Write a Letter to the Editor about Misuse of Internet
We are living in a digital era. Currently, the expansion of internet usage is nothing but a global phenomenon. With the expansion of internet users, the misuse of the internet is also increasing. That makes it a relevant topic for editorial letter writing. But the misuse of the internet has many different aspects and perspectives.
So, in today’s session, I decided to come up with a few such examples of editorial letter writing on the misuse of the internet.

Example 1
Question: Suppose your family has recently lost a large amount of money in a cyberattack at your net banking account. Write a letter to the editor of a daily newspaper about such misuses of the internet.
Hints: Tried net banking login- Error came and system shut down- Money deducted- Launched police complaint- Got no response yet- Cyber Attacks affect people- Government must ensure safety and security
Suresh Mukherjee Road, Nabinpally
Kolkata: 700114
September 2, 2020
The Editor
The Statesman
3/1 Nalinipukur Road
Kolkata: 700002
Subject: Lost money in a cyber attack
I am a regular follower of your esteemed daily and I would like to say that I’m quite touched by your firm presentations against cyber attacks and for digital security. Unfortunately, recently a few days back, my family also suffered from a cyberattack in our net banking account that resulted in a large amount of monetary loss.
It was around 5 days ago, I tried to log in to our family XYZ bank account from our home internet server. But to my surprise, the website responded ‘503 error’ and asked me to click on a link that appeared on the screen to proceed further. After clicking on that link my system got hanged. I had to try to restart my system and then a message popped up on my phone from the bank that around 65000/- rupees have been deducted from my account. Immediately I went for a police complaint. But around 4 days passed after the complaint, I didn’t hear any positive news from their side. These kinds of cyber attacks have become a very common phenomenon nowadays. It not only loots the victim but also affects their mind with trauma.
So, through this letter in your esteemed daily, I want to approach you to raise the voice more for securing the digital space and strengthen the rules and regulations in order to ensure our cybersecurity.
Yours Sincerely,
Rajesh Dutta
Example 2
Question: Recently, the world is witnessing a huge rise in the misuse of the internet. Write a letter to the editor of a reputed daily newspaper expressing your concern regarding this issue and suggest some measures to control this phenomenon.
Hints: A global phenomenon- Rapidly increasing- Has many forms- Affects people in many ways- Governments taking steps- Need for digital literacy- Everybody should play roles
2/61 Bablapur
North 24 Parganas
June 23, 2021
The Editor
The Telegraph
Kolkata: 700001
Subject: misuse of the internet is a social threat
Nowadays, misuse of the internet has become a global phenomenon. Through this letter in your esteemed daily, I want to express my concern regarding this issue and highlight digital education as a social necessity.
All over the world, the rate of misuse of the internet is rapidly increasing with the digital and internet revolution especially after 2010. Many forms of misuses have been evolved. Some people use it to bully others on social media platforms, some use the internet to propagate their negative agendas, and the highest level of intent misusers are the cybercriminals. They use the internet and their digital skills to harm individuals, organisations and even countries. All kinds of misuse of the internet impose a severe threat to global social security. It affects people and society monetarily, emotionally as well as even physically in some implicit ways.
All the governments around the world have taken steps to combat the misuse of the internet. But only the combat mechanism isn’t enough to counter this social threat. Rather what society needs currently, is holistic digital literacy campaigns. So, governments, NGOs, educational institutions, and even corporate organisations should take initiatives to play key roles in spreading social digital education.
Yours Sincerely,
Rumi Bannerjee
Example 3
Question: Nowadays, many countries are developing advanced cyber warfare techniques using the internet as the backbone. In this context, write a letter to the editor of a national newspaper expressing your concern regarding the security of common people during such a situation of 5th-dimensional cyber warfare.
Hints: Cyber Warfare techniques evolving- Uses internet as the backbone- Everything is connected to the internet- Threat to normal social life- The governments should come to some mutual agreements
72A Bottola Road, Uttarpara
February 18, 2021
The Editor
The Times of India
8, Camac Street
Kolkata: 700017
Subject: Cyber Warfare and global security
In this era of the 21st century, the rivalry among various countries is constantly increasing. With this rivalry, tensions about war are increasing as well. New warfare techniques are being developed and cyber warfare is the most advanced among them. This letter to your esteemed daily intends to express my concern regarding this issue because what cyber warfare uses as its backbone, is the simple internet.
After the internet revolution, the use of internet technology has been widely expanded. Currently, almost 60% of the global population uses the internet on a regular basis. The internet has become the primary vault for many people to store their data. As the experts say, data is the ultimate treasure, this increasing advancement in cyberwarfare techniques creates fear among people. Because this warfare technique can not only harm the borders, but it also has the potential to directly hit innocent people. Besides, it can also severely damage countries’ national security even without declaring a formal war because nowadays everything is connected with the internet.
So, it is my suggestion to the global community to pressurize their government to come to some mutual agreements to permanently eradicate this threat.
Yours Sincerely,
Aditya Bansal
Example 4
Question: The central government has come up with a set of new IT rules and guidelines. Write a letter to the editor of a popular newspaper expressing your view on this step and evaluate its efficiency to counter the misuse of the internet.
Hints: New IT rules released- Social media platforms have to appoint 3 nodal officers- grievances to be taken care of- Fake news to be countered- To punish cybercriminals- Government is accused of suppressing free speech- Misuse must be stopped
21, Kathgola Road, Ghola
Kolkata: 700110
December 11, 2020
The Editor
The Indian Express
164/A, BK Paul Ave
Kolkata: 700005
Subject: The central government and the new IT rule controversy
The central government has recently come up with a new set of information technology rules and guidelines. My letter to your esteemed daily is intended to evaluate its efficiency to control the misuse of the internet.
As I mentioned earlier, the misuse of the internet around the country is at its peak now in the last decade. Naturally, the government was constantly accused of their failure for controlling this menace. Finally, the day before yesterday, the minister for information and technology announced the new IT rules and regulations. Under these rules, all the social media platforms have to appoint 3 nodal officers to control the grievances of consumers and co-operate with the government in eradicating the menace of fake news. The rules also talk about strict punishments against cybercriminals. Finally, cybercrime has also been properly defined with this new set of regulations.
But these new rules are not free from controversy. The government is being accused of trying to suppress free speech through this act. We need to remember that free speech is the backbone of democracy but the right to freedom of speech and expression comes with reasonable restrictions as well. The misuse of the internet must be stopped as soon as possible. Now only time can tell us whether these regulations will be efficient to counter this menace or not.
Yours Sincerely,
Barun Goswami
That was all about our presentation on writing editorial letters about the misuse of the internet. In the session above, I have tried to present four different aspects of the issue and written editorial letters from different perspectives for each one.
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