Write a Newspaper Report on Electricity Load-shedding in Your Area [With PDF]


Load-shedding or electricity cut off is one of the most common problems of daily human life in some areas of developing countries like India. Probably because of that, a trend of newspaper report writing on load-shedding has always been noticed to come in various examinations.

In the next following session, we are going to write a few such reports explaining everything that is necessary for examinations.

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Example 1


By Special Correspondent


June 23; Basirhat: Load-Shedding has become the new normal for the people of Basirhat since last year. The daily power cut in several areas of Basirhat affects the daily lifestyle of hundreds of people. According to a resident of Basirhat Islambazar, every day around 3:30 in the afternoon the electricity goes out of power and people have to suffer in several ways.

We all know that in the 21st century, electricity has become one of the basic necessities for people to even survive their day to day life. But people are getting deprived of that very basic necessity in Basirhat for at least 3 hours as reported by the residents.

The electricity supply system of Basirhat is administered by West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited. According to Swapan Sarkar, the chairman of Basirhat Matuapara Zila Committee, they have reported this issue several times in the table of the WBSEDCL. But they got no solution for their issue except unsubstantial promises of inspection.

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As Mr Sarkar told us, they even went to the headquarter of WBSEDCL but still got no valid response. In this season of extreme summer, the people of Basirhat suffer from the scorching heat of the sun everyday afternoon.

Example 2


Reported by: Arup Dutta

October 21, Kolkata: The city of joy, Kolkata, witnessed a sudden darkness yesterday evening due to some major malfunction in the supply system of the Calcutta Electric Supply Corporation. This is probably the first time after world war II when the entire city witnessed a complete power cut altogether.

According to senior citizen Dhananjoy Basu, they witnessed a few such sudden blackouts during world war II. Remembering his childhood days, Mr Basu said that the time of the 21st century shouldn’t be as same as the pre-independence period. It was about 7:30 in the evening when all lights of the Kolkata city went off and people got themselves confused with the sudden darkness.

Reports of a few accidents have also come from many corners of the city. Only the Behala area went through 3 road accidents with 7 victims. The all wide load-shedding lasted for about one long hour. The CESC administers the electric supply system of Kolkata. CESC CEO Mr Ratankumar Dhingra didn’t respond to any media query.

The honourable mayor of Kolkata told us that a show-cause notice has been issued to CESC regarding this incident. As the experts are assuming, that blackout might happen due to some significant malfunctions in the main supply unit.

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Example 3


Reported by: Chandra Dutta

May 12, Belgharia: A significant downtown area near Kolkata, Belgharia is going under load-shedding for the last three days. It was the last cyclone Fani that caused major devastation in the transformers, electric poles, and wires in the concerned area.

CESC and WBSEDCL are working together in order to repair the affected poles and transformers. But as many trees got have uprooted and affected the electric wires, the repair work became much more difficult than the usual times. The officer-in-charge of WBSEDCL for Belgharia has let us know that everybody is working hard to restore the power supplies, but still, it will take time.

A team is coming from Sonarpur to cut off the uprooted trees. Between all of these, the residents of Belgharia are the main sufferers.

According to Mrs Ashmita Sen, a local resident of Belgharia, her mother is an asthma patient and has to go under a nebulizer dose regularly. But due to this long power cut, she became severely sick and shifted to a hospital in Kolkata. There are many people like the mother of Mrs Sen who cannot even move from their houses.

Example 4


Reported by: Alminarah Khatun

Jane 19, Fatullapur: The Kalyani Highway was blocked off yesterday by the people of Fatullapur in protest of frequent load-shedding in their area. Due to this block off the traffic of the Sodepur- Madhyamgram route has been seriously affected. A resident of Fatullapur has let us know that they face very frequent power cuts regularly, even more than once a day for the last two years. This happens repeatedly even after informing the power supply authority several times.

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Electricity is a basic necessity for human beings to lead daily life nowadays. But people of Fatullapur are being deprived of this essential service regularly for the last two years. Local MLA Mr Satyacharan Mishra has assured the people of Fatullapur for a detailed inquiry into this issue. He also promised to solve it as soon as possible.

The West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited maintains the power supply in this area. The officer-in-Charge of the WBSEDCL Barasat(Sub) branch, Mr Piyus MItra, told us that there are some major issues with some transformers all around the area.

They are looking after those problems. But because of the lack of infrastructure and field workers due to the covid-19 outbreak, the process is being delayed.

These were some examples of newspaper report writing on load-shedding in your area. We have tried to cover every possible aspect of newspaper reports on load-shedding in this session. Hope you will find those helpful for your examinations. Thank you; see you again.
