Short Essay on Water Conservation [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF


In this session, I am going to write three sets of short essays on the topic of water conservation in very simple words for all kinds of students. 

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Short Essay on Water Conservation in 100 Words

Water is the basis of life on Earth. Our planet is made up of 70% water. Out of this, only about 3% is fresh water. Although saltwater supports its own unique marine life, humans and a vast majority of plants and animals require fresh water to survive. However, because of climate change and improper management of water resources, water scarcity has become a real problem globally.

If we do not take measures to conserve water now, survival will become a real challenge for humans as well as other living organisms in the upcoming years. To conserve water, rainwater harvesting must be made compulsory. More trees should be planted, rivers should be kept clean and the wastage of water should be reduced. We must always remember that without water, we wouldn’t be able to survive as well. 

Short Essay on Water Conservation in 200 Words

Our planet is composed of 70% water and so is our human body. Water is the basis of life on Earth. It acts as a solvent and carries dissolved minerals and other vital substances into and out of cells. This keeps the cells and in turn, humans, animals, plants and microorganisms alive. Out of all water present on Earth, only about 3% is fresh water.

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The remaining water is saltwater which supports its own unique marine life but is not suitable for consumption by humans, animals and plants. In recent years, because of climate changes as well as poor management of water resources, water scarcity has become a real and threatening issue. It is predicted that the situation will only worsen with time if we don’t start conserving water now. 

People must be made aware of the consequences of water scarcity. Governments should take measures to educate people on the topic of water conservation so that people become mindful of water and stop wasting it. We must also practice rainwater harvesting and plant more trees to keep the ecosystem in balance.

Rivers and big lakes are our largest source of fresh water. But due to the absence of strict laws, these water bodies have now become extremely polluted. We must take steps to purify our rivers and lakes and keep them clean. We must always remember that without water, we wouldn’t be able to survive as well. 

Short Essay on Water Conservation in 400 Words

Water is vital for the existence of life on Earth. Our planet is composed of 70% water. Even our human body is made up of 70% water. Water acts as a solvent and carries dissolved minerals and other vital substances into and out of cells. This keeps the cells alive and in turn, ensures the survival of various forms of life.

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Although 70% seems to be a large amount, most of the water on Earth is saltwater which is present in our seas and oceans. Of all water present on Earth, only about 3% is fresh water. Although saltwater supports its own unique marine life, humans and most animals and plants need fresh water for survival. The largest sources of freshwater are rivers and lakes as well as underground aquifers.

In the past few decades, because of negligent practices, poor management of water resources as well as climate changes, the water in rivers and lakes has been extremely polluted and the underground water level has gone down as well. This has caused scarcity of water in many countries and it is predicted that we may soon face scarcity globally. To ensure our survival and the survival of other living creatures, we must now take steps to conserve water. 

The first step in the direction of water conservation is to reduce the wastage of water. Little changes in habits like closing the tap after use, being mindful of the water usage while showering or washing cars, reusing water used for washing and cleaning to water plants, etc., would take us far. Rainwater harvesting is also an effective method and should be made compulsory in drought-prone areas. It can help raise the level of underground water. New and efficient methods of irrigation can also help conserve water. 

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Governments around the world are taking various measures to ensure the conservation of water. In India, due to the absence of strict laws, rivers and lakes have now become extremely polluted rivers. The government has taken steps to clean the water bodies and set up water treatment plants. But all these measures can only be effective in the long term if we educate the masses about the threats of water pollution and water scarcity. It is only through awareness that people are going to consciously stop wasting or dirtying water and thus, help in the conservation of water. 

Water is essential for our survival on this planet. Without clean water, many life forms would perish and go extinct. We must conserve water. 

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