Report Writing on the Death of Shri Pranab Mukherjee [With PDF]


In this article, I will show you exactly how to write a report on the death of Shri Pranab Mukherjee Ji. So let’s get started.

feature image of Report Writing on the Death of Shri Pranab Mukherjee

Example 1


Reported by Scarlett Johansson, CNN

Kerala; August 31, 2020: After 21 long days of fighting with death, former president Shri Pranab Mukherjee has lost the battle. All over the nation, people were praying for his successful operation and safe recovery. In Spite of all the diligent efforts of the doctors at the Army’s Research and Referral Hospital, he passed away on Monday afternoon.


He had been admitted to the hospital around 21 days ago for a brain injury, but there eventually he developed a lung infection. That morning itself, doctors have let us know that he had gone into septic shock due to a lung infection. He also got covid positive at the time of his admission.

His son had announced the demise of his father officially on Twitter by Monday evening stating the words “despite the efforts of doctors and prayers of ordinary Indians throughout the country, this had come to pass”. He was a great politician famous for his enormous contribution to politics.

Despite being a politician, he was a respected person to everybody. He was a congressman all his life. Even the honourable prime minister Shri Narendra Modi had described Shri Pranab Mukherjee as a father figure. He stated that India grieves at the death of Shri Pranab Mukherjee who was a scholar of excellence and a towering statesman. 

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Example 2


Reported by Eyeleen Geo, Fox News

Delhi; August 31, 2020: The demise of former President Shri Pranab Mukherjee has come as shocking news amongst the ongoing covid situation. Mr Mukherjee has taken his last breath on 31st August 2020 at the age of 84. His renal parameters had slightly deranged and his condition had gradually worsened before he died.

The death of former President Shri Pranab Mukherjee is indeed a great loss for the entire nation. He was known as a ” man for all seasons “. He played a crucial role in getting India through the controversial Indo – US nuclear deal. He was always respected by his subordinates. He was also known as a ” walking encyclopedia ” on everything related to politics and governance.

His enormous knowledge made it quite difficult or rather impossible for bureaucrats to hoodwink or trip him. He maintained friendships across his own party lines even though he was deeply criticized for it. The current honourable president of India Shri Ram Nath Kovind has described his death as an end of an era. Shri Pranab Mukherjee was a person who combined tradition with modernity.

His decision of discontinuing the phrase ” His excellency ” for addressing the President and the Governors was historic as stated by honourable President Ram Nath Kovind. He also added that Shri Pranab Mukherjee will always be remembered as a great parliamentarian.

Example 3


Reported by Rakesh Routh, ABP Ananda

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Bengal; August 31, 2020: Former president of India Shri Pranab Mukherjee has passed away on Monday afternoon. He was admitted to the army hospital, Delhi for brain surgery. He was born in West Bengal. Mukherjee entered into politics in 1969 when he led the election campaign for an independent candidate.

Later on, recognising his talents, the then Prime minister Indira Gandhi offered him to join congress, which he accepted. Indira Gandhi helped him to become a member of Rajya sabha. In 2004, he became the leader of Lok sabha. He also held important positions in the three ministries that are the external affairs, defence and finance. He also became the first occupant of Rashtrapati Bhavan to have this distinction.

Mr Pranab Mukherjee was always respected by all his junior officers. He was a congress stalwart. Besides, he was very helpful in getting through the controversial Indo – US nuclear deal. He was often remarked as ” Chanakya of Indian Politics”, ” walking encyclopedia” and also as a person with a photographic memory as remarked by a former secretary.

He had a photographic memory that could remember all negotiating details and their articles like nobody else. He was respected by every single politician as wel as by the common people.

Example 4


By Hannah Richard, Staff Reporter

Mumbai, August 31, 2020: The entire nation is grieving the loss of former President Shri Pranab Mukherjee. The nation is paying homage to the great leader and the politician. He was the only non-prime minister who became the leader of Lok sabha for 8 years. According to political analysts, he was a perfect congressman and statesman of Indian politics. He made his entry into politics in 1969.

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He became a member of the Rajya Sabha with the help of the then prime minister Mrs Indira Gandhi. Then after long years, he became the leader of Lok sabha in 2004. He also served as a central cabinet minister for three different ministries. He was a respected political leader of all timeIndia.

Around 21 days back, he had been admitted to the hospital for brain surgery. Moreover, he was tested covid positive at the time of admission to the hospital. He developed a lung infection that led him to a coma.

Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has stated that the loss of Mr Mukherjee cannot be replaced ever. He played a major role in bringing India to the current developmental state. ” Democracy without a free press is like a blank piece of paper “- These words were spoken by Shri Pranab Mukherjee in one of his last speeches in a program held in December last year, where he mainly spoke about the importance of press freedom.

I hope now you have learnt to write reports on this topic after going through this session. Do let me know if you have any further suggestions regarding this session by leaving a quick comment below this article.

Thank you. See you soon.
