Short Essay on Khudiram Bose [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF


Khudiram Bose was one of India’s youngest freedom fighters who sacrificed his life for the independence of our country. For being such an eminent personality, it is important for you to know about his life. In this lesson, you learn how to write an essay on Khudiram Bose. 

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Short Essay on Khudiram Bose in100 Words 

Khudiram Bose was one of the youngest revolutionaries to fight against British rule in India. He was born on 3rd December 1889 in Bengal. His parents died in his childhood and he was raised by his elder sister. Bose participated in planting a series of bombs near police stations and killed many government officials.

He was one of the two men who tried to assassinate Kingsford, the Magistrate known to give unfair and cruel sentences to young revolutionaries. Unfortunately, their plan went wrong and they bombed the wrong carriage, killing two innocent British ladies. Bose was arrested, put on trial, and sentenced to death. He was hanged to death on 11th August 1908. 

Short Essay on Khudiram Bose in 200 Words 

Khudiram Bose was one of the youngest Indian freedom fighters to oppose British rule and demand for India’s independence. He was born on 3rd December 1889 in Bengal. His parents died when he was just a little boy and he was raised by his elder sister.


He grew up to become a revolutionary, joining local revolutionary groups and becoming an active participant in their meetings and discussions. He volunteered at the age of 15 and was arrested for distributing pamphlets against the British government. He also participated in planting a series of bombs near police stations which killed several government officials. 

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Bose was one of the two men who attempted to assassinate Chief Presidency Magistrate Kingsford in Muzaffarpur in 1908. The Magistrate was known for being cruel and giving rigorous sentences to young revolutionaries. Khudiram Bose and his fellow revolutionary, Prafulla Chaki were to bomb Kingsford’s carriage as he returned home that eve. Unfortunately, Bose and Chaki bombed the wrong carriage, killing two innocent ladies. Bose was arrested, charged with murder, and sentenced to death. He was hanged till death on 11th August 1908.

Khudiram Bose’s death gave rise to new revolutionaries who were ready to fight and die for the nation. He will always be remembered as a great revolutionary and freedom fighter. 

Short Essay on Khudiram Bose in 400 Words

Khudiram Bose was one of the youngest revolutionaries to fight against British rule in India. He was born on 3rd December 1889 in a small village in Bengal. His mother died when he was six years old and his father passed away a year later.

Khudiram was raised by his elder sister and her husband. As he grew up and saw the world around him, he got increasingly dissatisfied with British rule. He joined the local revolutionary groups and became an active participant in their meetings and discussions. He also attended several sessions of pro-revolutionary lectures given by Sri Aurobindo and Sister Nivedita and was deeply influenced by them. 

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Khudiram Bose joined Anushilan Samiti, an organization that supported revolutionary violence and helped fight against the British. He became a volunteer at the young age of 15 and started distributing pamphlets against British rule. Bose was arrested for this act against the government but later released. He then participated in planting bombs near police stations and killed many government officials. 

Kingsford, who was the Chief Presidency Magistrate of Bengal at the time, was known for his harsh and cruel judgments. He had given rigorous sentences to several young revolutionaries. Anushilan Samiti had had enough and planned to assassinate the Magistrate. When their first plan of killing him by sending him a bomb book failed, they sent a two-man team to bomb him in person.

Khudiram Bose and Prafulla Chaki were the two men on this team. They arrived in Muzaffarpur, where Kingsford was staying, and took on fake identities, successfully avoiding police suspicion. After observing the Magistrate for weeks, they finally decided to act. 

On that day, Kingsford and his wife were accompanied by the wife and daughter of another British officer. They were travelling in identical carriages and going towards Kingsford’s residence. The revolutionaries, unaware of the situation, bombed the wrong carriage. As a result, the two innocent ladies died instead of Kingsford. The men fled the scene but were caught later. Prafulla committed suicide but Khudiram Bose was arrested and charged with murder. Bose took full responsibility for the assassination and was sentenced to death by the jury. He was hanged to death on 11th August 1908 at the age of 18. 

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Khudiram Bose walked to the gallows with a smile on his face and no regret. He became a hero for the people and gave rise to new revolutionaries, all willing to fight and die for India’s independence. He will always be remembered as a brave son of mother India.

Hopefully, after going through this lesson, you have a holistic idea about the life of this great revolutionary of India. I have tried to cover every aspect of Khudiram Bose’s life within limited words. If you still have any doubts regarding this session, kindly let me know through the comment section below. To read more such essays on many important topics, keep browsing our website. 

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