Write a Letter to the Editor about Evoking Awareness for the Use of Solar Energy


In today’s article, I am going to show you how to write a letter to the editor about evoking awareness for the use of solar energy. The following examples will help you to learn about the structures, format, and tones of an editorial letter. So let’s dive into the article now!

Feature image of Letter to the Editor about Evoking Awareness for the Use of Solar Energy

Example 1

Question: Schools and colleges consume a lot of electricity. Using solar energy will help in conserving energy. Write a letter to the editor about evoking awareness for the use of solar energy in schools and colleges. 

Hints: How to conserve energy- Caring for the environment- Advantage of a renewable source of energy

19, Lake Road
Kolkata 400089

June 10, 2021


The Editor
The Telegraph

Subject: Using solar energy in schools and colleges


I would like to express my views on the awareness of solar energy and its uses through space in your esteemed daily.

Solar energy is a renewable source of energy. The way we have been harming nature for our purposes and with the growing population, we will soon finish all our non-renewable solar energy. A great way to introduce solar energy would be to use it in schools and colleges. Schools and colleges have many classrooms and they require more electricity compared to a house. So if we can control the use of electricity in schools and colleges by using solar energy, we can save our non-renewable resources for the future. Also, this introduction in schools and colleges will help students to understand the importance of conserving energy and they will start caring for their environment more. 

I hope my views will be given importance and it will help school and college authorities to look into this matter seriously. I sincerely urge everyone to conserve energy for the betterment of the world. 

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Yours sincerely
Tapan Saha

Example 2

Question: There are many benefits of using solar energy. Write a letter to the editor about evoking awareness about the benefits of using solar energy in about 120-150 words.

Hints: What are the benefits- Cost-effective plan- No environmental pollution- Awareness programs

34, Commercial Street
Bangalore 400078

June 09, 2021

The Editor
The Times of India

Subject: Benefits of solar energy 


With this letter of mine, I would like to bring attention to the people about the various benefits of solar energy. In this age and time, it is our responsibility to take care of the environment. 

Using solar energy in homes, companies, schools, and colleges. Having solar energy will help in reducing carbon footprints. Also having solar energy will save our electricity bills. When we use non-renewable sources it causes air and water pollution. It also reduces the emission of greenhouse gas. On the other hand, solar panel installation is not quite expensive and is a long-term investment. If we are to save our environment and provide our next generation with a clean one, we must take these steps from now on. Solar energy has many benefits and it will aid us in the long run. Creating awareness programs through various platforms will make people cognizant of the use of solar energy. 

I wish my concern will be highlighted in your daily and people start taking actions toward making a better environment.

Yours sincerely
Arjun Singh

Example 3

Question: Using solar energy in agricultural farms can help the farmers a lot. Write a letter to the editor about evoking awareness about the benefits of using solar energy in agricultural farms in about 120-150 words.

Hints: Solar irrigation- Helps in livestock cleaning- Saves time and effort- Low installation cost

10, Vikashpuri Road
Delhi 500089

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June 05, 2021

The Editor
The Telegraph

Subject: Using solar energy in agriculture


I wish to express my views regarding the usage of solar energy in agriculture and how it can help agriculture and farming. I will be glad if you allow me space in your reputed daily to voice my opinion.

Agriculture is an integral part of any community. It is the source of our food. Solar energy in agriculture can help farmers in many ways. Through solar energy, they can implement solar irrigation which will save their time and energy, and getting water from the pump for crops and animals would be much easier. Also, cattle need hot water for their cleaning purposes. Having a water heater that is solar-generated will help to have continuous water flow. Solar water will be a cost-effective way to save time and efforts for the farmers and in turn, we all can have a better quality of crops and grains. 

I hope our authorities implement solar energy in all agricultural farms at the earliest to have better results in agriculture and farming. 

Yours sincerely
Kritika Kamra

Example 4

Question: Solar energy can help in having a clean environment. Write a letter to the editor about evoking awareness about the benefits of using solar energy for making a better environment. 

Hints: No pollution- Improved air quality- Fewer diseases- Less emission of CO2 and other harmful gas- Immediate implementation

48, Garia Place
Kolkata 700068

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May 29, 2021

The Editor
The Hindu

Subject: Solar energy for a clean environment


I want to draw the attention of citizens by highlighting the importance of solar energy and how it can help the environment. I would be obliged to receive a space in your daily to express my views.

We are all aware of global warming, low air quality, scarcity of water, and many more environmental hazards that we are facing daily. One of the ways to tackle this would be to use solar energy. Solar energy will not emit any CO2 in the air thus keeping our air quality improved. This will, in turn, reduce many diseases such as asthma, breathing problems, etc. Sun has immense power to create energy for the entire world and it is limitless. We must start utilizing it to its full potential. Since solar energy does not require fuel it is extremely cost-effective. It is high time that we start using renewable sources of energy to have a clean environment.

I hope my concern will be given importance and will help to unnerve the conscience of people towards making a safe environment. 

Yours sincerely
Atul Pandey

Here, I taught you how to write a letter to the editor about evoking awareness for the use of solar energy. Add your own points to the examples but keep in mind to put your points briefly. Let us know what did you like about the article in the comment section below. Also, we have many write-ups on our website, do check out and share them with your friends. We aim to provide you with quality content and your opinion matters the most to us. 
