Write a Letter to the Editor on Disaster Management


Disaster management is one of the most important issues that are discussed frequently all over the world. This extreme importance makes it a potential topic for your next English comprehension test. It might be report writing, advertisement writing, or maybe an editorial letter! So, in this article, you will learn how to write an editorial letter on any issue regarding disaster management. So, let’s get started.

Feature image of Letter to the Editor on Disaster Management

Example 1

Question: Odisha has improved significantly in the field of disaster management in the last two decades. Write a letter to the editor of a reputed newspaper evaluating the progress of Odisha in disaster management. Make use of the hints below for reference. 

Hints: Situated near the Bay of Bengal- Faced losses in disaster- Dedicated ministry created- Technological advancements- Dedicated disaster management team- Amount of losses reduced- Central government should adapt

Suresh Mukherjee Road, Nabinpally
Kolkata: 700114

September 2, 2020


The Editor
The Statesman
3/1 Nalinipukur Road
Kolkata: 700002

Subject: The Odisha model in disaster management


In the last two decades, the state of Odisha has extensively developed its disaster management mechanism. This letter to your esteemed daily is intended to evaluate the progress of Odisha and the implementation of this model all over the country.

Odisha is always been a cyclone-prone state due to its geographic location near the east coast of the Bay of Bengal. Almost every year numerous cyclones formed in the bay, hit Odisha severely. Till 2000, due to these cyclones, Odisa used to face heavy humanitarian loss every year. But since the beginning of the new century, the state started developing their disaster management infrastructure significantly. Under these ambitious wide-scale development programs, a dedicated ministry for disaster management has been created. A well-trained disaster management team was developed at the state level.

Moreover, technological advancement has been done in collaboration with various foreign companies as well as universities. This developmental model showed significant results in combatting the disasters in Odisha. In the last supercyclone, nobody had to face death due to the quick response team. 

The increasing trend of disasters around the entire country is now demanding such an advanced model. So, the central government can adopt this disaster management model of Odisha with necessary modifications.

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Yours Sincerely,
Rajesh Dutta

Example 2

Question: Nowadays, your country is being hit by numerous cyclones every year. Write a letter to the editor of a national newspaper suggesting some possible measures to mitigate the effects of such disasters. 

Hints: Global warming increased- Cyclones increase in the coastal states- Hit and losses- local disaster management mechanism fails- Need for a central action plan- Improvement in the disaster management force

2/61 Bablapur
North 24 Parganas

June 23, 2021

The Editor
The Telegraph
Kolkata: 700001

Subject: Cyclones are increasing and disaster management mechanism needed


Nowadays, India is being hit by numerous severe cyclones every year on both the western and the eastern coast of the country. Today, through the column of your esteemed newspaper, I want to draw the attention of the responsible authority to some possible measures to mitigate the effects of these cyclones. 

Recently, almost all coastal areas of India have to face numerous severe cyclones every year. The situation was not like this always. But due to the increase in global warming, many areas in both the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal has become cyclone forming hotspots. From there, cyclones and super-cyclones get formed every year and hit the coastal states. Some specific states like Maharastra, Odisha, West Bengal, Gujrat faces severe humanitarian losses due to the hit. The disaster management mechanisms often fail to tackle and mitigate the effects of the hit. That’s why India immediately needs a central disaster management mechanism to deal with this issue. The centre should call for a holistic action plan along with necessary improvements in the disaster management force. 

Only a cooperative and holistic approach can help India to mitigate the extreme losses due to the hit of such cyclones.

Yours Sincerely,
Rumi Bannerjee

Example 3

Question: Write a letter to the editor of a daily newspaper explaining the role of the disaster management force in combatting numerous disasters that occur all around the country. Suggest some ideas for making possible improvements in the field.

Hints: Many areas prone to disasters- Faces loss- Dedicated disaster management force helps- Performs rescue operations and preventive measures- Take risks to save lives- Every year  50 personnel die- Government should ensure their safety

72A Bottola Road, Uttarpara

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February 18, 2021

The Editor
The Times of India 
8, Camac Street
Kolkata: 700017

Subject: Contributions of the Disaster management force


Today, I am writing this letter to your esteemed to daily to highlight the contribution of the disaster management force of our country in combatting the disasters that hit us every year.

Many areas of India are very much prone to disasters. Be it earthquakes, cyclones, flash floods or cloud bursts, India witness numerous disasters every year all around the country. Keeping this in mind, our country has a dedicated disaster management force that helps to combat the disaster. During the disasters, well-trained teams of this force are deployed for rescue operations and taking preventive measures. Thousands of personnel work under this force and dedicate their lives to save ours. According to a survey, every year around 50 personnel from this force lose their lives in the field while serving. Without these people, we could never be able to fight the suddenly appeared disasters. 

Keeping their utmost importance in mind, the government should look into the problems that this force faces regarding their service and solve them immediately. Besides, the government should also provide all necessary world-class safety mechanisms for these frontline fighters during their service.

Yours Sincerely,
Aditya Bansal

Example 4

Question: The government has recently launched a national integrated disaster management policy. Write a letter to the editor of any popular newspaper evaluating this policy along with constructive criticism.

Hints: Policy launched- State-Centre cooperation- NGOs will be recognised- Focused on nfrastructure development and safety of disaster management force- Debated to have insufficient funds- Excessive centralisation: a threat to federalism

21, Kathgola Road, Ghola
Kolkata: 700110

December 11, 2020

The Editor
The Indian Express
164/A, BK Paul Ave
Kolkata: 700005

Subject: Evaluating the new disaster management policy


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This letter to your esteemed daily is intended to evaluate the new disaster management policy launched recently by the central government. 

According to the experts, keeping the increasing number of disasters all around the country, a revised policy for disaster management was a long pending demand to the government. Under this national integrated disaster management policy, the central government has introduced a national action plan for disaster management. Under this plan, the central disaster management authority and the state or local disaster management authority will work in mutual cooperation during any disaster.  Besides, the non-profit NGOs will be recognised as eligible emergency response teams during disasters under this plan. Moreover, under this policy, the government has also focused on infrastructure development and the safety mechanism of the disaster management force. 

This kind of action plan was indeed a need of the hour and always should be welcomed. But the fund government allotted under this national integrated disaster management policy is debated to be insufficient. Apart from this, critics are saying that excessive centralisation of disaster management has been done through this policy and it imposes a significant threat to the federal structure of the country.

Yours Sincerely,
Barun Goswami

That was all about our presentation on writing editorial letters about disaster management. In the session above, I have tried to write those four letters from four different aspects. Moreover, in every letter, I tried to present a holistic idea about the topic. While writing, you can do the same in your own way. But never forget to follow the pattern.

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