Write a Letter to the Editor Regarding the Encroachment of Pavement by Vendors and Others


Pavement encroachment is a matter of utmost concern for almost every city in our country. Daily city lives get severely affected by these types of encroachments. That’s why this topic is widely discussed all around the country. Pavement encroachment can be of various types.

Pavements may be encroached by vendors, people, as well as animals. So, this importance and wide range discussion of this topic make it a potential question of your next English comprehension test. In this session, you will be learning how to write editorial letters on any topic related to any kind of encroachment issue. So, without further delay, let’s get started. 

Feature image of Letter to the Editor Regarding the Encroachment of Pavement by Vendors and Others

Example 1

Question: Suppose you have to face severe issues daily while going to school because of local food vendors’ pavement encroachment in your area. Write a letter to the editor of a daily newspaper explaining the entire issue and seek some solution from the authority through your letter.

Hints: Pavement encroached by food vendors- Crowded area- Put food stalls in footpath- Narrow passage- Dirty street- School students need to use the road- Heavy traffic- Risky- Conclude with appeal

Suresh Mukherjee Road, Nabinpally
Kolkata: 700114


September 2, 2020

The Editor
The Statesman
3/1 Nalinipukur Road
Kolkata: 700002

Subject: Pavement encroachment interrupting school students’ life


Recently street pavement encroachment by food vendors is severely interrupting our daily life in our locality. Through the esteemed column of your daily newspaper, I want to bring this issue under the kind concern of the authority.

I am a school student living in the Nabinpally area of Kolkata. Our area is among the most crowded localities of the city. Recently, in the last few months, several food vendors have encroached the street pavements and put their stalls in the footpath. This encroachment made the footpath so narrow that anyone can hardly walk freely using them. Moreover, the street, as well as the pavement, have become very dirty through their wastage. As a result, school students like us have to use the road instead of pavements while going and returning from school. The road is very crowded with heavy traffic and hence quite risky to use as a primary walkway. 

Visa Guide:  Write a Letter to the Editor about Ragging in Educational Institutions

So, I am writing this letter to appeal to the government to look into the issue of pavement encroachment and take necessary action to resolve this issue.

Yours Sincerely,
Rajesh Dutta

Example 2

Question: Incidents of pavement encroachment are resulting in severe accidents in your city. Write a letter to the editor of any reputed daily newspaper expressing your concern regarding the issue and seek some measures to resolve it.

Hints: Pavement encroached- food vendors and shopkeepers- Narrow lane created- People have to walk down the road- Overcrowding and traffic congestion- Accidents occur and recently increased- Seeking effective measures

2/61 Bablapur
North 24 Parganas

June 23, 2021

The Editor
The Telegraph
Kolkata: 700001

Subject: Pavement encroachment resulting in road accidents


I am writing this letter to your esteemed daily to bring some light of attention to the issue of frequently occurred road accidents in our city because of the pavement encroachment by various food vendors and shopkeepers.

Street pavement encroachment has become a serious matter of concern nowadays. Pavements in the important roads of our city are meant to facilitate the public to use them as primary walkways. But nowadays, most of these pavements are noticed to be encroached by food vendors and shopkeepers. Due to these encroachment activities, the pavements turn into a small narrow lane people can hardly use. Eventually, they have to walk down the streets that result in overcrowding of roads and traffic congestion. Recently the number of accidents due to such overcrowding has been significantly increased. This phenomenon is not limited to any specific area but reports are coming from all over the city.

So, through the column of your newspaper, I want to earnestly request the government to find some permanently effective solution to this issue and take strict action against these encroachment activities.

Yours Sincerely,
Rumi Bannerjee

Example 3

Question: Suppose the daily lifestyle in your city is being severely affected due to the encroachment of street pavements by refugees. Write a letter to the editor expressing your concern regarding this issue and seek & suggest actions to improve the situation.

Hints: Refugees encroached pavements- Can not be used as the primary walkway- Overcrowding, traffic congestion, and accidents have increased- Open defecation is a threat to health and hygiene- No response from the municipality- Your suggestion

72A Bottola Road, Uttarpara

Visa Guide:  Write a Letter to the Editor about a Social Problem [4 Examples]

February 18, 2021

The Editor
The Times of India 
8, Camac Street
Kolkata: 700017

Subject: Pavement encroachments by refugees and effects on the city life


This letter to your esteemed daily is intended to express my concern over the issue of street pavements’ encroachment by the refugees who came from our neighbouring country. 

Recently due to some internal political problems in our neighbouring country, thousands of refugees approached seeking asylum. Being on the border, the pressure of most of these refugees came on our state. Many of them have taken shelter in our city and encroached the street pavements to set up their camps. Due to this phenomenon, we can not walk through the pavements and as a result overcrowding, traffic congestion and accidents have increased. Most of them openly defecate on the side of the pavements and this is a threat to the health and hygiene of local people.

We approached the Kolkata municipal corporation numerous times but got no effective response. So now through the column of your newspaper, I want to earnestly request the government to take immediate steps to resolve this issue. Displacing these refugees might be an inhuman act. So, the government can come up with a temporary rehabilitation program for those people to save both them and the citizens.

Yours Sincerely,
Aditya Bansal

Example 4

Question: The state government has recently decided to take strict actions against all types of pavement encroachment in the city. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily newspaper expressing your view regarding this decision. Use the following hints for reference

Hints: Pavement encroachment affecting city life- Government decided to deal strictly- Pavements will be cleared- Further encroachment to be penalised- Long pending demand- Your view- Non-arbitrary and transparent implementation must be ensured

21, Kathgola Road, Ghola
Kolkata: 700110

December 11, 2020

The Editor
The Indian Express
164/A, BK Paul Ave
Kolkata: 700005

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Subject: Government’s decision against encroachment is harsh but effective


I am writing this letter to your esteemed daily to express my view regarding the recent decision of the government to deal with the encroachment issue all around the state. 

Recently our state is suffering from encroachment issues due to various reasons. Normal public life has been severely affected due to these encroachments. So, the government has finally decided to deal with these encroachment issues in a strict manner. Yesterday in a press conference, the mister of Urban and Housing Development, Mr Arup Roy has revealed the government’s plan in dealing with encroachment. Under this plan, pavements will be cleared and further encroachment will be penalised. Moreover, a rehabilitation program will be launched for the people who live on the pavements. 

This was a long pending demand of the people of every major city in the state. Better late than never, the decision should be welcomed in order to create better city life. No doubt the plan is quite harsh be seems to have the potential to achieve the goal. Now the government must ensure the non-arbitrary and transparent implementation of this plan to create a better future for the state.

Yours Sincerely,
Barun Goswami

That was all about our presentation on writing editorial letters regarding the encroachment of pavements by vendors and others. In the session above, I tried to write those editorial letters from four different aspects to give you a holistic idea about the topic.

Hopefully, after going through this session, all your doubts regarding this topic have been resolves. If you still have any doubts about this topic, you can let us know through the comment section below. However, let us know your valuable opinion by your quick comments as well. If you want me to cover any specific topic related to English comprehension, don’t forget to mention that too. You can take a tour of our website where you can find hundreds of such topics related to English comprehension.

Thank you for being with us. See you again, soon.
