Report Writing on a Visit to Animal Care Home [With PDF]


In this article, I will show you a couple of samples reports on the visit to an animal care home. But initially, I want to clarify that reports on this topic are written in the pattern of magazine reports.

Through this kind of topic can be framed in newspaper reporting patterns too, but magazine reports are the primary to be focused on. So without further delay, let’s get started.

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Example 1


By: Elizabeth Ann Regi


Animal care homes are good choices for people who are looking for adopting an animal. Because these care centres perform a thorough behavioural analysis of each animal to ensure the right fit for each person. Last week I visited an animal care home to look into the process of adopting an animal. The staff who worked at the shelter seemed extremely knowledgeable and experienced.

 Animal care homes or shelters are established to care for animals needing special protection. They try to provide suitable housing conditions to homeless animals or to temporarily provide shelter for lost animals. These homes can either be run by the government, or by private organisations.

The centre I visited, enlightened me about the numerous commercial animal breeding facilities that produce millions of animals for sale in pet stores. These facilities popularly known as puppy and kitten mills repeatedly impregnate animals who are forced to live in cages.

These animals have to live in unfortunate conditions without human companionship. This habit transforms them into morose creatures. Animal care homes do not condone such practices. Furthermore, animals are given vaccinations on arrival. Thus families are highly encouraged to adopt an animal from trusted animal care homes.

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Example 2


By: Eileen Anna

Last week our school organised a visit to an animal care home to educate students about the different needs of animals as well as to encourage us to in safe animal adoption.

Upon our arrival at the care home, we were welcomed by the chief manager who gave us a tour of the home. He explained to us about the different breeds of animals and how they varied in their nutritional needs, behaviour patterns and different living conditions. We were enlightened about the benefits of animal adoption through a thorough slide show presentation.

The presentation was extremely informative and covered all the basic things one needed to know about animal adoption. The students were also allowed to personally interact with the animals and feed them.

In the end, the students who were interested in adopting an animal were taken to a separate room where they were given relevant pamphlets and adoption resources. These resources provided all the necessary information ranging from the adoption process to the different breeds of animals best suited for adoption. Because of this visit, five students from our class have managed to successfully adopt four healthy animals.

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Example 3


By: Sreekanta Sai

The veterinary science department of our college organised a visit to an animal care home to educate aspiring students about the different methods and practices that are needed for caring for the animal as well as maintaining their good health.

The animal care home included all kinds of domestic animals including birds, rabbits, hamsters but by far the main residents were cats and dogs. The students were able to observe the day to day lives at the care centre. Care of animals included cleaning cages, providing food and water, along with the behaviour modification exercises.

Veterinary care dealt with pre and post-op, care of animals, organisation of medicines and supplies and sterilization of equipment. Students were also allowed to closely monitor the malnutrition and injured animals that had come in off the streets.

The medicine administration method was elaborately explained by the staff doctor. For the entire span of the visit, each student was entrusted with one animal which they had to feed and look after. This not only helped them in the implementation of practical skills but also provided them with a mentally and emotionally fulfilling experience.

Example 4


 By: Sudev Suraj

As a part of the world animal welfare day initiative, my school gave me an opportunity to work as a volunteer at an animal care home. At the animal care home, many other volunteers like me intended to help and take care of animals and look after them.

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A former worker at a commercial puppy mill gave me a brief description of the conditions of the mill and how badly they treat animals. Animals are usually crammed into filthy, overcrowded cages and are not provided with healthy food, clean water or basic veterinary care. Mother dogs are bred continuously without rest.

Diseases are left unchecked that contribute to the deteriorating health condition of those animals. These mills make false claims and deceive their customers who have zero knowledge about the origin of their pets or how they are treated before adoption. Animal shelters play a vital role in rescuing animals, caring for them and feeding them.

As a part of the ‘stop animal cruelty’ campaign, we were taught how important it is to encourage people for animal adoption from dedicated care centres. The more animals they adopt, the more room these shelters will have in order to house helpless animals. We were able to learn about the crucial role of animal shelters in our society.

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