Write Letter to the Editor about Poor Public Bus Service
Essential public transport services like buses, trains, trams, etc are very much important for people’s daily life. Any disruption in these services leads to giving birth to grave public concern.
This enormous gravity of this issue makes it an important potential topic for different kinds of English comprehension tests like report writing, editorial letter writing etc. Keeping this potentiality in mind, in this session, I am going to write a few such editorial letter samples on poor public bus services.
So, without further delay, let’s get started.

Example 1
Question: Suppose you face severe issues especially when going to school, due to poor public bus service in your area. Write a letter to the editor of a reputed newspaper explaining this issue and look for some permanent solution.
Hints: Public transport is essential- Number of buses reduced- Affecting daily life- Issues in reaching school- Many students being affected- Request to the higher authority
Suresh Mukherjee Road, Nabinpally
Kolkata: 700114
September 2, 2020
The Editor
The Statesman
3/1 Nalinipukur Road
Kolkata: 700002
Subject: Lack of public buses affecting life
I am a regular follower of your esteemed daily hence writing this letter to you in order to highlight the issue I have recently faced with poor public bus service in my locality.
Public transport is one of the most essential services of our life. Public buses are probably the most crucial one among all modes of public transport. Recently in my residential area, the number of public buses has drastically fallen down in the last 2-3 months. I don’t know the exact reason why the number of buses has been reduced at such a level. It has started affecting day to day lives of all those citizens dependent solely on public transport. About myself, this poor condition of public bus service mostly affects me every day when going to school. For the last 2-3 months, almost every day I am getting late reaching school. Sometimes, because of this, I am being even unable to attend school. So eventually, I am being bound to spend extra on school buses that could be easily avoided with the improvement of the public bus service. Many students and office workers are being affected as same as I am.
So, through this letter in your esteemed daily, I would like to request the higher authority earnestly to improve the public bus service in Nabinpally area on immediate basis.
Yours Sincerely,
Rajesh Dutta
Example 2
Question: Due to the recent hike in the fuel price, the number of buses has been drastically reduced in your city. Write a letter to the editor of a popular daily newspaper raising your concern regarding this issue.
Hints: Fuel prices increased- Price hike of regular commodities- Number of buses decreased- Charging more than regular fare- Public are sufferer- Government should take action
2/61 Bablapur
North 24 Parganas
June 23, 2021
The Editor
The Telegraph
Kolkata: 700001
Subject: Fuel price, public bus service, and worse public life
I am a resident of a downtown area quite near Kolkata city who have to travel regularly through public buses due to professional purposes. This letter to your esteemed daily is intended to explain the current miserable situation of daily passengers like us due to the poor public bus services.
In the last few months, our country has seen a sudden hike in fuel prices. Fuel prices have been increased even by 10-15 rupees per/litre. With this sudden hike in the fuel price, the prices of regular commodities have been drastically increased as well. The most essential public transport services are no exception in this case. The bus owner organisations are appealing to the government to increase the bus fare as per the fuel price. But as the government has not been agreed to increase the bus fare, the number of buses has been drastically reduced all over the city. Even the running public buses are charging twice or even thrice of the regular fare sometimes. As a result, common citizens like us are being the soul sufferers of the situation.
So, in this context, I want to earnestly request the government to look into this matter immediately and take some actions in order to rescue us from this miserable situation.
Yours Sincerely,
Rumi Bannerjee
Example 3
Question: Due to a pandemic situation and lockdowns, public bus services have become consistently poor in the city. Write a letter to the editor of a daily newspaper expressing your concern regarding this issue and explain how it is affecting essential social services.
Hints: Pandemic hitting- Lockdown imposed- Transports shut down- Essential services interrupted- Buses are needed- Government should look into it
72A Bottola Road, Uttarpara
February 18, 2021
The Editor
The Times of India
8, Camac Street
Kolkata: 700017
Subject: Poor bus services due to pandemic, miserable essential services
I am a regular follower of your esteemed daily newspaper, today writing this letter to you to bring some light of attention on the issue of poor public bus services due to the pandemic and lockdowns imposed because of it.
The coronavirus pandemic has been hitting us hard since last year. Normal public life has completely been interrupted due to the virus and the worldwide lockdowns imposed because of it. All kinds of public transport services have been shut down for an indefinite period in order to stop the spread of the pandemic. This is no doubt a most essential step to control the pandemic situation. But we need to remember that essential social services can be stopped no matter what the situation is. But recently, the quality of essential bus service has consistently deteriorated. Our city has also seen inhuman attitudes from the bus owners and public with the frontline worker.
In this context, we need to keep in mind that these frontline workers are our primary saviour hence the asset of our society. That’s why at least some public buses are needed to be operational with specific restrictions and guidelines for these fighters. Through this letter in your esteemed daily, I want to request the government to look into this matter immediately.
Yours Sincerely,
Aditya Bansal
Example 4
Question: The state government has recently taken some measures to improve the condition of poor public bus services. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily newspaper reviewing the steps taken by the government and evaluate with constructive criticism.
Hints: New transport policy announced- first such policy- To tackle poor public bus service- Scope for bus owners’ independent decision- Feedback mechanism for passengers- Will lead to fare hike- Increase social imparity- Government needs to evaluate
21, Kathgola Road, Ghola
Kolkata: 700110
December 11, 2020
The Editor
The Indian Express
164/A, BK Paul Ave
Kolkata: 700005
Subject: Effort to transform public bus service: A critical evaluation
Our government has recently launched the new public transport policy. This letter to you is being written in order to critically evaluate this policy in the context of improving the poor public bus services in the state.
Public bus services of the state have consistently deteriorated over the last few years. Bus owners had several long-pending demands to the government to resettle proper public bus service. Probably keeping this in mind, the transport minister of our state Mr Ratan Shukla has announced the state’s new public transport policy. This is for the first time any state has launched a dedicated public transport policy. Under this policy, there are several provisions and regulations for the bus owner to increase their fare somewhat independently, to decide their consumer service policy, an introduction of a new transport tax regime and dedicated feedback and grievance mechanism for the passengers.
The government has indeed tried to implement a more advanced capitalist model of transport to improve the poor public bus service. But experts are saying that there are high chances of an abnormal hike in bus fare that will eventually lead to social imparity even in the public transport sector. They have also expressed their doubts regarding the efficiency of this policy to tackle the poor public bus service. So, the government might need to evaluate this policy in the near future,
Yours Sincerely,
Barun Goswami
That was all about our presentation on writing editorial letters about poor public bus services. In the session above, I have tried to present four different aspects of the problem and evaluated them from different perspectives.
Hopefully, all your doubts have been resolved now after going through this session. If these letters have helped and you liked our initiative, let us know our opinions through the comment section below. Your valuable appreciation is our only motivation. If you want to have more such sessions, let us know that too. You may take a tour of our website where you will be finding hundreds of such sessions on different English comprehension tests.
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