Short Essay on Friend [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF


In this session today, you will learn how to write short essays on Friendship within different word limits in your upcoming exams. 

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Short Essay on Friend in 100 Words

A friend is someone who is not related to us by blood or family relations, but with whom we share mutual affections. A friend is a person whom we can trust and share our happiness and sadness with. When we are in trouble, our good friends help and support us. When we make mistakes, they gently guide us. Friends are loving, caring, loyal, honest and helpful.

We befriend many people throughout our lives. With some, we remain just casual friends while with others, the bond grows and we become best friends. Some friends stay with us for a short period while some others may accompany us throughout our lives. Friends make our lives exciting and fill us with joy. Having a good friend is a blessing. 

Short Essay on Friend in 200 Words

A friend can be defined as a person who is not related to us by blood or family relations, but with whom we share mutual affections. A good friend is loving, caring, honest, helpful and loyal. He or she is someone we can trust and share our happiness and sadness with.


Friends keep our secrets and help us. When we are happy, sharing it with friends doubles our happiness. When we are sad, our friends comfort us and give us strength. When we are in trouble, they guide us and help us overcome it. When we do something wrong, they gently let us know our mistakes. Our friends cheer for us when we achieve something and they lend us a shoulder to cry on when we are sad. 

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We make many friends as we journey through life. Some we meet in school, some in college, some at work while some in the neighbourhood or through other friends. Among them, sometimes we find a few people who understand us completely and with whom we are very compatible. They become our best friends. I am blessed to have a bunch of such amazing friends.

We met in primary school and have been together since then. We love and care for each other. We always help and support each other. We love to spend time together and meet very often. Having good friends is indeed a blessing. 

Short Essay on Friend in 400 Words

Friendship is one of the greatest bondings in the world. People say that friends are the family we choose for ourselves. A friend is someone who is not related to us by blood or family relations, but with whom we share mutual affections. A friend is loving, caring, helpful, honest and loyal.

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A friend is a person we are compatible with. When we are happy, sharing it with friends doubles our happiness. When we are sad, our friends comfort us and give us strength. When we are in trouble, they guide us and help us overcome it. When we do something wrong, they gently let us know our mistakes. 

We befriend many people throughout our lives. Some in school, some in colleges, some in the neighbourhood while some at work. With most people, we remain just casual friends while with some, our bond grows and we become best friends. Some friends stay with us for a short period of time while some accompany us throughout our lives. I am blessed with some amazing friends.

I met them in kindergarten and primary school and we have been inseparable since. They love me and support me in everything that I do. They cheer for me when I achieve something. They lend me a shoulder to cry on when I am sad. My friends are very loyal and we keep each other’s secrets safe. 

My friends and I love to spend time together. We gather together for group study and help each other with the work. We also love going out together and often go to the park to relax and play. One of my friends is an amazing singer and always sings beautiful songs for us. Our parents have also gotten close to each other. So, it is easy for us to meet and organise sleepovers. When my parents went out of town for business, one of my friends invited me to stay at her house. 

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Having good friends is a blessing. However, not everyone is lucky enough to find friends who truly care for them. Many-a-times, people form friendships with us with ulterior motives. They may try to extract money or other benefits from us under the guise of friendship. They may try to dominate us and humiliate us in front of others in the name of having fun. Or they may want to know our secrets and sabotage us. We should stay away from such fake friends and always cherish the good friends we have in our lives. 

In this lesson, I have discussed all possible aspects that could be mentioned while writing short essays on friendship. In these essays, I have adopted a simplistic approach for a better understanding of all kinds of students. If you still have any confusion regarding this context, kindly let me know through some quick comments. 

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