Report Writing on Science Exhibition Held in Your School [2 Examples with PDF]


This article is all about to show you the examples of report writing on Science Exhibition Held in Your School.

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Example 1

Info Fest, Science Exhibition

By: Suprity Acharyya

25 September 2019, Christ Church Convent School: Christ Church Convent School on September 25, 2019, hosted a 3-day Science Fair, which was named ‘Info Fest’ and was open to all general public attracting a number of science enthusiasts.


It started on 25th September 19 and went on till the 27th September 19. The timings were 9 AM to 4 PM. Participants included students from class 1st to 12th. The judging panel of all 3 days was different.

On 25 Sep., the inauguration ceremony started at 9.15 AM which involved a classical dance, ribbon cutting and reciting of holy carols. Both the junior and the senior wing were lit up.

Our Principal accompanied the judges on their way to the exhibit. The tour was supposed to begin in class 1 in the junior wing and end in class 12. All the classes were reorganised for the Info Fest.

10 students from each class were allotted and were responsible for the decoration 20 of them were responsible for making Science models and projects and 5 of the best speakers were allotted as hosts.

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These 5 students accompanied the guests when they arrived in the class and explained all the details of the models meticulously. The 5 remaining students were in charge of management and the class teacher made each child’s participation count. All the four sections from each class fought neck to neck to claim the first prize. Info Fest attracted enthusiasts from all over the city.

Celebrations galore, music and dance, filled our school with joy and all the 3 days of the fest went on very smoothly. Prizes were distributed to all the winners on the last day of the event after the results were announced by the Principal. It was a big success for our school and I am sure it inspired a lot of young scholars.

Example 2

Science Exhibition 19

By: Suprity Acharyya

30 October 2019, Delhi Public School: A Science Exhibition was held by the Delhi Public School, Lucknow on the 30th of October, 2019 for classes 6th to 12th.  It was a one-day affair which is held every alternate year. Students from all the classes starting from 6th were asked to participate.

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This Exhibition was inaugurated by the leading neurologist of the country Dr Madhuri Mittal. She was also asked to rate the students’ performances. The Science Exhibition was held on the school campus itself. It commenced at 10 AM. and got over by 7 PM. Invitation cards were sent to all the parents and guardians.

Students of all four sections participated in the Exhibition. They decorated and reorganised their classes all on their own. They were asked to choose their favourite topic and create something to explain it. They made still models, colourful charts, posters, working models, and so on.

The students also gave a beautiful and detailed explanation of their models to all the guests. They were even questioned about the scientific concepts and theories behind their project. Various sustainable topics and ideas were picked up and demonstrated visually.

Be it the working of a windmill, a solar plant or the hydropower plant. All of them showcased their best talent and abilities both verbally and mentally. 2 photographers were assigned for photo and videography and the CDs and photos were made available to the students after the exhibit.

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All the guests praised the efforts of the students and congratulated them for putting their best foot forward. Dr Madhuri in her speech highlighted the hard work behind the success of the Exhibition and how she thinks that the future of the kids was bright. She hailed the confidence and asked the students to keep up the good work. The Exhibition got over at 7 PM. And the students were given a day off.

Now It’s Your Turn

There you have it: report writing on science exhibition held in your school.

Now it is your time to practise these examples on your own so that you can easily write this kind of report when asked.

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