Write a Letter to the Editor of a Newspaper Criticising the Evil of Drinking


The evil of drinking is one of the most dangerous threats for the entire society. Recently the habits of drinking are being widely discussed in news.

So what can be a more perfect topic for your next English comprehension test! Editorial letters are one such important English comprehension you may need to write in your exam on this topic. So, without further delay, let’s get started.

Feature image of Letter to the Editor of a Newspaper Criticising the Evil of Drinking

Example 1

Question: Recently you have participated in a campaign to make people aware of the evil of drinking on world no alcohol day. Write a letter to the editor of a daily newspaper expressing your concern over this ill-habit and explain the significance of such campaigns. Make use of the hints mentioned below.

Hints: Participated in a campaign- Around 25000 people die every year in the world- UN decision: 2nd Oct: No-Alcohol day- Rally organised with awareness placards- Protest against alcohol selling near educational institutions- Plan- Conclusion

Suresh Mukherjee Road, Nabinpally
Kolkata: 700114


October 4, 2020

The Editor
The Statesman
3/1 Nalinipukur Road
Kolkata: 700002

Subject: Anti-drinking awareness campaign


Through the letters in the column of your esteemed daily, I want to talk about my experience of participating in an anti-drinking campaign on the last world no alcohol day. 

This campaign was organised by my school to make people aware of the evil of drinking. Last year, a survey report came into the picture that revealed that around 25000 people die every year due to their drinking habits. Most shockingly the number in our country is quite high compared to this figure. In the year 2016, the united nations have decided to celebrate Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday as the no alcohol day keeping this evil habit in mind. So, our school organised a campaign to mark the significance of this day. We went on a rally holding placards to spread awareness about the harmful sides of drinking. We also protested against permitting bars, pubs and FL-off counters near any educational institutions. We also decided to launch a drug rehabilitation program very soon.

So, if you allow me a little space in your esteemed daily, it will help our school’s noble initiative to get some light of public attention so that more such institutions come forward with such significant campaigns.

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Yours Sincerely,
Rajesh Dutta

Example 2

Question: Recently a few people are reported falling to death due to drinking poisonous alcohol in a village. In this context, write a letter to the editor of any reputed daily newspaper expressing your concern over the issue of the evil of drinking and look for some permanent solutions.

Hints: Thousands die due to drinking- 14 died- Infected by poisonous alcohol- Weaken social bonding- Cause domestic violence, marital rapes, murders- Government should step forward- Stop Illegal production- Discourage Desi liqueur- Awareness campaigns- Active police ensuring implementation

2/61 Bablapur
North 24 Parganas

June 23, 2021

The Editor
The Telegraph
Kolkata: 700001

Subject: The evil of drinking is killing people


I am writing this letter to your esteemed daily to express my concern over the burning issue of the evil of drinking and its ill effects.

Every year in our country, thousands of people die due to their evil habit of drinking alcohol. Our state has recently witnessed such a miserable incident. Last week in the Birbhum district, around 14 people died due to infection got by drinking poisonous alcohol. Alcohol doesn’t only snatch people’s lives but also weaken social bonding. In many surveys, it has been revealed that alcohols are one of the primary reasons behind domestic violence, marital rape and even many murders. 

So, the government should immediately step into this matter to improve the situation permanently. Here are some measures that the government can take into account. The illegal production of alcohol needs to get stopped immediately. Besides, the production and consumption of Desi Liqueur should be discouraged. Overall, the government should launch awareness campaigns about the ill effects of drinking. Above all, the police authority must play active roles to ensure the proper implementation of these measures.

Yours Sincerely,
Rumi Bannerjee

Example 3

Question: Recently, the state Bihar has declared itself a dry state by putting a complete ban on alcohol. Write a letter to the editor of a popular daily newspaper evaluating this step by the state government and express your opinion with constructive criticism.

Hints: Bihar announced dry state- Complete ban on alcoholic beverages- Contributes 6% of total revenue- Sacrificed for sake of people- Not a permanent solution- Gujrat witnessed black market after announcing dry state- Absence of taxes made alcohol cheaper- High taxes & Awareness campaigns could help

72A Bottola Road, Uttarpara

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February 18, 2021

The Editor
The Times of India 
8, Camac Street
Kolkata: 700017

Subject: Is the dry state announcement a permanent solution?


This letter to your esteemed daily is intended to express my opinion over the decision by the government of Bihar of announcing itself as a dry state by putting a complete ban on alcohol. 

Recently, the honourable chief minister of Bihar Sri Nitish Kumar announced Bihar to be a dry state as same as Gujrat. The government decided to put a complete ban on Alcoholic Beverages regarding production, selling as well as consumption. Alcoholic Beverages contributes at least 6% of Bihar’s total annual revenue collection But last year, Bihar reported numerous cases of deaths and violence due to the evil of drinking. Keeping that trend in mind, the government decided to sacrifice a large chunk of revenue for sake of its citizens’ well being. 

But experts argue that putting a complete ban on alcoholic beverages is not a permanent solution to the evil of drinking! Previously in Gujrat, after banning alcohol the rise of illegal production and a black market has been witnessed. As a result, alcohol became much cheaper due to the absence of taxes. If the same case happens with Bihar too, then the decision will be of no result. So, instead of putting complete ban, the government should have increased revenue on alcoholic beverages and focus on spreading awareness would have helped a lot in this regard.

Yours Sincerely,
Aditya Bansal

Example 4

Question: The central government has recently reviewed its policies to deal with alcohol production, buying, selling and consumption. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily newspaper evaluating this decision by the central government and conclude with your constructive remarks.

Hints: NCRB reported numerous crimes related to alcohol consumption- Government reviewed policy- No liqueur selling near educational institutions, offices, residential areas- Banned consumption in public places- No sell under age of 21- Imposed central sez- Awareness campaign- Your opinion

21, Kathgola Road, Ghola
Kolkata: 700110

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December 11, 2020

The Editor
The Indian Express
164/A, BK Paul Ave
Kolkata: 700005

Subject: New public policy gives hope to eliminate the evil of drinking


I am writing this letter to your esteemed daily to express my view over the new public policy announced by the central government to deal with alcohol production, buying, selling and consumption.

During the last few years, the national crime records bureau reported thousands of cases related to death and violence due to the evil of drinking alcohol. Keeping this trend in mind, in the last monsoon session, the government decided to review its policy regarding alcoholic beverages. Under this reviewed policy, Liqueur counters, bars and pubs will not be further permitted to open near educational institutions, offices or dense residential areas. Besides, consumption of alcohol in public places has been banned under this policy. Moreover, the consumer must be above 21 years. And, as experts argued, the central government put a central sez on alcohol to mitigate its consumption. Apart from these, the government decided to launch awareness campaigns to make people aware of the evil of drinking. 

During such a crisis, a decision like this is always welcomed. This reviewed policy has enormous potential if properly implemented. Now, the time will speak whether this policy becomes able to mitigate the evil of drinking or not.

Yours Sincerely,
Barun Goswami

That was all about our presentation on writing editorial letters about the evil of drinking. In the session above, I have tried to present you with a holistic idea about the subject from four different aspects. Hopefully, you will be able to write editorial letters on any topic related to this one after going through this session. If you still have any doubts, mention them in the comment section below. I’ll get back to you and resolve them at your convenience.

Moreover, if you want me to cover any specific topic related to any kinds of English comprehension tests, never forget to mention those too. Besides, you may take a  tour of our website where you’ll find multiple such comprehensions. 

Thank you for being with us. Have a great day.
