Write a Letter to Your Father about Your Board Examination Preparation [With PDF]


I can still feel how my parents were anxious about my Board Examination. This must be also your case. I have shown you four different ways to write a letter to your father about your board examination preparation. 

Feature image of Letter to Your Father about your Board Examination Preparation

Example Letter Writing 1

Question-1: You are a student of class  X. Your Board examination is drawing near and your father is anxious about your exam preparation. Write a letter to your father telling him how you are preparing for your upcoming examination.

Hints: Update him about your academics- Tell him about your performance in the latest exam – Update him about your exam preparation

25 ABC Hostel,
Kurseong 734203,
February 11, 2021.

Dear Father,


I have received your letter yesterday in which you asked me about my preparations for the upcoming Board Examination. You will be glad to know I’m studying round the clock to fare well in the first biggest examination of my life.

In our Pre-board examination, I have topped in the school. I get my teacher’s help if I have problems with my studies. Our school has arranged doubt clearing sessions after school which has benefitted me immensely. Since you have arranged science tuition for me I have improved in that particular subject.

The tutor has helped me to overcome my fear, especially in physics. Every weekend Anuj, Dipti and I show up for group study. The most disheartening thing is that for the examination I have to temporarily give up playing football. I am giving my best to pass the examination with flying colours.

Pray for my success. Convey my regards to everyone in the family. I am eagerly waiting to see you after the exam.

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Your loving daughter,

Example Letter Writing 2

Question-2: Your father is extremely anxious about your preparation for the board examination. Write a letter within 150 words to your father telling him how you are preparing for the exam.

Hints: Give assurance to your father – Update about your preparation – How you are taking preparation – Tell him about the new habit you have developed

T.S School,
Nagpur 7000123,
March 27, 2021.

Dear Father

How are you? I am fine and doing well here. I learnt from your last letter that you are anxious about my upcoming Board Examination. You will be glad to know I‘m doing better than before.

After scoring poorly in the Pre-board I promised you I will work hard in future. I have received immense support from my subject teachers. Whenever in doubts I have sought their help and they guided me so well. My English teacher also helped me to prepare my study timetable. I strictly abide by that routine.

I have almost given up watching television and try to devote maximum time to my studies. Besides studying I have started practising meditation. It helped to keep my nerves cool and increased my productivity. I am not leaving any stone unturned to do well in the prestigious Board Examination.

I am looking forward to the holidays after the examination when I shall see you again. Give my love to mother and others at home.

Your affectionate daughter,

Example Letter Writing 3

Question-3: Your father is on a work trip and concerned about your studies. Write a letter to your father in 150 words telling him about your board exam preparation.

Hints: Tell him how much you need him – Updates about study and preparation – Who is helping you in the journey – Assure him of good results.

63 South City,
Delhi 111001,
June 19, 2021.

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Dear Father,

I learnt from your latest letter that you are feeling low for not being able to with me during my Higher – Secondary examination. I also feel the same but can understand your work pressure. You will be glad to know I Have put my heart and soul into the preparation.

After the pretest, the school has closed and I have two months on my hand before the exam. I wake up by 6.00 a.m in the morning and go for forty-five minutes of running. It helps me to stay fit. A healthy body and mind help to stay focused for the rest of the day.

I study religiously for 8 hours a day. Every week I take a mock test arranged by the school. It is helping me to evaluate my progress. My mother is also helping me in my studies and also taking great care of my health. I am confident to pass the examination with a good score. After all I have to get a seat in my dream college.

We are eagerly waiting for you to come home. Take care of your health and my regards to you.

Your loving son,

Example Letter Writing 4

Question-4: You are a student of Class X of XYZ School. Write a letter to your father about your board examination.

Hints: Update how his valuable advice helped you – How you are implementing those advices – Update him about your preparation

XYZ School,
69 Jadavpur,
Kolkata 700047,
February 15, 2021.

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Dear Father,

I hope this letter finds you in the utmost healthy and vibrant mood. I am writing this letter to let you know how your last letter full of meaningful advice has helped me in my preparation. 

As the Board Examination is drawing near I am attending all the classes with keen interest. I practice maths for two hours every day in the morning. I have developed the habit of reading the textbook which has been immensely beneficial to me.

I have created a mastermind group of four students of my class helping each other in the preparation. I am putting all my efforts into this phase of preparation. I know my hard work and little sacrifices will help me to fare well in the Board Examination.

I expect you will not be worried anymore about my exam preparation as I have been more regular and disciplined with my studies than before. Convey my regards to mother and my love for my young brother and sister.

Your loving son,

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