Dialogue Writing Between Two Friends about the Bad Effects of Smoking
In this article, I will show you how to write a dialogue writing between two friends about the bad effects of smoking. So without further ado, let’s get started.

Sample Conversation 1
Rishabh: Hey How are you today?
Neeraj: I am fine. How are you?
Rishabh: I am also fine. Hey, do have any money on you?
Neeraj: Not right now. Why?
Rishabh: I needed to buy some cigarettes.
Neeraj: You smoke?
Rishabh: Yes.
Neeraj: How often do you smoke?
Rishabh: Almost Daily. Why?
Neeraj: I understand that it is okay to smoke once in a while but I think you should quit or lower your consumption of cigarettes. As you might be aware that smoking causes really dangerous problems and I don’t want you getting sick because of a bad habit.
Rishabh: I understand and I know the entire thing you are saying but I am addicted and find it very hard to leave,
Neeraj: It is totally fine. I will help you and there are many helplines’ and help centers which are ready to help addicted people.
Rishabh: Thank you. I think with your help I will be able to give up this Habit.
Sample Conversation 2
Rishi: Hey raghav. Have you heard about nitin?
Raghav: No. what about him?
Rishi: Well his admitted in hospital and has been diagnosed with second stage lung cancer.
Raghav: Oh my god. That’s really bad. But how did this happen.
Rishi: Well you remember he was addicted to cigarettes and alcohol.
Raghav: Oh yes. Such a bad habit. Look where it landed him.
Rishi: True. I tried to make him understand the bad effects about it so many times but he was not ready to give it up.
Raghav: Yes I remember. I feel really bad for him and his family. I hope he will be okay soon.
Rishi: Yes me too.
Sample Conversation 3
Sijan: Hello Sijan. How are you
Suman: Hello suman. I am fine. How are you?
Sijan: I am also fine. Hey, what’s the weird smell coming from you?
Suman: It’s nothing. It’s just the smell of smoke.
Sijan: Oh My God! You smoke?
Suman: Yes. Why you are so shocked it very common.
Sijan: I know it is common but don’t you think it’s a bad habit.
Suman: If smoking is bad, why so many people all over the world smoke.
Sijan: They smoke because they understand the bad effects and they are addicted. You must be aware that smoking causes cancer and other dangerous diseases.
Suman: Cancer?
Sijan: Yes, Cancer. Smoking causes many other diseases. It affects our lunges severely.
Suman: Oh my god, this is scary.
Sijan: Yes. Please once think about your life ahead and your family. I advise you to give up this habit,
Suman: Of course. I understand the repercussions of this habit and I will not smoke further.
Sijan: Thank you very much for your advice
Suman: You are most welcome. I shall go now.
Sijan: Bye see you later.
Sample Conversation 4
Mohit: Hey Mohit.
Shubham: Hey shubham. Are you ready to go to the mall?
Mohit: Yes I am ready. But can you just wait a minute? I will quickly go grab a cigarette box.
Shubham: What? Cigarette? Oh my god I heard that you have immensely adducted to cigarettes now.
Mohit: No I just smoke one now and then
Shubham: Why do smoke Mohit? Don’t you know smoking is harmful for health?
Mohit: Yes but you don’t the relief and satisfaction I get from smoking.
Shubham: But there are many bad effects of smoking. Don’t you know that? Smoking is like taking g poison
Mohit: But everyone smokes.
Shubham: I know because they are not aware. And you are a well-educated man so I think you should understand the bad effects it has.
Think about the diseases it can cause and scare you for life. Think about your family.
Mohit: Yes. I understand your point. Moreover, I never knew smoking was so dangerous for health.
Shubham: But now you know and I hope you understand and will try to quit.
Mohit: Yes of course. Thank you.
Shubham: You are welcome. Now let’s go.
So these are some sample conversations between two friends about the bad effects of smoking.
I hope you found this article helpful.
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