Write a Letter to the Editor about Traffic Jam [4 Examples]


If you have to write a formal letter, then you should do it in a professional format so that it gets the desired attention. If there has been an injustice done to you or your department, send out a formal.

Your written typed letter must contain all relevant facts along with complete contact details. The letter should be polite and should not be used to threaten anyone.

Feature image of Letter to the Editor about Traffic Jam

Example 1

Question: Congestion is a serious problem in the area of my residence on account of heavy traffic. write a letter to the editor about traffic jams and also suggest suitable solutions.

Hints: Traffic jam a major concern- Problems caused due to heavy traffic- Condition of the pedestrian and motorist- Suitable suggestion- Request for proper actions.

1/A Dumdum


June 5, 2021

The Editor
The Chronicle
Kolkata- 700001

Subject: Traffic jam in the metropolitan


The disgruntled traffic and transportation in the city have been a major concern for us. I would like to bring this fact to the notice of authority and request him/her to take appropriate action and ease the problems of the residents.

The residents are always burdened with the lack of facilities to commute to their workplace. Traffic jams are unbearable even on normal days. It takes more than twice the normal travel time to reach your workplace. Road rages are becoming more aggressive and dangerous with each passing week. We need to ban the construction of unapproved projects or amend the building bylaws. Measures should be taken to resolve the issue of increasing vehicles and lack of facilities in public places.

As a concerned citizen and a resident of this city, I am seeking help in resolving issues related to traffic, day-to-day transportation, and emergency situation. I request the concerned authorities to take appropriate action as soon as possible.

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Yours Sincerely
Supriya Chatterjee

Example 2

Question: Traffic jams are becoming a bigger problem owing to the ongoing construction of the mall at Gandhinagar in Delhi. You are Abhilash/ Abhilasha of Delhi. Write a letter to the editor of the newspaper about the heavy traffic jam and offer your valuable suggestions

Hints: Traffic Jam is a rising problem- The main cause of congestion- How daily lives are affected- Have you tried to solve the problem- Offer suggestions – Request for necessary steps.

22 Gandhi Nagar

July 5, 2021

The Editor
The Statesman

Subject: Heavy traffic jam for the ongoing construction of the mall at Gandhi Nagar in Delhi.


We’re writing to express our frustration at the ongoing construction of the mall that has been causing major traffic congestion in our community for the past two years. As a result, we have no choice but to adapt and change our work hours or risk being late to work.

I’d like to give you more background about the traffic jams in your community. My neighbours and I are continuously annoyed by the rash of car honks and the blaring of music on driveways. Our area is well-connected with the main roads and bus stops, any problem of traffic congestion can easily be tackled by implementing some basic solutions. We are trying to create awareness among the residents not to park their vehicles on the road but even after telling them not to do so every day, we still find fresh parking for vehicles. 

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We are hoping that you find a solution for the traffic congestion in the area soon.

Yours Sincerely
Abhilash Gupta

Example 3

Question: Traffic jams in Mumbai are a rising issue. Being a school student you get late every day for school because of traffic congestion. Write a letter to the editor about the traffic jam.

Hints: Focus on the problem- causes of the problem- How people are affected-How you are getting affected- Getting late for school- The condition of roads and lanes- Suggestion to solve the problem

2D Lokhandwala
Mumbai- 400053

August 5, 2021

The Editor
The Telegraph

Subject: Traffic jam in streets of Mumbai


The Traffic Jams in the streets of Mumbai are an unbearable experience for the people. This nuisance of the main road makes the city a nightmare, Nobody on a vehicle on the road knows when he will reach his office or home. It takes more than twice the normal travel time to reach my school. The causes of congestion are many. Hawkers occupy the footpath forcing the people to walk on roads. Roads become crowded. Cars are parked here and there beside the road. Buses stop at any point to pick up passengers. People crossing roads often avoid Zebra crossing.

Sufficient traffic police must be deployed to force the drivers to observe the rules of the road. The Circular Railway should be completed and the Metro Rail may be extended. Lastly, processions in the city during office hours must be banned.

Yours Sincerely
Diksha Chaudhury

Example 4

Question: Write a letter to the editor about traffic jams in your city. You are Deepesh from Kolkata.

Hints: Traffic jam a major concern in your city- causes for the congestion- Problems caused due to heavy traffic- reasons behind the problem- Condition of the pedestrian and motorist- Suitable suggestion- Request for proper actions.

12 Jodhpur Park
Kolkata- 700022

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September 5, 2021

The Editor
The Chronicle
Kolkata- 700001

Subject: Problems regarding heavy traffic jams in Kolkata


Allow me to focus through the colons of your esteemed daily on the unbearable problem of Traffic jams.

We have been hearing from time to time about several schemes to improve the transport system of the city. But so far there has been no considerable improvement.

We must admit that traffic jams have become a daily occurrence in Kolkata, mostly because of the enormous increase in the number of private cars and two-wheelers. If the authorities want to have a better and safer transport system in Kolkata, the roads must be widened and construction works on the road must be completed with urgency. 

It is high time to create strong public opinion through your editorial column in this regard. There should be strong enforcement of traffic rules with severe and penal measures for the law-breakers to avoid and improve the condition of traffic jams.

Yours Sincerely
Deepesh Rana

Today we have to learn about how to write a letter to the editor about the traffic jam. O if you are also following the same problem in your area or in the city take up a pen and paper and write a letter to the editor of an esteemed daily. Rember to follow the format and the language o get your letter noticed.
