Short Essay on River Pollution [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF
Rivers are one of the most important resources on the earth. They help in sustaining lives on the planet. Without rivers, all of us will die. That’s why river pollution is a big issue on our planet. In this lesson, you will learn how to write an essay on river pollution.

Short Essay on River Pollution in 100 Words
Rivers give us life. They give us fresh water for drinking, cooking, cleaning, and farming as well as provide us with food in the form of fish. Today, most of our rivers are severely polluted. In many places, waste and industrial by-products from factories, industries, refineries as well as domestic sewage directly end up in rivers.
Chemicals from fertilisers and pesticides also leach and pollute the water. In villages, people still wash and bathe in rivers and use the same water for drinking and cooking. This can lead to dangerous diseases like typhoid and cholera. A high concentration of chemicals can also kill fishes and other aquatic creatures. Keeping rivers clean is very important and we must act responsibly.
Short Essay on River Pollution in 200 Words
Freshwater is essential for the survival of not just human beings but also of most animals and other living creatures. One of the most important sources of fresh water is rivers. Rivers provide us with clean water and even food in the form of fish. Unfortunately, today, most of our rivers are severely polluted.
Industries and large corporations dispose of their waste in rivers. In many places, untreated domestic sewage also ends up getting dumped in rivers. Chemicals from fertilisers, insecticides, and pesticides leach from the fields and run off to nearby rivers and streams. In villages, people still wash themselves, their clothes, dishes, and animals in river water. Because of all these activities, the rivers that once contained clean and fresh water are now contaminated with nitrates, phosphates, zinc, lead, and other toxic chemicals.
Rivers give us life and a vast population of people are still directly dependent on rivers for water. Consuming contaminated water can lead to dangerous diseases like typhoid and cholera. A high concentration of chemicals in water can also kill fish and disrupt river ecosystems. Thus, it is very important to keep the rivers clean. Municipalities should set up sewage treatment plants and industrial waste must not be directly dumped into rivers. It is our duty as well to save our rivers and keep them clean.
Short Essay on River Pollution in 400 Words
Freshwater is essential for the survival of human beings, animals, and a vast majority of living beings on this planet. Freshwater is found in glaciers, rivers, lakes, and ponds. Out of these, rivers are the most accessible to people and thus, it is no wonder that most of the ancient civilizations like those in Egypt, Mesopotamia, China, and India, developed around major rivers. Rivers also have a lot of religious and cultural significance in many different cultures. And yet, today, our rivers have become severely polluted and contaminated.
River pollution is any change in the physical, chemical, or biological properties of river water that has a detrimental effect on the river ecosystem as well as the living beings dependent on the river. Many industries, factories, and refineries dump their waste and industrial by-products in the nearby rivers. Domestic waste like sewage is also carried to rivers through the drainage systems. When it rains, chemicals from fertilisers, insecticides, and pesticides leach from the fields and run off to rivers and streams. In many villages, slums, and suburban areas, people still wash their clothes, dishes, and animals in the river water. They bathe and clean themselves in rivers.
The rivers that once contained clean and refreshing water are now contaminated with nitrates, phosphates, plastics, zinc, lead, copper, and mercury. These pollutants have the capability to kill fishes and other creatures that live in the water. They can disrupt aquatic ecosystems.
Water from rivers is also used as drinking and cooking water by people. Although there are water treatment plants in cities, in most villages and towns, people use untreated water which negatively impacts their health and well-being. Polluted water can cause typhoid, cholera, hepatitis, and various other diseases. Those who consume fish and other creatures living in these polluted rivers can also get food poisoning as the fishes contain toxins harmful to human beings.
Keeping the rivers clean is very important. Municipalities in cities, as well as small towns and villages, should keep a check on the condition of rivers and install sewage treatment plants for domestic waste. Plastic and other waste materials should be disposed of properly so that they don’t end up in rivers.
Governments should regulate industrial waste management standards and make sure no toxic or untreated waste makes its way to rivers. There should also be awareness programs to make people aware of the consequences of river pollution and to teach them how to act more responsible. Rivers give us life. It is our duty to keep them clean.
In the session above, you have learned how to write essays on river pollution. I have tried to discuss the topic in a simple language that every student can understand. Hopefully, you now have a holistic idea of the context and you will be able to write such essays yourself. To read more such lessons, keep browsing our website.
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