Write a Letter to the Editor about Child Labour


Here in this article, you will learn how to write a letter to an editor of a newspaper informing or complaining about the issue of child labour. With the editors’ liberty to choose what gets published, a compact article with important points elucidated properly has high chances to make it to the newspapers. Let’s continue reading the article further to make ‘writing to editors’ easy for you. 

Feature image of Letter to the Editor about Child Labour

Set 1

Question-1: You are a school teacher and lately you cannot ignore the evils of child labour that you witness around you most of the times. You think that not even a single case of child labour must exist. Write a letter to the editor explaining the evils of child labour and how it ruins a child’s life.

Hints: Explain the dark side of child labour – Mention the importance of literacy- Write about how the young generation need education- Discuss the love and support a child needs to grow up properly – Mention the statistics of child labour in our country – Suggest how a change can be brought – Your humble request to publish this and spread awareness


260, B Block
Paschim Vihar
New Delhi


28th April 2021

The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi

Subject: Evils of child labour

Respected sir/madam,

I am Yuvika Thakur and today I am writing to you about an often forgotten topic- Child Labour.

A child is very delicate and needs care and support for development. But the dangerous idea of putting them into labour from such a tender age is an idea that humanity should be ashamed of. With a rate of 10.1 million children working as labourers between the age of 5-14, this country needs to take the matter more seriously. Some families cannot give proper education to children but that should not be an excuse to put them to work. Instead, steps should be taken to reach out to government schools for their education. Parents can contact NGOs that help and support child education. Orphanages should take proper care of the children by educating them and in no way should take advantage of the absence of their parents and trick them into child labour.

It is my humble request to publish this in your column and spread awareness about the evils of child labour and how it can be ended.

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Thanking you

Yours faithfully,
Yuvika Thakur

Set 2

Question-2: You are an elder sister to your 14-year-old brother and being around a kid of such age, you cannot ignore the fact each child requires love and care to grow up. Write a letter to the editor mentioning how the allowance of child labour is equivalent to ruining the childhood of the kid and request the editor to publish your piece.

Hints: Discuss how every child needs love and support even in the absence of parents- Write how permitting child labour is directly equivalent to ruining the future of the youth- Your humble request to publish this to spread awareness


37, Lakeview Road
Hyderabad 500078

April 28, 2021

The Editor
Telangana Today

Subject: Extreme need of curbing child labour out of the society

Respected sir/madam, 

This is Preeti writing to you today and I am the elder sister to a 14-year-old brother.

I want to draw your kind attention to the fact that children are too tender and delicate to understand the harsh reality of life. My brother and I are extremely loved and nurtured by our parents. Imagining that millions of children in this country are still deprived of this emotional well being, breaks my heart. Putting children between the ages of 5-14 is the biggest damage that can be done to their delicate minds and bodies.

Children need school and education, friends and guidance not labour work routines and fixed wages. According to me, whoever assigns a child to work or in any way permits child labour is nothing less than a criminal.

My humble request to you is to publish this piece in order to make people aware of the damage that is being done to a child in the act of child labour.

Thanking you

Yours faithfully, 
Preeti Jha

Set 3

Question-3: You are Niharika from Mumbai and you want to write to the editor about how you think the people who allow child labour are criminals. Write a letter to the editor letting him know that people who put child labour into action around them should face punishment and request him to publish this writing in his column to make people aware of the effects of permitting child labour

Hints: Mention your absolute disagreement with the mindset of people who put a child to work instead of providing education to them- Write about how often you see children working in various places for the riches – Mention the laws against child labour in our country – Discuss how nobody should take the punishments lightly, that they might face if the child labour permitted by them is reported- Suggest strict actions to be taken – Your humble request to publish this and create awareness 


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DS Marg, Lower Parel
Mumbai- 400008

28th April 2021

The Editor
The Indian Express

Subject: Punishments for allowing/ permitting child labour 

Respected sir/madam, 

Being unable to remain ignorant or turn a blind eye to the matter, I, Niharika Ved from Mumbai, decided to write to you about one of the presiding evil of our society, child labour.

I am writing today to draw your attention to the fact that it is not a very rare scene to spot a child working in a restaurant, garage or many places. The fact that most of the people around, witnessing the child labour happening, are very comfortable with the matter, is something to be concerned about.

People must not forget that child labour is completely illegal according to Article 24.

If a case of child labour is reported to helpline numbers or the police, the assignee of the work might face serious legal troubles.

I humbly request you publish this piece to highlight this change that we can bring to our society and making people aware of what they can do if they spot child labour taking place around them.

Thanking you

Yours obediently,
Niharika Ved

Set 4

Question-4: You are a student residing in Calcutta. Write a letter to the editor of The Telegraph complaining about an issue that recently took place with you while you tried to talk to an owner of a restaurant about the child labour that he put into action in that place. 

Hints: Elaborate on the incident- mention owner’s reaction- Specify the ignorance of other customers – Your humble request to publish this to create awareness about immediate actions that can be taken against child labour


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336/A Banerjee Para Paschim Putiary
Kolkata- 700041

26th April 2021

The Editor
The Telegraph

Subject: problems faced while trying to take a stand against child labour

Respected sir/madam, 

I am Jyoti Shaw, a college student residing in Calcutta.

Today I write to you to draw your kind attention to a crisis I recently faced in a restaurant. A child brought a plate with the bill on it, to me. I immediately started interacting with the child. He mentioned his age to be somewhat around 7 years and stated that his family is poor and hence they sent him with his elder brother to the city to earn a living. I straight headed to the owner and triggered a conversation about how child labour is a punishable offence. The owner dared to give me the liberty to take any action that I wanted.

Not a person around me came forward during the ongoing incident. I immediately called the child helpline number and informed them of the restaurant’s address. A few days later I was informed that the child was handed over to an NGO where arrangements for his upbringing and education was made and the owner having to pay a huge fine for permitting child labour.

Therefore, I kindly request you to publish this for creating awareness about the immediate actions that can be taken against child labour.

Thanking you

Yours sincerely,
Jyoti Shaw

So, here comes an end to the article where I taught you how to exactly create a letter that is meant to be addressed to the editor of a newspaper regarding the issue of child labour. You can alter the situations, demands or important points depending on the question that would be provided to you by your examiners.

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