parts combining various parts of speech, and each section has its importance in a sentence or purpose of your writing.
The following are the required parts of a sentence.
A subject is that part of a sentence that tells who or what the sentence is about. The subject can be noun, pronoun or noun phrase. The subject comes before the verb phrase in a sentence.
For example,
- Kelly walked down the street.
- The black cat is sleeping.
- Kelly and the black cat are the subjects of the sentences.
There are also different types of subjects. A simple, a complete subject and a compound subject.
A simple subject is only a word without any modifiers having a noun or pronoun whereas a whole subject a sentence with all modifiers and a compound subject made up of more than one subject element.
For example,
- Seema is a thin girl (simple subject).
- Kate’s poem about his mother made the class cry (complete subject).
- Paul and Nikhil joined the badminton team at the same time (compound subject).
A predicate is that part of a sentence which includes the verb and everything that follows it. A predicate consists of the verb and can also contain phrases, clauses and modifying words.
For example,
- Tommy walked down the street.
In the above example “walked” is an action verb that tells what Tommy is doing and “down the street” is an adverb phrase that modifies the verb by explaining where he walked. Combining all the words make up a complete predicate of the sentence, and the verb alone is a simple predicate. A compound predicate consists of two different actions.
For example,
- Kate cried (simple predicate).
- The cat slowly runs towards the food (complete predicate).
- She laughed at the dog’s activities and decided to adopt him.
A complement in a sentence includes adjective, noun or pronoun that is followed by a linking verb.
For example,
- Brandon is a gifted athlete.
Brandon is a subject, is – linking verb and athlete is a noun as a subject complement.
Modifiers are those words or part of a sentence which gives additional information of a sentence. The thing that you have to remember in about modifier is adjectives modify nouns and pronouns, while adverb modifies verbs and adjectives.
For example,
- The blue boat sank.
- The ship slowly sank.
In the first example, the adjective modifies the subject, and in the second example, the adverb modifies the simple predicate.
Types of a sentence
Depending on the way of writing there are mainly four types of sentences.
- A simple or declarative sentence
- Command or imperative sentence
- Question or interrogative sentence
- Exclamatory sentence

A brief about all types of sentences:
Declarative Sentence
This is the most common type of sentence. These are a simple sentence and can be in any tense. These good sentences make statements, fact or opinion. The primary purpose of these sentences is to relay information. The sentence can be simple or compound sentence having a subject and a predicate. The declarative sentence tells the reader what is going on only.
For example,
- He runs.
- I like singing.
- My dog is brown.
- I love to do skating.
- He wants to eat cookies.
You can easily observe that the above example are simple.
Interrogative Sentences
These type of sentences ask or interrogate questions. These sentences are punctuated by a question mark and are direct questions. Mostly interrogative sentences start with why, whom, what, how, where. It is essential to know that the interrogative sentences need a noun and a verb to complete.
For example,
- Why does the sunshine?
- Who is the present governor of India?
- Where is the Gateway of India?
Imperative Sentence
Imperative sentences do not directly state the fact; instead, they tell someone to do something. The subject in this sentence may be missing. These sentences make requests and make commands. The important thing is that imperative sentences end with a period. The sentence tells people what to do. These are also referred to as directive sentences as the sentence provide direction.
For example,
- Pass the sugar.
- Shut the front door.
- Keep quiet.
- Clean your room.
- Use oil in the pain.
All the case above giving the direction to be work done.
Exclamatory Sentence
Exclamatory sentences are similar to the declarative sentences which make a statement instead of asking a question. The primary purpose of these sentences is to express strong emotion. These sentences are easily identified as they end with an exclamation mark instead of a period.
For example,
- How well he sings!
- Wow, he just won a silver medal!
- She is going to fall!
- I got movie tickets!
Exclamatory words [External Link] are used in the sentence. These are the words that express strong emotion, anger, and pleasure. These sentences are mainly used in emails and texts. They are rare in business and minimum used in academic writing.
Some exclamatory words which show some emotion and anger are alas! Represents feeling of worry and sadness, Um! Represents feeling of hesitation, Yum! Represents a feeling of pleasant taste and smell when you start a sentence with an exclamatory word you have to place either a comma or exclamatory mark after the word.
For example,
- Ah, what a wonderful gift!
This is all about the sentence its parts and types. Learn about the sentence to increase your knowledge.
A Must Watch Video lesson on Sentences
This is the whole explanation of Sentences in English Grammar, I hope you liked this lesson, if you have any doubts, feel free to ask in the comment section.
References [External Links]:
- Sentence | Definition of Sentence at
- Sentence Examples | Examples of Words Used in a Sentence