Short Essay on an Ideal Teacher [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF


Our today’s session is going to be focused on writing short essays on an Ideal Teacher. Here I will write three different sets of short essays covering different word limits as required for the exams. 

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Short Essay on an Ideal Teacher in 100 Words

An ideal teacher is someone who is dedicated and loves teaching. He or she looks out for the students, helps them, motivates them, understands their needs and problems and guides them accordingly. For me, my class teacher, Mr Amit Mishra, is an ideal teacher. He teaches us mathematics. Although I find the subject difficult, he makes learning fun for us.

He encourages us to ask questions and explains everything in an easily understandable manner. He focuses on the students who are weak in the subject and doesn’t get angry at them even if they can’t solve the problems. He motivates us to work hard, be creative, has a rich imagination and be confident. I always look forward to attending his classes.

Short Essay on An Ideal Teacher in 200 Words

Teachers are the people who are responsible for equipping students with the knowledge and skills required for their future so that they can go on to become successful doctors, engineers, lawyers, businessmen, and most importantly, good citizens.


We can say that if children are the future of the world, teachers are the ones who shape this future. Only with the guidance and support of dedicated teachers can children blossom into beautiful human beings. An ideal teacher is someone who is dedicated and loves teaching. They have good knowledge of the subject they teach and are willing to do everything possible to help the students learn the same.

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For me, our English teacher, Miss Rita Singh, is an ideal teacher. She has a master’s degree in the subject and is a knowledgeable person. She hardly takes leaves and is always punctual to the class. Her way of teaching is great and everyone pays attention in her class.

Whenever someone doesn’t understand a certain topic, she explains it again and never gets angry. We are also free to approach her after the class if we have any doubts or questions to ask. She is also an amazing person and always tells us to be kind and compassionate to others. We respect her a lot.

Short Essay on an Ideal Teacher in 400 Words

A teacher plays a pivotal role in shaping a student’s life. Teachers are the people who are responsible for equipping students with the knowledge and skills required for their future so that they can go on to become successful doctors, engineers, lawyers, businessmen, and most importantly, good citizens.

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It is with the guidance and support from dedicated teachers that children blossom into beautiful human beings. An ideal teacher is someone who is dedicated and loves teaching. They have good knowledge of the subject they teach and are willing to do everything possible to help their students learn the same. 

Ideal teachers look out for the students, help them, motivate them and inspire them. They try their best to understand the needs, difficulties and problems of their students and guide them accordingly. They make learning fun for students and encourage them to ask more questions, be creative, have a rich imagination and be confident.

Ideal teachers make their students learn the value of time, money, life and discipline. They instil optimism and a strong will in their students. Learning from such teachers can help students do well in their studies as well as in their lives. Students always remember and respect such teachers.

For me, my class teacher, Mrs Diksha Gandhi, is an ideal teacher. She teaches us history and social science. She has a master’s degree in history and is a knowledgeable person. If we don’t understand a topic, Mrs Gandhi explains it creatively and makes sure we get it correctly.

She is very approachable and students often visit her during the break to clear their doubts. Even though she is strict and doesn’t like us missing her classes, she is also very kind and helps us understand the lessons we missed. If we perform poorly in exams, she doesn’t scold us. Instead, she guides us and motivates us to work harder and do well in the future. 

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Mrs Gandhi loves to teach and share her knowledge with others. Every Sunday, she goes to teach the children living in slums. She often tells us that the most important thing in life is to become a good human being. We all look up to her and aspire to become like her. In the future, no matter where I am in my life, I will always apply her teachings and the things I have learned from her. She will always be my favourite and ideal teacher. 

So, that was all about writing short essays on an Ideal Teacher. I have written these sample essays in a very simple language for a better understanding of all kinds of students. If you still have any doubts regarding this session, kindly let me know in the comment section below. I will try to resolve your doubt as soon as possible. To read more such essays on various important topics, keep browsing our website. 

Thank you. 
