Write a Letter to Your Mother Describing Your Hostel Life [With PDF]


In this session, you are going to learn how to write a letter to your mother describing your hostel life.

Let’s get started!

feature image of Write a Letter to Your Mother Describing Your Hostel Life

Example 1

Question:  You have recently moved to a boarding school. Write a letter to your mother about your daily hostel routine, your new experiences at the hostel and how much you miss your family.

Hints: Description of your classes and teachers- Things you are learning- How you are studying alone- You miss your family.

St.Paul’s School
Jalapahar, Darjeeling
West Bengal 734103


Feb 8, 2022

My dear Mother,

I just finished reading your letter. I would like to share my new experiences in my hostel life with you. It is different from a regular day school but slowly I am enjoying this.

 To begin with, this new hostel life has taught me a lot of things. I am glad that I am able to do so many things on my own. From making my own bed to cleaning my clothes, organising books, I am doing everything which you would always do for me.  Our school has a daily routine which we need to abide by thoroughly.

My day begins at 6 o’clock with the loud bell. After that, we all are headed to the assembly for our daily prayer. My classes start at 8 o’clock before which I have my breakfast, take a bath and get ready for school.

Our teachers are really good as they take extra care of our studies since we live away from our parents. In the evening we have to go to the study room to finish all our studies. The food of the hostel is certainly not good as yours. But it is fun to have friends always around.

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I truly miss you, mom. I hope to see you soon during the break. Please take care of your health and look after dad. 

Yours affectionately,

Example 2

 Question: You have been studying at a boarding school for over a year. Due to exam pressure, you could not write to your mother. Now write a letter to your mother about your examinations, your plans after that and how much you are enjoying your stay and why.

Hints: Detailed description of how your exams went- How did you prepare- Who helped you- Plans for holiday after exam- New happenings at the hostel.

St. Dominic’s,
Pune 411002,

Feb10, 2022

My dearest Mother,

I am writing to you after a long time. Last two weeks all my exams kept me extremely busy. Glad to let you know that all my exams went quite well.

It was a little bit difficult to study alone without your help. But Mrs. Sharma, my English teacher, helped me a lot whenever I faced any kind of problem. Since our exam is over, our school is taking us on an excursion to the nearby museum for a day. It is going to be great after such a hectic routine in the hostel. Also, they have introduced a movie night every Friday. This week we will watch ‘The Sound of Music”. I am very excited.

I will share everything about my trip with you and also my report card. Take care of yourself.

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Your loving daughter,

Example 3

Question:  You study in a hostel and regularly write to your mother about your experiences. Write a letter to your mother describing your hostel life and how you are doing in your studies.

Hints: Description about extracurricular activities- Fun activities with friends- Your studies and result.

Bishop Cotton Boys’ School,
Ashok Nagar,
Bangalore 560025,

Feb 11, 2022

My dear Mother,

I hope you are fine mom. My life in the hostel has become quite interesting. Also, I loved the sweater that you sent for me. Everyone complimented me after wearing it.

This week our teacher told us that we can learn two new subjects according to our preference. I was glad to get such an opportunity and I have enrolled myself in a French language class. Also, for my extracurricular activities, I chose the violin.

Last Sunday all my roommates arranged a picnic in our dormitory and we happily made sandwiches for ourselves. I am happy to let you know that I scored full marks in Physics. My teachers praised me a lot. I am sure you would be very content to hear this news.

Please write to me soon. Convey my love for my little sister Meera.

Yours affectionately,

Example 4

Question: You have recently been admitted to a boarding school. You are missing your family and house but trying to cope with the new hostel life. Write a letter to your mother describing your daily hostel routine, and the likes and dislikes of your hostel life.

Hints: Description  of your class timings- Things you like most about the hostel such as library- A competition that will happen soon- Your homesickness

Apollo Public School
New Delhi 110044,

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Oct 11, 2021

My dear Mother,

I received your letter yesterday and I am glad to know that both you and dad are doing well. It has been almost a month in this hostel but I still feel a little bit homesick.

We are having class from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m to 3 p.m. On Saturdays, we have our extracurricular and game classes. The most exciting thing is that the library remains open every day till night. So I am reading a lot of storybooks.

I just finished reading “The Jungle Book” which is a beautiful story. Every evening after school we are allowed to play any sports of our choice for one hour after which we head to the study room. We also have a drawing competition this week and I have enrolled my name for that. I am practicing every day. 

I will let you know the result of the competition in my next letter. Take care and convey my regards to grandma.

Yours affectionately

Here we saw how each of the students is embracing their Hostel Life. We tried to depict various students and their likes and dislikes about their hostel life and wrote a couple of example letters. Hope you enjoyed this session and found it helpful. Let us know your valuable feedback in the comment section below. Your opinion matters the most to us. 

Thank you, see you again very soon.
