Write a Letter to the Editor Highlighting the Misuse of Social Media and Smartphones


Here in this article, you will learn how to write a letter to an editor of a newspaper informing or complaining about the misuse of social media and smartphones. With the editors’ liberty to choose what gets published, a compact article with important points elucidated properly has high chances to make it to the newspapers. Let’s continue reading the article further to make ‘writing to editors’ easy for you.

Feature image of Letter to the Editor Highlighting the Misuse of Social Media and Smartphones

Example 1

Question: You have been a school teacher for the past 7years and you found a steep rise in the students’ dependency on mobile phones for studies. Write a letter to the editor, explaining how this is affecting the students’ lives and disturbing their natural flow of learning new things.

Hints: Mention the old batch of students with less mobile dependency- Discuss the students’ decreased interest in fieldwork- Mention the misuse of the technology that can be done by the juveniles- Your humble request to publish and put a light on the matter 


260, B Block
Paschim Vihar
New Delhi


28th April 2021

The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi

Subject: Increasing dependency of students on mobile phones 

Respected Sir

I want to draw your kind attention towards the issue of increasing dependency of students on mobile phones through the columns of your esteemed newspaper.

Today I am writing to you to inform you of the sudden surge I noticed in my students’ dependency on mobile phones for getting their work done. I have been a school teacher for the past 7 years and this steep rise in mobile usage took place within the last three years. The batches of students I taught before were less indulged with their smartphones and friendlier to each other. The recent batches of students believe less in fieldwork and more in search engines. The evil of this practice is the habit of being ‘spoon-fed’ each time any work is given to them. According to me, the flow of a juvenile’s learning from the surroundings, the books they read or the information they gather from new things is endangered. 

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It is my humble request to publish this piece to enlighten the students themselves and their parents to take the necessary steps about this happening.

Thanking you

Yours faithfully
Yuvika Thakur

Example 2

Question: You are an elder sister to your 14-year-old brother and you think that his studies are getting highly affected by the uncontrollable usage of mobile phone. Write a letter to the editor complaining about this matter and explaining how the same thing is happening to almost all the kids of this age. 

Hints: Mention your brother’s early performances – Discuss how the usage of the smartphone has increased – Mention how playing games occupied most of his time of self-study


37, Lakeview Road
Hyderabad 500078

April 28, 2021

The Editor
Telangana Today

Subject: Disturbance of studies due to excessive usage of smartphone

Respected Sir 

I am writing to you to draw your kind attention towards the effects of smartphones on students. I also wish to make people aware of what can be done to control the action, through the columns of your well-circulated newspaper.

Recently, I found out that my brother’s performance in his class was degrading and his concentration on studies is way less than it used to be earlier right from the time when he has been gifted a brand new smartphone on his birthday. From being a very bright student, he turned into a worshipper of mobile games and social media. Most of his time of self-study gets wasted whilst he remains engaged with his cell phone the whole day.

I humbly request you to publish this in your column so that parents can be aware of what might happen if a child has an all-time occupancy of a phone and can set strict rules for the timing of the devices’ use to avoid degradation in their children’s academic performance. 

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Thanking you

Yours faithfully
Preeti Jha

Example 3

Question: You are Niharika from Mumbai and you want to write to the editor about how you think the people around you remind you of ‘zombies’ while they are busy with their cell phones. Mention how this should change in order to be able to establish more connection with each other in ‘person’ than on social media.

Hints: Describe the importance of the mental connection of people with each other- Write about the lack of face to face conversation nowadays- Suggest digital detox- Your humble request to publish this and create awareness 


DS Marg, Lower Parel
Mumbai- 400008

28th April 2021

The Editor
The Indian Express

Subject: Extreme usage of cellphone and social media

Respected Sir

Being unable to remain ignorant or turn a blind eye to the matter, I decided to write to you about the surge in the use of cell phones by people and how in what way it is affecting them.

Every day moving around the city, I see loads of people, moving towards their destiny. But the most disturbing behaviour is their heads, all buried into either the cellphone or their laptops. To me, it seems like I am walking on the streets and residing in a world full of ‘the technology zombies’. Man is a social animal, they said. But it seems like people forgot how to socialize in real life. 

I humbly request you to highlight this change in our lives and make people understand the importance of taking a break from the digital world for connecting to the real world.

Thanking you

Yours obediently
Niharika Ved

Example 4

Question: You are a student residing in Calcutta. Write a letter to the editor of The Telegraph complaining about the misuse of social media and how it recently affected one of the students of your college as fake news about him was circulated by various students of the college you are studying in.

Hints: Write about the ills of fake news- Suggest verification of news before circulation- Mention the other evils of misuse of social media – Your humble request to publish this to avoid this situation being faced by anyone


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336/A Banerjee Para Paschim Putiary
Kolkata- 700041

26th April 2021

The Editor
The Telegraph

Subject: Evils of misuse of social media

Respected Sir/Madam

Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw public attention towards the evils of misuse of social media. I want to mention a crisis that one of my batchmates faced recently due to this.

While the board examinations were going on, a rumour arose that the mentioned batchmate of mine had access to the question papers before the exams started. This was an allegation, which was later verified to be false. But the news spread on social media like a forest fire. People wrote, shared and reacted on this matter without verifying the fact. This led my batchmate to slip into severe depression and be unable to appear for the examination. 

Therefore, I kindly request you to publish this for creating awareness about the misuse of social media and urging people to check for the facts before spreading any news.

Thanking you

Yours sincerely
Jyoti Shaw

So, here comes an end to the article where I taught you how to exactly create a letter that is meant to be addressed to the editor of a newspaper regarding the issue of the misuse of social media and smartphones.

You can alter the demands or important points depending on the question that would be provided to you by your examiners.

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