Write a Letter to the Municipal Commissioner Regarding the Street Lights in Your Area


Street light is a major concern for public life no matter which corner of the world it is. The local self-governing institutions like Municipalities, Corporations, etc. are responsible for the installation and management of street lights.

The utmost priority to street lights has made it a potential topic for English comprehension tests. Many educational institutions are nowadays choosing this topic to test students’ writing skills.

Among those tests, one of the most important comprehensions is official letter writing. Keeping such importance in mind, in this session, I am going to show you how you can write a proper official letter to the municipal commissioner regarding the street lights in your area. 

Feature image of Letter to the Municipal Commissioner Regarding the Street Lights in Your Area

Example 1

Question: While going to your coaching classes you face problems due to the absence of street lights in the area. Write a letter to the municipal commissioner local to your coaching class explaining the problem you are facing and ask for some solution. 

Hints: Evening coaching- Inadequate lights- Dark streets- Authority applied- No response- Request for measures 


Nabinumar Bose Sarani, Azad Nagar
Kolkata: 700114

September 2, 2020

The Commissioner
Kolkata Municipal Corporation
7/11 Chandrakona Road
Kolkata: 700002

Subject: Absence of street lights create problems 


I am a student of Aakash Study Centre, writing you this letter to inform you that we have to face tremendous problems due to the absence of street lights on the streets of Azad Nagar, Ward no. 11. 

Three days a week we have to attend our classes for JEE in the Aakash Institute. Every alternative day, around 6:30 pm, when we enter the main road of Azad Nagar, it stays quite dark. One or two street lights at the entrance are quite insufficient and we are unable to see the street properly. By the time of our return, it becomes more difficult to see anything on the street. We get afraid of our steps and our parents also hesitate to allow us to this coaching. According to the coaching authority, they have applied multiple times for additional street lights to the municipality, but no steps were taken.

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So, through this letter, I want to request you to take the required steps to install an adequate number of street lights and ensure our safety on the streets. 

Yours Sincerely,
Animesh Banerjee

Example 2

Question: In your locality, there is no street light on the by lanes. Write a letter to the local municipal commissioner of your area explaining the issues you have to face due to this and request him for installing street lights. 

Hints: Lack of street lights on by lanes- Main roads’ lights aren’t adequate- People rely on torches- Rainy season- Slippery roads- Accidents occurring- Request to take steps

2/61 Hridaypur
North 24 Parganas, West Bengal

June 23, 2021

The Commissioner
Bongaon Municipality
SH 1, Bangaon
West Bengal 743235

Subject: Lack of street lights on by lanes causing accidents


I am a resident of 2/61 Hridaypur, ward no 32, Bongaon Municipality. I am writing you this letter to draw your kind attention to the issue of lack of street lights in our area that has started causing major accidents. 

Street lights are one of the fundamental elements of civilised public life. In our locality, we have a serious lack of street lights especially in the by lanes. The main roads have a few street lights that are not adequate to lighten up the side lanes. That’s why people only have to rely on torchlights to walk on the lanes. But especially after the rainy seasons, the lanes get extremely slippery and it becomes too dangerous to rely on just the torchlights. Recently our locality has witnessed a few numbers of accidents due to the absence of street lights on the by lanes. 

So, I want to earnestly request you to take initiative to install an adequate number of street lights in the area’s lanes and save us from the menace of darkness.

Yours Sincerely,
Rahul Chandra Dhar

Example 3

Question: Street lights are one of the major prerequisites for public safety. Write a letter to the municipal commissioner of your area as there’s a serious lack of street lights in your locality and explain all your problems due to this. 

Hints: Lack of street lights- Existing lights don’t work- Anti-social activities- Drugs, mugging, Women harassment- People are scared-  Request to install street lights 

55C Nabin Maira Road, Uttarpara

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February 18, 2021

The Counsellor
Hooghly Chinsurah Municipality
Mahendra Mitra Road, Pipulpati
West Bengal 712103

Subject: Absence of street lights are leading to antisocial activities 


I live at 55C Nabin Maira Road, Uttarpara, Ward no. 3 of Hooghly Chinsurah Municipality. This letter to you is intended to express my concern over the lack of street lights in our locality.

Street lights are one of the primary prerequisites for safe civil life. But unfortunately, our locality has lacked this basic amenity since last year. This absence of an adequate number of street lights is creating enormous problems for the public. We have to walk through the dark streets after sunsets. Most of the street lights don’t work due to the lack of maintenance. As a result, it is leading to many anti-social activities on the streets. Drugs, Mugging, Robberies have become quite common on the roads. Besides, the incidents of eve-teasing, harassing women have also increased significantly. We are quite scared of going to the streets after sunsets. 

So, it’s our earnest request to you to install an adequate number of street lights immediately and ensure their proper maintenance so that we do not have to face such menace further.

Yours Sincerely,
Md Safiur Rahman

Example 4

Question: Street lights in your area got damaged due to the last cyclone that hit the city. Write a letter to the local municipal commissioner requesting him for their immediate repair by explaining the problems you face due to it. 

Hints: Super cyclone hit- Many problems- Street lights damaged- Yet to be repaired- Creating problems- Basic necessity- Request for immediate repair

6/305/1, South Station Road,
Kolkata: 700110

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December 11, 2021

The Commissioner
Panihati Municipality
Kolkata: 700110

Subject: Repair work needed for damaged street lights


I am from 6/305/1, South Station Road, Sodepur, Ward no 16 of Panihati Municipality. Today, I am writing this letter to you to complain about the damaged street lights in our locality.

In the month of May, this year, the super cyclone Amphan had hit our city hard and we all had to go within a few weeks of several civil problems. In that cyclone, many of our local street light poles got severely damaged and the street lights stopped working. Since then, these lights haven’t been repaired and we have to deal with darkness while walking through the streets of our area. All the other problems we faced due to the cyclone, have been resolved within a month. But it’s been more than six months that these street lights haven’t been repaired.

Street lights are one of the basic necessities of human life. So, I want to request you to immediately repair the lights and ensure our safety on the local roads.

Yours Sincerely,
Nikhilesh Ghosh

That was all about our presentation on writing official letters to the municipal commissioner regarding the street lights in your area. Through this session, I have tried to present a holistic overview of the topic by discussing four different aspects of it.

Hopefully, all your doubts regarding this topic have been resolved and you will be able to write such letters yourself. Still, if you have any doubts post them in the comment section below, I’ll try to attend them as soon as possible. Moreover, if you want to go through more such sessions, take a quick tour of our website. And, if you want me to cover any specific topic for you, don’t forget to mention them through some quick comments.

Thank you. See you again, soon. 
