An Essay on Corona Virus [PDF]


Hello readers, today we are going to present an essay on the most demandable topic, that is an Essay on Corona Virus. The time frame of the Corona Virus is really pathetic and sad, here in this we are going to present the whole situation. So let’s dive into the essay.

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The world is in a state of lockdown because of the Coronavirus outbreak. The Coronavirus pandemic which is known as COVID-19 was first detected in China. When it was detected, it was known as novel coronavirus which is one type of coronaviruses.

There are many types of coronaviruses and out of the WHO (World Health Organization) has said that the COVID-19 is the most dangerous. The COVID-19 originated in Wuhan Province of China and then spread all over the world. Coronavirus was officially called a pandemic by WHO when it started spreading in a lot of countries.

Today, over 190 countries of the world have been affected by the Corona Virus. The Corona Virus is called a pandemic because it is a highly contagious disease and can spread through air, surfaces or by touching somebody who has been affected by it.


Because of the high number of cases the governments of many countries are making new hospitals with the help of the military so that more patients can be treated. There is a lockdown in many countries where the number of cases is very high.

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Due to this, the health workers are working 24/7 to make sure patients are being treated. In India, the lockdown has been extended to 3rd May after which the Center has said it will be a decision of the state governments and chief ministers to decide according to infections in their states. The health workers are working overtime and some of them are also being affected due to this virus.

To avoid coronavirus there are some safety steps to be taken. To prevent the spread of COVID-19: Clean your hands often. Use soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand rub. Maintain a safe distance from anyone who is coughing or sneezing.

Don’t touch your eyes, nose, or mouth. Cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Stay home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, a cough, and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention. Call in advance. Follow the directions of your local health authority.

The term “novel” refers to the “new pathogen of a previously known type” (i.e. recognized family) of the virus. The use of the term is consistent with best practices for identifying emerging infectious diseases reported by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2015.

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Historically, diseases have often been identified after areas, individuals, or animals. However, this custom has now been expressly prohibited by the WHO.

It is said that the Coronavirus was spread when someone in Wuhan ate a bat as this disease can be spread from bats. Popular symptoms of infection include fever, coughing and trouble breathing. It may cause pneumonia, multiple organ failure, and death in serious cases.

The incubation time for COVID-19 is believed to be between one and 14 days. It’s infectious before signs show, which is why so many people get sick.  Infected patients can also be asymptomatic, which means that they may not have any symptoms of having the virus in their bodies.

When the virus was first seen in China, the Chinese actually thought it was an unusual case of Pneumonia. The Government proclaimed the virus a pandemic on 11 March and reported that it was “deeply worried by the disturbing distribution and magnitude of the epidemic.

” The One suggests good sanitation, such as frequently cleaning your hands with soap and water and covering your mouth with your forearm while sneezing or coughing. Keep “physical distance “- keeping at least 1.8 meters (6 feet) between yourself and others-especially if you cough and sneeze, and stop rubbing your nose, eyes and mouth with unwashed hands. Avoid unwanted, unprotected contact with animals and make sure to wash your hands thoroughly after touching.

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Many countries have closed schools and suggest that people operate from home while they can. Some countries have totally closed their external borders and are banning travel until it is considered necessary.

With the fear and uncertainty caused by the pandemic and calls for social distancing, many people are experiencing increased stress, anxiety, and depression. Our evidence-based patient education resources support professional practice guidelines and provide information in a manner that is easy to understand.

So, we can conclude that due to this virus the life of everyone is affected greatly and one can only guess when the schools, colleges, and offices will open. Due to this virus, many people are losing their jobs or facing salary cuts.

Some office workers are being forced to take leaves that are unpaid so that the company can save money. Since there is no vaccine for COVID-19 yet and there is no medicine also, we will have to wait till there is a cure and we can all be safe from the virus.

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