Write a Letter to Your Father about Your Exam Result [With PDF]
In this session, you will learn how to write a letter to your father about your exam result.

Example 1
Question: Assume that you are Rahul. Write a letter to your father about your exam results. Explain to him why you couldn’t score well in Science.
Hints: Inform him that you have got your results – Describe his vision for you – Disclose your marks – Ask for support
Natural City,
12th March 2022
Dear father,
I hope this letter of mine finds you in good health and in high spirits. I am delighted to inform you that the tenth board results came out yesterday.
I know that you want me to clear NEET and become a doctor. You have already enrolled me in the institution, but my results speak for me. There is no way I can make a career in Science since I have no interest in finding logic over everything. As Albert Einstein said, logic takes us from point A to point B, but Imagination takes us everywhere.
I scored 93 in English, 95 in Social Studies and 98 in Hindi, but in Maths and Science, I Scored 61 and 59, respectively. I tried my best to study and understand maths, but the formulae of trigonometry went over my head, and I couldn’t make sense of it, ‘I’m twice as old as my son was two years ago.
I know you would be furious after reading this since you have an immense interest in mathematics. I want to apologise in advance if this letter hurts you, but please let my feelings sink in and give it a thought.
Yours lovingly,
Example 2
Question: You came second in class. Please write a letter to your father to give him the delightful news.
Hints: Acknowledge his previous letter – Announce your results – Give him credit for your performance – Ask for blessings
Natural Heights
2nd April 2022
Dear father,
How have you been? I’ve been eager to write you this letter. Yesterday I received your letter asking about my exam results, and I got the results today.
You will be glad to know that I have come second in the annual examinations. My total score is 97. My teachers are very satisfied with my performance. I am attaching my grade list with the letter. Everybody is proud of me. I could not have performed so well without your support and blessings. All your valuable lessons stayed with me. I want to score better and rank first in the next examination. This year was crucial as, based on the marks, we get to select our elective subject. I’ve chosen computers as the IT industry has a promising future.
I am eagerly waiting to see you and your mother. We will have a great time together. I’ll tell you how many new friends I’ve made here.
Yours lovingly,
Example 3
Question: You have recently got your exam results. Your father is out of the station. Write a letter to your father about your exam results.
Hints: Give your greetings – Tell about all the marks – Share your experience – Ask for blessings
Regent Court
Kolkata 7000 59
28th April 2022
Dearest Papa,
I hope you and ma are in the pink of health. It has been a very long time since I wrote you a letter, because of the annual exams. The results are out, and I got pretty good marks. I don’t know if you have received an email from the school, but I wanted to tell you about them myself.
I want to start with the worse, which was, unfortunately, geography. I know mom loves geography, but the chapters this year were so infuriating that I could not memorise many important question-worthy parts. I got only sixty-four out of eighty. Next was chemistry which I knew from the beginning would be horrible.
I lost a lot of marks to balancing and chemical equations. I got sixty-six out of eighty. I think maths went pretty smoothly, except that I lost marks in the division and parts of algebraic expressions. I think the marks are not that bad, though; seventy-one out of eighty. Both English and Bengali grammar had the same marks, even though I thought Bengali went horribly. History was fine, so I got surprisingly good even though I had trouble memorising.
I didn’t panic or freak out much during the exams. I hope you are satisfied, if not happy, but I tried my best.
Yours affectionately,
Example 4
Question: You are Riya. You study in a boarding school. You got your results today, but you did not score good marks. Write a letter apologising to your father for poor results.
Hints: Begin with an apology – Explain the reason for poor performance – Ask for support – Remind your previous results – Conclude
Gokhale Memorial School
11th September 2022
Dear father,
I hope this letter of mine finds you in good health and high spirits. I’m sorry to inform you that I did not fare well in my annual examination.
I don’t want to annoy you with my poor performance this year. I feel humiliated and disgraced by showing such a shameful result. Nevertheless, considering the adverse circumstances that I had to face due to my severe illness, I hope my failure is forgivable. I may not have sustained good marks as I was and still am in a state of mental agony that shattered my soul because of this downfall. I know that these grades are of extreme importance for my career, but you know very well about my previous academic records. I have never failed to impress you and your mother.
I’m looking after myself well. I’m also meditating and taking extra classes to improve my results. I promise to do better next time. I’ve attached my results with the letter.
Yours truly,
This was all about our presentation on writing a letter to your father about your exam result. If you have any questions or thoughts that you would like to share with us, please do so by commenting below. We’ll respond within 24 hours. In the meantime feel free to check more letters like this