Short Essay on William Wordsworth [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF
William Wordsworth was a great English poet of the 18-19th century. Sometimes in our lives, we all have read some poetry of Wordsworth. He was such a poet who always stayed connected with nature. In this lesson, you will learn how to write an essay on the life of this great nature poet. So, without further delay, let’s get started.

Short Essay on William Wordsworth in 100 Words
William Wordsworth was one of the significant Romantic poets of nineteenth-century England. He was born in 1770, and died in 1850, at the age of 80. Wordsworth is principally known for his several poems and criticisms. His major work, the Lyrical Ballads ( 1798), is a great composition.
He created this composition through a collaboration with his friend and companion Coleridge. Wordsworth is ethically a guardian to all other Romantic literature since he started the Romantic movement in England. The primary topic for poetry is love for nature as the only repose to human suffering. The language of Wordsworth’s poem is prosaic, yet profound.
Short Essay on William Wordsworth in 200 Words
William Wordsworth is by far the best-known Romantics among all his contemporaries. He was born in 1770, in Cockermouth in Britain. Wordsworth created completely different rhetoric for his poetry that allowed every single layman to decipher it. For him, poetry is the democracy of the countrymen. The language of a Romantic poem is essentially characterised by lucid language.
Wordsworth is the pioneer of such poetic diction. As the master of Romantics, he along with Coleridge, composed The Lyrical Ballads which is a landmark in English literary history, since it departed from the old traditions and created a completely new pattern for the readers.
Wordsworth celebrates nature through his poems. His significant verses include The Tintern Abbey, The Daffodils, The Lucy poems, The Preludes, and The Excursion. In all these poems he places nature as the central imagery. He includes incidents of common life and relates his poetry with that. In The Daffodils, the long fields of the yellow fluttering flowers appeal to the mind of the poet.
The rustic life is chosen by Wordsworth since it captures the eternal passion of human life and true sensibilities. Wordsworth is a mystic and a thinker, who blends poetry, spirituality, and philosophy together. He demised at the age of 80, at Rydals, Britain.
Short Essay on William Wordsworth in 400 Words
William Wordsworth is a man of miracles in the canon of British literature. He was born on 7th April 1770 at Cockermouth, UK. In him, the readers can observe a thinker, poet, philosopher, mystic, and critic altogether. His spouse was Mary Hutchinson. Wordsworth’s poetry can be categorised into 3 divisions- firstly, the poetry of nature, secondly, a man in relation with nature, and thirdly, the relation of man, nature, and social living.
Wordsworth is a poet of nature. He worships nature not because of its outer beauty, but because of the presence of a spirit in every object of nature. He finds it everywhere- in hills, valleys, springs, rivers, birds, and flowers. He calls Nature, “ the anchor of my purest thoughts, the nurse, the guide, the guardian of my heart, and soul of all my moral being’’. The animals also become part of his nature observation. So his important poems like White Doe, The cuckoo, The Skylark have a mystic love in his poetry.
Not just nature he is also a poet of man. The 1801 edition of the Lyrical Ballads contains a Preface by Wordsworth that defines the idea of Romantic movement and the concept of writing poetry as the ‘’ spontaneous overflow of powerful emotions’’. For him the unsophisticated man becomes important.
The lucidity of his language is for man, where his poetry is a democratic approach to creation. It is the language of commoners, simple and rustic. The chief note in his poems is love for nature. It is a living force in his verse, and it includes humble rural folk, the shepherds, the rustic, the innocent, and the children.
Wordsworth’s chief pastoral poems are Descriptive Sketches, The Preludes, Odeon Intimation of Immortality, The Excursion, and others. In each of these poems, nature is the teacher, that educates men of the essence of their life. In fact, nature contains God as the poet considers it.
Wordsworth views God in every aspect of Nature. In his view, nature and man are one and together. So he considers the simple village life. His poetic vision is that of harmony and peace. Nature is ideal for humans to remain divine and secluded. The poet sees these as inseparable parts of the spiritual operation.
This great poet died in the year 1850, at the age of 80. Wordsworth is a master of poetry placed after Shakespeare and Milton. He is an inspired poet and his poems heal men from their anxieties and distractions.
So, that’s all about writing essays on the life of William Wordsworth. In this session, I have tried to concise the life of the great poet within very limited words. Moreover, I tried to present the entire session in simple language for all kinds of students. Hopefully, now you will be able to write such an essay yourself. If you still have any doubts regarding this session, let me know through the comment section below. To read more such essays, keep browsing our website.
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