Short Essay on Winter Season [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF


In this session, you will learn to write short essays on the topic of ‘Winter Season’. I will write three sets of essays on the same topic covering different word limits with simple words that all kinds of students can easily understand.

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Short Essay on Winter Season in 100 words

According to the cycle of seasons, winter arrives at the end of the year and continues till the first two months of the new year. This season is associated with a harsh climate, extreme cold weather conditions, snowfall, drizzle, and disasters like landslides. The mountains and hilly regions in different parts of the world experience immense cold.

Regular snowfall occurs in Northern India as well as several parts of Asia and Europe. During this season, Human beings try to stay indoors. Many fall ill due to this cold. However, winter is not just a passive state but also a time of festivals. Christmas and New year are the two biggest celebrations in winter. Cakes and sweets are distributed at different places. Winter is a time when we can enjoy the warmth of tea and family.

Short Essay on Winter Season in 200 words

The cycle of seasons moves in a circular motion throughout the year. Almost at the end of the year, after the autumn, the earth’s revolution takes the Northern hemisphere away from the Sun. So the Northern hemisphere receives little sunrise and grows cold. During that time winter arrives on the earth. Simultaneously summer arrives in the Southern hemisphere of the earth. 

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Winter is associated with harsh and tough weather conditions. It is terrific to easily get accustomed to the winter season. Excessive snowfall takes place in the mountains and hilly regions and the temperature falls below the freezing point. Even on plain lands like Kolkata, the winter is quite sickening. Continuous snowfall and drizzle cause landslides in hilly regions. Winters are often unfavourable for tourism in hilly regions. However coastal places can be beautiful.

The most important characteristic of winter is many animals hibernate. Birds from the end of autumn start migrating toward warmer places. Insects also gather food and hibernate during this time. Yet this is a festive season for Christmas and New year. The whole world rejoices during this time. Cakes, sweets, and gifts are shared with people. Even in the face of severe disturbances, people still get their own opportunities to celebrate the winter season.

Short Essay on Winter Season in 400 words

Earth has its own ways of creating life forms and nonliving creatures. It flows in its own rhythm and is a cycle that controls the birth and death of even the smallest of all beings. The cycle of seasons falls into the natural flow where one season automatically accompanies the other. Summer, winter, spring, and autumn are the four major seasons on earth. They create a chain or system where the end of the death of a year happens through winter and rebirth takes place through spring.

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Winter is a symbol of the dead and old. The trees are bare without any leaves, the plants and flowers do not bloom, and animals and insects hibernate while birds leave their nests and migrate to warmer continents. The environment becomes white with snow and fog and human beings prefer to reside within their houses. Winter is essentially the death of life on earth. 

From a geographical point of view, winter can be best understood through the mountainous and hilly regions. The altitude of those places causes extreme cold temperatures which are unbearable. Snowfall, landslides, drizzles, and snowstorms are common weather conditions in these regions. Many human lives get at stake due to this harsh weather. Thus winter is not at all romantic to enjoy with hot tea. Even on plain lands like Kolkata winter below 10 degrees Celsius becomes quite unbearable. Only the southern part of India which is the coast enjoys pleasurable weather conditions. 

The winter season, however, is not entirely a dangerous situation. People honestly wait for this time so that the old year can end and the New year can arrive with new hopes and happiness. Winter in the seasonal cycle marks the end of all that is bad and unrequired. The two biggest celebrations of the winter season are Christmas and New year.

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The entire world gets into the mood of vacation with the start of Christmas. Jesus, the saviour of the world was born during this harsh weather as if to give the world warmth of his virtue. People bake cakes, prepare sweets, and share goodwill and gifts with others.

While the year ends in rebirth, in Bengal the arrival of winter is celebrated through the worship of nature and its fruits. Poush Parbon is famous in different parts of Bengal where the women prepare several delicacies of sweets such as assorted pitha and payesh. Although the winter is a moment of cold and sickness the festivals make it full of life. It is one of the reasons why people await winter.

Hopefully, after going through this session, you have a holistic idea of the context. If you still have any doubts regarding this topic, kindly keep me posted through the comment section below. Keep browsing our website for more such writeups covering various other types of English comprehension. 

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