Essay on My Aim in Life to Become an Engineer [PDF]
Hey Guys, hope you are good, today we are going to present an essay on my aim to become an engineer, so let’s dive into the essay.
This Essay is Formatted For Class 4 | Class 5 | Class 6 | Class 7 | Class 8 | Class 9

The world is full of choices. One of the questions I always hated to be asked was, what do you want to be when you grow up? I hated that question because I was not ready to make that career decision yet and it reminded me that I had a lot of choices to make.
As time went on, that question got asked less and less because my parents’ friends got tired of hearing ‘I don’t know’ from me all the time. At the time I didn’t know what adult career I wanted to do. I was enjoying my growing up years.
But as time went on I started to think about what I was good at and if I could make a living making a career out of that activity. I enjoy sports, but I never felt I was good enough to be a professional cricket player or soccer star.
Also, I was good at reading and writing but no one pays readers very well and my writing is not what others would say very well for professional reporters, journalists or fiction writers. I was good at writing letters but there is no demand for personal letter writing.
There was one characteristic I had that I felt I had a shot at turning into a career. I like building things and I enjoy math and similar subjects. As I thought about it engineers get to do exciting construction projects and they get to travel to exotic locations if they are talented enough.
With my math skills and my desire to build I thought being an engineer was a perfect fit. Besides, being an engineer puts me into a position where I can take scientific theory and discoveries and turn them into real objects.
You know like the tricorder or photon gun the Start Trek actors used in their movies and t.v. shows. Or the hologram deck could become a better reality and entertainment tool just because an engineer worked on it.
As I thought about it, I didn’t think I was that good so I lowered my sights a little bit and focused on making bridges better or developing a better way to drain sewage so it does not harm a community or society.
Also, with the myriad of mountains and rivers, dams and tunnels are always needed to help protect the environment and create better transportation options. Those aspects of engineering appealed to me.
There is just one glitch to my plan. I have to study for many years before I can put my talents to work. It is not going to be an easy road to follow as there are degrees to get and tests to pass but I think I can do it and do those things well.
Being an engineer is rewarding as one gets to see the results of their labor fairly quickly. While it is not an instantaneous reward, it still builds confidence and that confidence will help me design better projects that help a lot of people.
Plus, I like the idea that my projects and work would make life a little easier for other people to live. It is a better career than being a banker where my math skills would only be used to count money at the end of the day.
While bankers are needed, I do not need banking. I like the social impact an engineer can make and the pay is quite nice once a person gets a little experience under their belts. Yet the money is not the most appealing aspect of engineering for me. It helps but it is not my sole motivating factor.
Seeing my projects become a reality and that they are safe to use after construction is very rewarding indeed. That is why my aim to be an engineer is so important to me.
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