Write an Application Letter to the Principal Complaining Against a Senior Student of Your School


Today, in this article I am going to show you how to write an application letter to the principal complaining against a senior student of your school. Refer to the following letters whenever you are asked to compose such letters. So let’s not delay any further and start right away with the article.

Feature image of Application Letter to the Principal Complaining Against a Senior Student of Your School

Set 1

Question-1: Your senior from your school snatches away your food every day. Write an application letter to the principal complaining against the senior student of your school.

Hints: Senior’s student’s class and section- How does he/she harass you- Problems you are facing- Parents’ concern- your complaint

12, Patel Road,
Lucknow 400065,
April 27, 2021.

The Principal,
B.D.Memorial School,
Gomti Nagar, Lucknow.


Sub: Complaining against a senior school student

Respected Madam,

I, Bidita Bag, am a student of class VI of your reputed institution. I kindly inform you that a student of class VII has been harassing me lately. Her name is Sunita Dhar and she is from section D. Every afternoon she comes to my class and snatches away my food. I have told her that I am ready to share my food with her. But she does not listen and she takes away my whole tiffin box. For the last two days, she has not returned my tiffin box as well.

I spend half of the days famished as I am not able to eat my own food. My parents are really anxious for this reason. I too am quite scared of the whole situation. I hope you would understand the severity of the situation and what kind of problems I am facing. I urgently request you take necessary against the student for her harmful behaviour. I will be highly obliged for your cooperation.

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Yours faithfully,
Bidita Bag (Class VI, section C)

Set 2

Question-2: You had a fallout with your senior in the playground. You were injured by him. Write an application letter to the principal complaining against the senior student of your school.

Hints: Share your senior’s identity- Details of the incident- How were you injured- Your complaint against him

14, Garia Road,
Kolkata 700057,
April 28, 2021.

The Principal,
The BSS School,
Gariahat, Kolkata.

Sub: Complaining against a senior student

Respected Sir,

I, Tirtha Saha, am a student of class VIII, section A of your reputed institution. I am writing this letter to inform you about an incident that took place recently. During our recess, I was playing with my friends in the playground and some of our senior students too joined with us. While playing one of the senior students pushed me towards the ground and I fell down. I tried to get up but he again pushed me.

I got a big scratch on my knee and it was bleeding quite badly. My friends came and took me to the sick room immediately. But none of the senior students helped me. The name of the senior student is Sarthak Sengupta from class XI, Commerce section. I sincerely request you to punish him for his horrible act and for injuring me unnecessarily. I hope that you would do the needful as early as possible. I will be highly obliged for your consideration.

Yours faithfully,
Tirtha Saha.

Set 3

Question-3: One of your senior students forces you to do her projects. Write an application letter to the principal complaining against the senior student of your school. 

Hints: What kind of disturbance you are facing- How your senior threatened and forced you to do her work- Your grievance against her- Asking for punishment

68, Broadie Lane,
Bangalore 600044,
April 29, 2021.

Visa Guide:  Write an Application Letter to Your Class Teacher to Change Your Seat

The Principal,
National High School,
Koramangala, Bangalore.

Sub: Complaining against a senior student

Respected Madam,

I, Tithi Sharma, am a student of class X, section D of your renowned institution. I kindly inform you that one of the senior students of class XII has been disturbing for the past month. She always comes to me with all her projects and tells me to copy the notes on her project book. In the beginning, I refused her but she started scaring me. I was compelled to do her projects every week.

Last week, I also had to download her project-related pictures and take printouts of the same with my own money. This is getting really difficult for me as I cannot complete my own studies properly. I am also not supposed to her homework at any condition. I humbly request you to talk to her and solve this issue at the earliest. I hope she would be given the correct punishment for her awful deed. I will be highly obliged for your cooperation. 

Yours sincerely,
Tithi Sharma. (Class X, D)

Set 4

Question-4: One senior student in your school bus always sits on your seat and troubles you a lot. Write an application letter to the principal complaining against the senior student of your school.

Hints: What kind of trouble do you face- Name and section of the senior student- How does he create problems for you- Your complaint against him

8N, Sundarnagar,
Mumbai 400058,
April 29, 2021.

Visa Guide:  Write a Letter to Municipal Commissioner for Public Library

The Principal,
Heights International School,
Dahisar, Mumbai.

Sub: Complaining against a senior student

Respected Sir,

I, Rohan Awasthi, am a student of class V, section C of your esteemed institution. With a heavy heart, I would like to complain against a senior student of class X with whom I travel via the school bus. His name is Rahul Kalani from the C section. We travel by the same school bus as our routes are the same. He has been troubling me for quite some time now. He never lets me sit in my preferred place on the bus. Even if I go early and sit on a particular seat, he comes and forces me to get up from that seat.

I usually like to sit in the front as I have nausea. But he always sits in my place. Last week I kept my bag on the seat but he threw it away and sat. Despite telling him repeatedly, he never pays heed to my problems. Hence, I earnestly request you to take the necessary steps against him. I will be highly obliged for your support regarding this matter. 

Yours obediently, 
Rohan Awasthi (Class V, C)

In this article, I taught you how to write an application letter to the principal complaining against a senior student of your school. I hope you had fun reading the letters and learned something valuable. Leave your feedback in the comment section below. Also, do not forget to keep checking our website for more education-related content like this. 

