Report Writing on Blood Donation Camp Organized by Your School [2 Examples With PDF]
In this article, I’ll show how you can write a report on the blood donation camp easily. So without further delay let’s dive into it.

Example 1
Write a report on a blood donation camp organized by your college on the basis of the following points:
Date: 17th July 2020, Place: M.U.C Women’s College, Burdwan, West Bengal, Attendees: 6 doctors and 8 nurses from Burdwan Medical College and Hospital and also students and professors, Organized by: NSS Unit of the College.
Blood Donation Camp
Reported by: Ananya Jain, Member, NSS
July 18, 2020; M.U.C College: A great initiative of organizing a blood donation camp was taken by M.U.C Women’s College, Burdwan, West Bengal on 17th July 2020, Friday on the college campus by the NSS Unit of the college.
The blood donation program was held from 10:30 am the morning. All the students along with the professors were seen to take greater initiative.
The camp started at exactly 10:30 morning with a Bengali prayer song by beautiful girls wearing red and white sarees followed by a short speech from the principal.
A group of 6 doctors and 8 nurses who were from Burdwan Medical College and Hospital were present on the campus for conducting the camp. The donors were asked to fill out a medical form to give details about their health-related information.
Before the donation, checking weight, pressure, and body temperature were measured so that the one donating blood does have to face further. The program was held in the physical education room of the college’s new building.
The one donating blood was taken to the relaxation room for the rest of a few minutes and given certificates and refreshments. The college assured that the donor card will reach the respective ones in the coming dates.
The professors of respective departments along with the principal took part in this great program organized by the college. The principal acknowledged the college authority and the college NSS Unit for such great initiative and said to have more such programs.
The students and teachers were asked to share their views about their feeling about blood donation by the covering media channels and were printed the next day in the newspaper columns.
Example 2
Write a report on a blood donation camp organized by your school on the basis of the following points:
Date: 17th July 2020, Place: Radhaswayam Vidyalaya, Kolkata, West Bengal, Attendees: 2 doctors and few nurses and also students and teachers, Organized by: NSS Unit of the school, Blood Units collected: 79.
Blood Donation Camp
Reported by: Sukrit Roy, Secretary, NSS
July 22, 2020; Radhaswayam Vidyalaya: On a fine morning of 21st February 2020, Radhaswayam Vidyalaya, Kolkata organized a blood donation camp, the initiative was taken by the NSS unit of the school in accordance with the blood bank of the Medical College of Kolkata.
The team from the Medical College of Kolkata including 2 doctors and a few nurses arrived at the school premises before the scheduled time and the program started exactly at 10:00 as earlier notified.
Dr. Sanjay Karmakar was regarded as the Chief guest and was given a warm floral welcome and was asked to say a few words, he highlighted the importance of this program and said this should be organized by every school.
The first initiatives were taken by the teachers including Dev Viraj Assistant teacher of English, Miss Lakshmi Ray teacher of Zoology and the NSS Officer, Sapna Singhania as they inaugurated the blood donation camp.
Later, other teachers, students, non-teaching staff of the school, and alumni students all donated blood. The donors were given refreshments to reenergize them as energy boosters. The donors were also provided with blood donating certificates by the Kolkata Medical College.
A total of 79 units of blood were collected in total and the program went on till 2:30 pm. The school cooperated greatly with the medical team and was provided with the afternoon lunch.
The team was too very satisfied with the program by the school as it was the second time they were conducting this camp in this school and they always have had a positive view of the school.
The principal of the school thanked the N.S.S co-ordinator of the school Dr S.V. Sukthankar and asked others even to host many more such programs on the campus.
Now I Would like to Hear What You Have to Say
There you have it, report writing on blood donation camp organized by your school or college.
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