Write a Letter to the Editor on Food Wastage in Marriage


Food wastage is a very common phenomenon for all kinds of community programs. But this trend should be stopped for the sake of humanity. That’s why this topic is always discussed among intellectuals.

In this session, you are going to learn how to write an editorial letter on any specific topic related to food wastages in community programs, especially in marriages. So, without further delay, let’s get started.

Feature image of Letter to the Editor on Food Wastage in Marriage

Example 1

Question: You have recently participated in a campaign organised by your school against food wastages in marriage ceremonies. Write a letter to the editor of a reputed newspaper expressing your experience with this campaign and talk about its significance. 

Hints: Campaign launched- Procession organised- Make people aware about the issue- Initiative of collecting leftover food and distribute among homeless- Millions sleep without food- Conclusion

Suresh Mukherjee Road, Nabinpally
Kolkata: 700114


October 17, 2019

The Editor
The Statesman
3/1 Nalinipukur Road
Kolkata: 700002

Subject: Campaign against food wastage in marriage ceremonies


This letter to your esteemed daily is intended to express my experience in a campaign against the trend of food wastage in marriage ceremonies. 

Recently from our school, a campaign was organised to make people aware of the high food wastage rate in community gatherings, especially in marriage ceremonies. Under this campaign, a procession was organised. There we marched holding handmade placards and posters with messages reflecting significant findings of many surveys. After returning to school we took an initiative to collect the leftover food from a marriage ceremony that day and distribute that food among the needy and homeless people. 

In our country, around a million people are not able to have proper food even twice a day. In such a situation food wastage is nothing but sin. Here the significance of such campaigns lies. If you allow this letter a little space in your esteemed column, more people will get inspired and become aware and hopefully, we’ll be able to eradicate the menace of food wastage. 

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Yours Sincerely,
Rajesh Dutta

Example 2

Question: Food wastage in community programs, especially in marriage ceremonies has become a serious problem for the entire society nowadays. Write a letter to the editor of any popular newspaper expressing your concern regarding this issue and suggest some suitable remedies. 

Hints: Food wastage in ceremonies- 20% food gets wasted per ceremony- 2 million people can be fed- 60 million tons get wasted yearly- NGOs take initiative- Government should help to spread awareness 

2/61 Bablapur
North 24 Parganas

June 23, 2021

The Editor
The Telegraph
Kolkata: 700001

Subject: Food wastage must be stopped


I am writing this letter to your esteemed daily to express my concern over the issue of food wastage in community programs, especially in marriage ceremonies.

Food wastage in large gatherings has become a common phenomenon in our country. According to an esteemed, around 20% of total food gets wasted in all average marriage ceremonies. The same survey says that in our country the total amount of wasted food in a year can help to feed at least 2 million people. Moreover, food has its own value and is not meant to be wasted. But there is a serious lack of awareness of this issue among most of the people of the country. That’s why every year more than 60 million tons of food get wasted in India. 

Government must look into this issue quite seriously. Moreover, many NGO’s are also taking the initiative to collect the leftover food from marriage ceremonies and distribute them among the needy. Such initiative should be encouraged and the government should focus on making people aware of the dark side of food wastage.

Yours Sincerely,
Rumi Bannerjee

Example 3

Question: Write a letter to the editor of any daily newspaper as the secretary of an NGO as your organisation is launching a program of collecting leftover food from community programs ceremonies. 

Hints: Program of collection and distribution- 10% people don’t get food- Marriage ceremonies waste most- To play a role of a medium- Will collect leftover if priorly informed- Distribution program

72A Bottola Road, Uttarpara

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February 18, 2021

The Editor
The Times of India 
8, Camac Street
Kolkata: 700017

Subject: Plan of food collection and distribution and stopping food wastage


I am a secretary of an NGO writing this letter to your esteemed newspaper to talk about our new initiative of collecting leftover food from community gatherings and distribute them among the needy people. 

We are living in the 21st century and still, 10% of our country’s population hardly get two meals a day. In such a scenario, we waste a huge amount of food in every alternative ceremony. The food wastage rate is the highest in marriage ceremonies. Almost in every marriage ceremony, 15-20% of total food gets wasted. At the same time, somebody is starving due to a lack of food.

Exactly here, our NGO is going to play a role of a medium. We are going to launch an initiative under which we will collect the leftover food from the ceremonies if we get informed and will distribute them among the needy people such as the homeless, beggars etc. I would like to request you to allow this letter a little space so that more and more people get aware of this initiative. 

Yours Sincerely,
Aditya Bansal

Example 4

Question: The prime minister has recently appealed to the people of the nation for not wasting food in community programs, especially in marriage ceremonies. Write a letter to the editor of any national newspaper expressing your view on this appeal and discuss its significance.

Hints: Food wastage is a problem- People starve and even die- Experts urged- Prime minister’s appeal- Only appeal will not meet expectation- Pass regulations- Awareness programs- Encourage NGOs

21, Kathgola Road, Ghola
Kolkata: 700110

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October 25, 2020

The Editor
The Indian Express
164/A, BK Paul Ave
Kolkata: 700005

Subject: Action along with appeal is needed to stop food wastage


Through this letter in your esteemed daily, I want to express my view over the appeal of the prime minister to people to stop wasting food on the occasion of national food day. 

Food wastage is a serious problem in our country. Almost in every alternative ceremony, we witness food wastage. At the same time, many people are starving and even dying due to a lack of food. Experts are uring for a long time to the government to take some initiative to put an end to food wastage. Yesterday, on the occasion of national food day, the prime minister of our county appealed to the people of the country to stop food wastage and explained its significance. 

The appeal of the prime minister is indeed important and will definitely have some positive effects. But only the appeal is not going to put a complete end to food wastage. The current situation demands active action from the government. The government must pass some regulations prohibiting food wastage and launch awareness campaigns on large scales. Moreover, they can also encourage the NGOs who work actively to collect and distribute the leftover food among the needy people.

Yours Sincerely,
Barun Goswami

That was all about our presentation on writing editorial letters on food wastage in community programs especially in marriages. In this session, you had learned to write letters to the editor on this topic from four different aspects.

Hopefully, after going through this session all your doubts regarding this topic have been resolved. If you still have any, don’t forget to mention them in the comment section below. And don’t also forget to check out other such English comprehension tests on our website.

Thank you, See you again soon. 
