20+ Examples of Pronoun in a Sentence [PDF]


Today in this article I am going to show you examples of each type of Pronoun with sentences, and also to download the PDF of this lesson please find the PDF downloadable link below this article.

Table of Contents

feature image of example of pronoun

What is A Pronoun?

A Pronoun is a word that replaces a noun or equivalent in a sentence. So let’s see the examples of Pronouns in a sentence.

what is pronoun

Personal Pronoun

Personal pronouns are stand for persons, viz

  • First person- I, my, me, we, our
  • Second Person- As, you, thou, your
  • Third Person-As, he, she, it, they, their

Examples of Personal Pronouns:

  1. They were present there
  2.  He knows
  3.  We shall go
  4.  I saw her
  5.  I gave him a mobile
  6.  Don’t speak to her
  7.  Between him and me
  8.  We tried for him
  9.  Who is there?
  10.  Was it he?
  11.  It is I.
  12.  Yes, it was he.
  13.  It was he who helped me
  14.  It was I who arranged the meeting
  15.  The boy is known to him and me
  16.  I brought this for you and him
  17.  She is more intelligent than I(am)
  18.  He knows you more than me
  19.  I don’t have more money than he
  20.  She is more intelligent than me
  21.  She is shorter than me
  22.  I know you better than him
  23.  Nobody was present there but me
  24.  Let us go
  25.  Let him and I do the job

Demonstrative pronoun

Demonstrative Pronouns are this, that, these, those, such, so, the same, one, when

Demonstrative Pronoun examples

  1.  This is my home
  2. That is my house
  3. What I mean is this
  4. Work and play are both necessary, this gives us rest, that gives energy
  5. Dogs are more painful than any pets
  6.  The book is better that of Suman
  7. He went there, and this proves his courage
Visa Guide:  Tense in English Grammar with Examples [PDF]

Relative Pronoun

The Relative Pronouns are who, which, that, what, as and but also used as Relatives

Relative Pronoun examples

  1. The book which you gave me is lost
  2.  I want the boy that did it
  3. I know the man who came
  4. This is the cat which I saw
  5. The baby who is was crying is not quite
  6. Small pass the examination, which pleased everybody
  7. It was raining heavily, which kept us Indoors
  8. This is the book that I saw in the library
  9. I know what you say
  10.  What you say is true
  11. The man who came here was my uncle
  12.  I know Mr. Javed, who is a businessman
  13. These are the boys who were present there
  14. Please tell me to whom I should speak
  15. I saw your father who recognized me
  16. Who did you give it to?
  17. I have seen the picture, which you have painted and which is very lifelike
  18. I went to his house, which is far away from the town but which can be reached easily by motorcycle
  19. Only such boys as having passed Need apply
  20.  I give him as much as required
  21. This is true as I said before

Interrogative Pronouns


Interrogative Pronouns are who, which, what with whose and whom.

Interrogative Pronouns examples:

  1.  Who are you?
  2. Whom do you want?
  3. Which is the house?
  4. Who goes there?
  5. Which of these do you want?
  6. What is he?
  7. What do you want?
  8. What folly! What a clever boy you are!

Distributive Pronoun

Distributive pronouns are each, either and neither

Distributive Pronouns examples:

  1. Either of you may go
  2. Neither of them was present
  3. Each of the two or five boys was fined
  4. Each has his own ideas
  5. The boys each have their work
  6. We each have done our work
  7. Each of the girls has done her work
Visa Guide:  Direct and Indirect Speech in English Grammar with Examples [PDF]

Reflexive and Emphatic pronoun

Reflexive and emphatic pronouns are formed by adding self to my, your, her, it, him and selves to our, your, them. For example, itself, myself, yourself, himself, Herself, themselves, yourselves, ourselves

Reflexive and emphatic pronouns examples:

  1.  I hurt myself
  2. He lost himself
  3. They hurt themselves
  4. I myself saw the men
  5. I saw the man himself
  6. I did it for myself

Indefinite Pronoun

Indefinite pronouns do not point out any particular person or thing. But referring to a person or thing to the general manager. They are any, one, none, naught, aught, other, another, several, many, few, all, they, some

Indefinite pronouns examples:

  1. Have you seen any man there?
  2.  Have you seen any dog in there?
  3. I want a few tables, can you give me any?
  4. Some say, she will come
  5. Suman has many books, some are new, some old
  6. One must do one‘s duty
  7. One does not know when one will die
  8.  None of these concerns me
  9. None but fools have ever believed it
  10. The fruits that you gave me and others are also exhausted
  11. They say a war will break out
  12. Many are called, but few are chosen

Reciprocal Pronoun

When there are two people we use ‘each other’ and for more than two we used ‘one another’

Reciprocal Pronouns examples

  1. The girls fought with one another
  2. Maity and Sharma struck each other

Exercises on Pronoun:

Personal pronouns exercises

Point out the personal pronouns

  1. He told me to call him
  2. I have lost the book you gave me
  3. Do as I tell you
  4. I have sent your brother to him
  5. They are angry with me
  6. A friend of yours asked me for it
  7. It is a pleasure to talk with him
  8. This book is his not yours
  9. We will follow you
  10. He told them that they should mind their business
  11. It is known that you help me him
  12. I know that it was they that did it
  13. We should do what you tell us to do
  14. It was this book that I wanted
  15. It is 5 o’clock
  16. This pen is his, where is mine?
  17. It was with pleasure that I did the work
  18. State that you give them that advice
Visa Guide:  Mood in English Grammar with Examples [PDF]

Demonstrative Pronouns exercises

Fill up the blanks with demonstrative pronouns

  1. The boy is taller than_
  2. _ is a lame excuse
  3. If you are a friend prove yourself as_
  4. His house is bigger than_ of Rakesh
  5. These things are better than_ supplied by him
  6. He said_
  7. His works are like_ of his brother
  8. Both are good but_ is more useful than_
  9. I help him and_ proves that I love him
  10. I help him and_ proved my love for him

Relative Pronouns exercises

Join the following sentences with relative pronouns

  1. I know the boy. He did it.
  2. The book is lost. I bought it.
  3. I help the man. Their houses were burnt down
  4. You have taught me a lesson. I shall not forget it
  5. A boy came to me. His name I do not know
  6. I shall tell it to Suman. You know him
  7. A boy came to me. I had never seen him before
  8. I have got that thing. I wanted it badly
  9. You must obey me. I am your superior

Interrogative Pronouns exercises

Fill in the blanks with suitable Interrogative  Pronouns

  1. _ do you see there?
  2. _ is the name of the boy?
  3. _ are the things in your bag?
  4. _ is the best girl here?
  5. _ is that man there?
  6. _ of these pens is yours?
  7. Of _ are they talking?
  8. _ where are the toys made of?
  9. _ shall I choose, Shubhankar or Suman?
  10. _ are you speaking to?

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