Write a Letter to the Municipal Commissioner Complaining about the Menace of Vendors Outside the School
In our daily life, we often face issues related to street vendors. No matter it is school, office, or even hospitals, the menace of vendors’ crowd can be found everywhere.
We often tend to deal with or try to ignore this menace. But sometimes, issues become so severe that it becomes too hard to avoid. Then we ask the local administration to take the necessary steps.
So, learning how to write official letters to the municipal commissioner in this context is quite common and important for both your daily life sustainability and from an examination point of view. So, let’s get started.

Example 1
Question: Outside your school, you regularly have to deal with a crowd of vendors. Write a letter to the local municipal commissioner of your school area complaining about this issue and look for some viable solution.
Hints: Near market- Habituated with crowds- Recently situation became worse- Worst situations during exams- Food, fruit, raw vegetable vendors- Dirty area- Nasty smell- Request for solution
Nabinumar Bose Sarani, Azad Nagar
Kolkata: 700114
September 2, 2020
The Commissioner
Kolkata Municipal Corporation
7/11 Chandrakona Road
Kolkata: 700002
Subject: Vendors are interrupting school life
I am a student of class 9 from Azad Nagar Boys’ High school. Today I am writing this letter to you to bring under your kind concern that we are facing severe issues every day in our school due to a large crowd of vendors right outside our school’s gate.
As our school is quite nearby to the market, this area often tends to stay crowded. So, we are quite habituated to dealing with small crowds. But recently, the area outside our school has become so crowded that it’s being very tough to enter the school and attending our classes with proper concentration. During the time of our exam, we realize the menace of this situation at its worst. Most of these vendors sell foods, fruits, raw vegetables. That’s why the area becomes quite dirty every day and nasty smell comes even to our classrooms.
So, through this letter, I want to request you earnestly to take necessary steps on an immediate basis to remove this crowd of vendors from in front of our school and restore the sustainable environment ideal for studying.
Yours Sincerely,
Animesh Banerjee
Example 2
Question: Recently, you’re facing severe problems while going to the school due to the crowd of vendors on the school’s adjacent pavements. Write a letter to the municipal commissioner local to your school explaining the entire issue and ask for necessary actions.
Hints: Middle of a busy street- Large marketplaces- Pavements occupied by vendors- Narrow spaces- School’s entrance blocked- Congested and dirty- Requested but didn’t work- Request for solutions
2/61 Hridaypur
North 24 Parganas, West Bengal
June 23, 2021
The Commissioner
Bongaon Municipality
SH 1, Bangaon
West Bengal 743235
Subject: Vendors outside the school are creating severe trouble
I am from Hridaypur Public School, a student of class 10, writing you this letter to let you know about the severe problem we are facing due to crowded vendor occupation on the pavements adjacent to our school.
Our school is situated near the busy Middleton street of Hridaypur. This area contains two large marketplaces and often tends to stay crowded. The pavements in this area are often occupied by street vendors. Due to this occupation, the pavements have become so narrow that people can hardly walk using them. At the very entrance of our school, the vendors’ crowd is larger due to plenty of spaces. Because of it, the entrance stays quite congested and dirty. Our school authority has appealed to these vendors many times to evacuate the place but nothing has worked.
So, it is my earnest request to you to take necessary actions as soon as possible to make our school’s entrance free from any unnecessary crowd of vendors.
Yours Sincerely,
Rahul Chandra Dhar
Example 3
Question: Recently your classes in the school are being interrupted due to regular pandemonium created by local vendors on the adjacent streets. Write a letter to the municipal commissioner about this issue and ask for some solution whatever is necessary.
Hints: Located near train/bus station- Extreme crowd- Recently increased vendors- Continues pandemonium- Affecting classroom study- School reputation going down- Request for measures
55C Nabin Maira Road, Uttarpara
February 18, 2021
The Counsellor
Hooghly Chinsurah Municipality
Mahendra Mitra Road, Pipulpati
West Bengal 712103
Subject: Interruption in school life due to vendors’ pandemonium
I am from Uttarpara Al-Amin High school, a student of class 11, writing this letter to you to complain about an issue we are facing due to a heavy crowd of vendors outside our school.
Our school is located just beside the Uttarpara Railway station. Due to this prime location, we have to deal with extreme crowds every day during our school time. But recently, specifically, the crowd of vendors has been severely increased and we’re dealing with their continuous pandemonium during our school time. It not only interrupts our classroom study but also affects the calm atmosphere of the school. Our school used to be a reputed one in the district, but due to such an environment, the reputation is also going down.
So, through this letter, I want to request you to take some immediate measures to improve the current situation and help to restore the normal atmosphere for our school life.
Yours Sincerely,
Md Safiur Rahman
Example 4
Question: Suppose you are the head student representative of your school and recently got a report that some vendors are selling some unethical goods to the students outside the school. Write a letter to the local municipal commissioner expressing your concern over this issue and ask for some immediate intervention.
Hints: Vendors outside- Sell various items- Problems since last year- Students caught with narcotic items- Hash, Cigarettes, Cannabis, etc.- Police actions taken- Sent to childcare home- Problems didn’t end- Got reports that some vendors work as traffickers- Informed police but didn’t work- Request to investigate
6/305/1, South Station Road,
Kolkata: 700110
December 11, 2020
The Commissioner
Panihati Municipality
Kolkata: 700110
Subject: Concern over some issue of vendors outside the school
I am the student representative of Sodepur Deshbandhu High school, writing this letter to you to express my concern over a report that some vendors are selling some unethical goods outside the school.
There’re several stalls of vendors outside our school. Some of them sell stationery items, some sell foods and some vendors sell just items of daily needs. It was last year, since when we have started facing some issues with the students of our school. Many of them have been caught with various types of narcotic items like cigarettes, hash, cannabis, etc. In serious cases, we had to inform even the police and some of the students have been taken to childcare home. But despite taking strict actions, this problem doesn’t seem to stop. Recently we got some reports that some of the vendors outside the school sell these narcotic items to the students. We have informed the police regarding this, but no action was taken.
Through this letter, I want to request you earnestly to look into this matter and take the required steps to thoroughly investigate our suspicion.
Yours Sincerely,
Nikhilesh Ghosh
That was all about our presentation on writing editorial letters to the municipal commissioner about the various menace of vendors outside the school.
Hopefully, after going through this session, you also will be able to write such letters on your own. If you still have any doubts, you can post them in the comment section below. I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Moreover, if you have liked our initiative, please let us know your opinion through some quick comments. You can also check our website for more such sessions on English comprehension.
Thank you. See you again, soon.