Write an Application Letter to the Principal for Organizing Online Classes
In this article, I am going to show you how to write an application letter to the principal requesting him/her to organize classes. The following examples will be really helpful if you are asked to compose a letter like this. So read the letters thoroughly. Now let’s get started with the article.

Set 1
Question-1: You are the class monitor. You and your classmates all want to have online classes due to the pandemic. Write an application letter to the principal requesting him to organize online classes on behalf of all the students.
Hints: The reason for online classes- How it can help you- Details of the pandemic- Students’ opinion- Your polite request
7B, Mahestala Lane,
Kolkata 700099,
April 18, 2021.
The Principal,
J.P.B.S School,
Kalikapur, Kolkata.
Sub: Requesting to organize online class
Respected Sir,
I, Sohini Sen, am a student of class IX section B of your reputed institution. With due respect, I kindly request you to organize online classes due to the ongoing pandemic. We all are aware of the grim condition that we are going through. With the ongoing rise of the number of cases, all the students are quite afraid to come to school. In such a scenario, the ideal option for us would be to attend class but not by coming to school. Online classes are being held in many schools and students are benefitting themselves from those classes. We do not want to be deprived of our studies.
Hence, if we have the facility of online classes we can continue our studies in a safe and sound manner. I hope you would understand the urgency of the situation. I would be highly obliged if a decision is taken at the earliest regarding this letter. I have attached a letter with the signatures of the students who are in favor of online classes.
Yours Sincerely,
Sohini Sen ( Class IX, B)
Set 2
Question-2: You wish to have online classes during summer vacation to learn a new skill. Write an application letter to the principal requesting her to organize online classes.
Hints: Why you want online classes- What do you want to learn- How can it benefit in the academics- Your humble request
5B, Patel Road,
Delhi 500089,
April 16, 2021.
The Principal,
National High School,
Vikasnagar, Delhi.
Sub: Requesting to organize online classes
Respected Madam,
I, Rahul Goria, am a student of class IX, section B of your reputed institution. I am writing this letter to kindly request you to organize online classes during our summer vacation. We usually get long summer vacations in our school. In this period if we are taught a new skill via online classes it would be beneficial for us in the long run. Our summer vacation would be more productive and we all will be motivated to study more. A new language online class can be very helpful.
We all know the importance of learning a foreign language. If the classes are held in the summer vacation online then we will not require extra classes in our normal school routine. Many of our parents also suggested that having online classes will aid our academic journey in various ways. I hope you would give a thought to our suggestion and cooperate with us by organizing online classes. I will be highly obliged if you consider our concern and permit us to have online classes.
Yours faithfully,
Rahul Goria (Class IX, B)
Set 3
Question 3- You want to attend online classes before your final board examination during the study break. Write an application letter to the principal requesting him to organize online classes.
Hints: The reason for online classes- How it can benefit you- The urgency before the examination- Doubt clearing sessions- Your earnest request
4B, Lake Market,
Bangalore 400089,
April 18, 2021.
The Principal,
Mahadevi Birla School,
Patola, Bangalore.
Sub: Requesting to organize online class
Respected Sir,
I, Sneha Kalani, am a student of class XI, section A- Humanities of your reputed institution. I wish to put forward a kind request to you. Since we are in class XI and will soon be appearing for our final board examination, I strongly feel we need extra study hours and support from the school. After a week, we will be having our study break before the examination.
During this time, if online classes are organized for us, we would be able to revise and clear all our doubts directly from our teachers. Online classes twice a week would be sufficient for all of us. These classes will enable us to prepare better and to score well in our upcoming examination. All my classmates are willing to attend the online classes. I kindly request you to organize online classes before our examination. I would be highly obliged to you for your cooperation and support.
Yours faithfully,
Sneha Kalani
( Class XI, A, Humanities)
Set 4
Question-4: Your school has decided to open up school as the Covid situation is improving. But you still are anxious as well as other students. Write an application letter to the principal requesting her to organize online classes.
Hints: Why you are afraid to school- Safety issue- How online classes can help- Your polite request
12, N.S.C Bose Road,
Kochi 400067,
April 19, 2021.
The Principal,
Viewpoint High School,
Jew Town, Kochi.
Sub: Requesting to organize online class
Respected Madam,
I, Satish Gaur, am a student of class VII, section B of your esteemed institution. I earnestly request you to organize online classes during the pandemic. Although the situations have improved in many areas, we students are still anxious to attend school physically. We all have parents, grandparents, and siblings at our home and it would be a great risk for their health. We are all aware of the necessary steps that our school is going to take for our safety. However, if we can manage to have online classes for a few more days, we all be can safe and sound.
Also, all the students of our class have the facility of internet and they can attend the online classes without any fear. This would help us to study with full concentration. I hope you would understand our genuine concern and certainly corporate with us. I will be highly obliged if you take our situation into consideration.
Yours obediently,
Satish Gaur ( Class VII, B)
In this article, I taught you how to write an application letter to the principal requesting her/him to organize online classes. Since you all are having online classes nowadays these letters will help you a lot. I hope you enjoyed the session. Leave your comments and requests in the comment section below. We are coming up with more exciting content so be sure to check our website regularly.