Write a Letter to the Editor Highlighting the Increasing Stress Faced by Students


Here in this article, you will learn how to write a letter to an editor of a newspaper informing or complaining about increasing stress faced by students. With the editors’ liberty to choose what gets published, a compact article with important points elucidated properly has high chances to make it to the newspapers. Let’s continue reading the article further to make ‘writing to editors’ easy for you. 

Feature image of Letter to the Editor Highlighting the Increasing Stress Faced by Students

Set 1

Question-1: You have been a school teacher for the past 7years and you found a steep rise in the stress students face for studies. Write a letter to the editor, explaining how this is affecting the students’ lives and disturbing their natural flow of learning new things. 

Hints: Mention the old batch of students with less stress- discuss the students’ decreased interest in fieldwork- Mention the reduced chances of a student learning from his/her surroundings- Your humble request to publish and put a light on the matter 


260, B Block
Paschim Vihar
New Delhi


28th April 2021

The Editor,
The Times of India
New Delhi

Subject: Increasing stress of students

Respected sir/madam, 

I am Yuvika and I have been teaching in Delhi Public school for the past 7 years. 

Today I write to you to inform you of the sudden surge I noticed in my students’ stress regarding their studies. This steep rise in stress level took place within the last three years. The batches of students I taught before were less indulged in the rat race of scoring marks and were friendlier to each other. The recent batches of students believe less in fieldwork and are always stressed about mugging up the syllabus while sitting in their room. According to me, the flow of a juvenile’s learning from the surroundings or the information they gather from new things is endangered. 

It is my humble request to publish this piece to enlighten the students themselves and their parents to take the necessary steps about this happening.

Thanking you

Yours faithfully,
Yuvika Thakur

Set 2

Question-2: You are an elder sister to your 14-year-old brother and you think that his studies are getting highly affected by the increasing stress level. Write a letter to the editor complaining about this matter and explaining how the same thing is happening to almost all the kids of this age. 

Hints: Mention your brother’s early performances – Discuss how the increase of pressure from school, in turn, increased his stress – Mention how stress relief should be an important part of every student’s routine


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37, Lakeview Road
Hyderabad 500078

April 28, 2021

The Editor,
Telangana Today

Subject: Disturbance of studies due to excessive stress

Respected sir/madam, 

This is Preeti writing to you today and I am the elder sister to a 14-year-old brother. 

Recently, I found out that my brother’s performance in his class was degrading and his concentration on studies is way less than it used to be earlier right from the time when he had been promoted to the eighth standard in school. From being a very bright student, he became a nervous kid who is always worried about keeping up his performance. Most of the time he remains locked in his room and refrains himself from going out to play. 

I humbly request you to publish this in your column so that parents can be aware of what might happen if a child has all-time anxiety and stress going on in mind and they set routines for children that would include stress-relieving activities like meditation and sports. 

Thanking you

Yours faithfully, 
Preeti Jha

Set 3

Question-3: You are Niharika from Mumbai and you want to write to the editor about how you think the students nowadays resemble robots programmed just to score good marks. Mention how this should change so that the students will be able to retain their creativity and learn from more sources other than syllabus bound books

Hint: Describe the importance of the creativity that every individual holds- Write about the lack of interactive studies nowadays- Suggest keeping the syllabus short and encouraging students to learn more things on their own- Your humble request to publish this and create awareness 


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DS Marg, Lower Parel
Mumbai- 400008

28th April 2021

The Editor,
The Indian Express

Subject: Extreme stress on students for marks

Respected sir/madam, 

Being unable to remain ignorant or turn a blind eye to the matter, I, Niharika Ved from Mumbai, decided to write to you about the surge in the stress put on a student to excel in academics.

Every day moving around the city, I see loads of students, moving towards their schools and colleges. But the most disturbing behaviour is their heads, all buried either in the pdf of notes on their cellphones or their syllabus-bound textbooks. To me, it seems like I am walking on the streets and residing in a world full of ‘the zombies’. Interaction makes humans more prone to creating new things. But lack of interactive studies has made students seem like robots programmed to mug up the syllabus and perform well in examinations.

I humbly request you to highlight this change in students’ lives and make the concerned authorities understand the importance of keeping the syllabus short and encouraging them to learn more things on their own.

Thanking you

Yours obediently,
Niharika Ved

Set 4

Question-4: You are a student residing in Calcutta. Write a letter to the editor of The Telegraph complaining about the stress that students face from parents not only for academics but also for various extracurricular activities they are into.  

Hints: Write about the dangers of stress on a person- Write what role parents play in creating stress in a student’s mind- Mention the existence of the evil act of putting stress in many places other than academics – Your humble request to publish this to avoid this situation being faced by any student because of parents, neither in college nor in school


336/A Banerjee Para Paschim Putiary
Kolkata- 700041

26th April 2021

The Editor,
The Telegraph

Subject: Pressure created by parents on students

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Respected sir/madam, 

I am Jyoti Shaw, a college student residing in Calcutta.

Today I write to you to draw your kind attention to a crisis that students face these days. STRESS- if we assume that the root to this word and problem is only the schools and their big fat syllabus, we are going to be wrong about this. The main origin of stress is at a student’s home, arising from his/ her parents. 

The parents put pressure on their children to cope up with the rat race of the academics going on in school. The performance pressure does not end with an individual’s good performance because parents tend to compare their kids’ achievements with the ones who are better than them. This puts the students under immense stress. The deadly outcome of stress is students’ lag in being creative and considering themselves as not capable enough, which in turn sometimes make them suicidal. Parents also lead the children to be competitive in the extracurricular activities they are into. This in turn changes the activities from being stress relieving to making the person even more stressed.

Therefore, I kindly request you to publish this for creating awareness about the deadly consequences of putting a person, especially children under stress and how parents should never pressurize their children in a way that might result in stress.

Thanking you

Yours sincerely,
Jyoti Shaw

So, here comes an end to the article where I taught you how to exactly create a letter that is meant to be addressed to the editor of a newspaper highlighting the increasing stress faced by students.

You can alter the demands or important points depending on the question that would be provided to you by your examiners.

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