Report Writing on Anti Crackers Day Celebration in Your School [PDF Available]


This report writing is on Anti Crackers Day Celebration in Your School. Let’s jump into the context.

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Example 1

Sodepur High School is Celebrating Anti Crackers Day

By Suprity Acharyya

Sodepur High School; October 27th: Sodepur High School yesterday celebrated anti crackers day in order to bring awareness about the impact of firecrackers on the environment.


Firecrackers are considered as one of the major causes behind the rising level of air pollution these days. All environmental activists, as well as scientists, are warning common people to avoid the usage of firecrackers on various occasions like marriage, birthday, anniversary ceremony and most significantly Diwali.

Previously in order to spread awareness among the students, environmental activists visited such schools around Kolkata and explained the harmful impacts of crackers on the environment.

This anti crackers day celebration in Sodepur High School is being considered as a mere result of the campaigns launched by those environmental activists. On this very occasion, the students of Sodepur High School went out holding influential banners on their hands to spread a message of not using firecrackers.

The costumes of the students were also very significantly green to promote the colour of nature. This very procession was led by the senior students of 11 and 12th standard and followed by the juniors gradually. The teachers also participated in the beautiful procession along with the students of the school. 

Example 2

Anti Crackers Campaign Launched by Holy Child Girls High School

By Suprity Acharyya

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Holy Child Girls’ High School; November 2nd: The Holy Child Girls’ High School is famous for setting examples in front of the whole city about various trending issues. This time in the trend of anti crackers campaigns the school is no exception.

Just before Diwali, the Holy Child Girls’ High School has launched a campaign against the massive burning of firecrackers in the Kali puja occasion in Kolkata city. They decided to celebrate 1st of November as the anti firecrackers day and announced the anti crackers campaign will continue for the entire month.

They have decided to mobilize numerous agendas in order to reduce the illegal selling of firecrackers, spread awareness about the harmful effects of it on nature and environment, march with creative banners and most importantly a tree plantation programme.

On the first day, the principal of the school inaugurated the whole month program with her short speech about the impact of firecrackers burning on the environment.

Little girls launched an awareness march with small plants in one hand and banners on the other. Besides continuing the whole month anti crackers campaign the school authority have decided to help the ill-treated as well as wounded street animals by firecrackers as reported by the principal.

Example 3

Anti Crackers Program Launched by Adarsha High School

By Suprity Acharyya

Adarsha High School; December 23rd: The Adarsha High School, Barrackpore yesterday celebrated the anti crackers day. As per the organising authority, the program was launched in order to reduce the ill effects of firecrackers on the entire surroundings.

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One of the school authority members has let us know that it is the time of the year when most of the firecrackers burning happens. This massive burning leads to major pollution in the environment and causes serious trouble for thousands of animals.

Moreover, it is the reason why every year this time the pollution level of the city goes higher and healthy breathing habits get seriously affected. In Delhi, people are even bound to use face masks to avoid the polluted smoggy air in the morning.

Experts are saying that these all around anti crackers campaign is a net result of the previous environmental awareness camps by significant environmental activists. Celebrating the anti crackers day the Adarsha High School tried to promote ecologically sustainable products for the environment.

They offered handmade lamps and lanterns and asked the common people of the area to avoid and reject firecrackers. In a creative banner designed by school students, a beautiful message was written: “Let this Christmas be full with the light of hope; not with the flash and smoke of firecrackers.”

Example 4

Anti Crackers Day Got Celebrated Jointly by Multiple Schools of Kolkata

By Suprity Acharyya

Maidan; November 25th: The Kolkata city observed a beautiful initiative of an anti crackers campaign organised jointly by multiple renowned schools of Kolkata. The Schools And Students Associations Of Kolkata basically planned the whole program.

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The chairperson of the organisation Mr Ashok Banerjee let us know that this idea is not entirely his brainchild. He got inspired from quite a similar initiative taken by a few schools of Oslo, Norway on spreading awareness about global warming.

According to Mr Banerjee, he just put that Idea in a new packet and presented it from a Bengali perspective. Renowned schools of Kolkata like Bhawanipur education society, Navya Nalanda High School, Muralidhar Girls’ School, The Town School, Burrabazar Central School and many others participated in the program.

Every school was instructed to set up its own theme for this occasion. A management body was created as well to keep count on the different themes selected by each School.

For the very day, a specific agenda was taken holistically by a meeting of the organising committee. In the morning, all of the participating students and teachers of every school gathered in the Kolkata Maidan.

From there they launched a procession along with their many creative themes opposing the massive burning of firecrackers. They also performed a tree plantation programme on the roadsides of the city. The cultural capital of India has again set a beautiful example of progress and prosperity in the country.


There you have the report on Anti Crackers Day Celebration in Your School.

I hope these examples help you. Do let me know if you have any other topic ideas which you want me to cover by leaving a quick comment a just below the article.
