Conversation or Dialogue Writing between Teacher and Student about Exams Preparation


This article will help you to learn how to write a dialogue writing between teacher and student about exams preparation. So let’s get started.

feature image of Dialogue Writing between Teacher and Student about Exams Preparation

Sample Conversation 1

Teacher: Hey Rohan.

Rohan: Hello sir good morning. How are you today?

Teacher: I am fine. How are you? You look really relaxed today.


Rohan: I am fine sir and yes feel really relaxed.

Teacher: Oh that is great. But don’t you have an exam in an hour.

Rohan: Yes sir I do have English exam. And I think I am well prepared for this exam.

Teacher: That is really great.

Rohan: Yes sir. I started preparing on time for these exams as I was scared earlier for them. I was not able to attend classes due to sickness.

Teacher: I am happy that you are prepared and relaxed. I hope you excel in this exam. All the best.

Rohan: Thank you sir.

Sample Conversation 2

Teacher: Rajesh you look really stressed these days? Is everything okay?

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Rajesh: Yes sir, it’s just that my exams are coming up and I am really scared for them

Teacher: Oh I see.

Rajesh: Yes sir, even though I have started preparing but I think this time I will not be able to score well.

Teacher: But why do you think like this?

Rajesh: Actually sir, I am really weak in some subjects and those subjects I am scared that I will fail.

Teacher: Oh no dear don’t think like that. I am sure that you will be able to handle everything. In which subject are you weak?

Rajesh: Physics.

Teacher: I will help you with that. Do you have your book on you right now?

Rajesh: Yes sir.

Teacher: Okay so show me the topics you are weak at and we’ll discuss them.

Rajesh: Okay thank you sir.

Sample Conversation 3

Teacher: Hello Riya. How are you

Riya: good morning sir. I am absolutely fine. How are you?

Teacher:I am also f8ine. Your mother called me.

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Riya: My mother? But why sir?

Teacher: She was worried about your upcoming exams. She was telling me that you are not preparing well for them and are always trying to procrastinate.

Riya: Sir I try my best.

Teacher: I hope so but I just want to tell pie that these exams are really important and I just hope you realize that.

Riya: Yes sir I do. I am not able to concrete for a long time one-a-days. But I will try my best sir.

Teacher: Yes, and if you have any problem please contact me.

Sample Conversation 4

Teacher: Good morning Kareena.

Kareena: Good morning sir. How are you?

Teacher: I am fine. How are you?

Kareena: I am also fine sir.

Teacher: Your boards are coming up. You are a bright student and I hope you have started preparing.

Kareena: Yes sir I have a little bit.

Teacher: I think you should devote your time properly to your studies as these exams are really important.

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Kareena: Yes sir I do understand that.

Teacher: Is there any problem?

Kareena: Sir actually I am really scared of the boards and that’s why I am not able to concentrate.

Teacher: There is nothing to be scared of. You just need to have confidence in yourself and I know you can ace it.

Kareena: Yes sir.

Teacher: If you need any help come by my office around 3.

Kareena: Okay sir. Thank you. 

That’s It

There you have it: Dialogue Writing between Teacher and Student about Exams Preparation.

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