Processing Writing of Making Mustard Oil [With PDF]
In this lesson, I will discuss the process of making Mustard Oil. There will be two individual sets of processings written on the same topic in this session.

Example 1
Question: Study the following points and write a paragraph on how mustard oil is made (in mills).
Points: Buying mustard seeds from farms – Drying the seeds in the sun – Cleaning the seeds – Heating the seeds – Adding the seeds to the oil press machine – Extracting the oil – Filtering and purification of the oil – Packaging – Storing and marketing
Processing of Make Mustard Oil (in Mills)
Mustard oil is used extensively in Indian cooking. It is prepared in mills in the following way. First, mustard seeds are bought from the market. Then they are dried in the sun to remove moisture. After that, the mustard seeds are cleaned to remove dirt and foreign objects so that the oil is pure and of high quality.
Then the seeds are heated. After that, they are fed to an oil pressing machine. Then the machine is run for about an hour to extract all the oil from the seeds. After that, the collected oil is filtered and purified to remove the traces of impurities. Then the mustard oil is ready. It is then packaged, stored and marketed.
Example 2
Question: Study the following points and write a paragraph on how mustard oil is made (using a carrier oil, at home).
Points: Buying mustard seeds from the market – Drying the seeds in the sun – Cleaning the seeds – Taking the required quantity of carrier oil in a saucepan – Bringing it to a boil – Adding the required quantity of mustard seeds into the pan – Boiling – Cooling – Storing
The Process to Make Mustard Oil (Using Carrier Oil, at Home)
Mustard oil is a type of cooking oil and it is used a lot in Indian cooking. It is prepared at home using carrier oil in the following way. First, mustard seeds are bought from the market. Then they are dried in the sun to remove moisture. After that, the mustard seeds are cleaned to remove dirt and foreign objects so that the oil is pure and of high quality. Then the required quantity of carrier oil like coconut oil or almond oil is taken in a saucepan.
After that, the pan is set on the stove and the oil is brought to a boil. Then the required quantity of mustard seeds is added to the pan. After that, it is boiled until the oil turns brown. Then the oil is cooled. It is then stored in bottles and is ready for use.
Hopefully, after going through this session, you have a holistic idea about the topic. Exclusively for you, I have written these processings in a simplistic approach for a better understanding. If you still have any doubts regarding this lesson, keep me informed through some quick comments below. To read more sessions like this, keep browsing our website.
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