Processing Writing of Building Construction [With PDF]
In this lesson, you will learn how to write the process of constructing a building. I will be writing two individual sets of processing in this session, on the same topic but in different contexts for a holistic idea for the students.

Example 1
Question: Study the following points and write a paragraph on how a building is constructed (home).
Points: Hiring an architect to draw a plan – Getting the plan sanctioned by the municipal authorities – Buying the materials necessary for construction like bricks, cement, sand, rods, etc. – Hiring masons and labourers to construct the building – Hiring carpenters to make and attach the doors and windows – Plastering – Getting the electrical work done – Getting the building painted
The Process to Construct a Building (House)
House is the place where people live. Everyone wants their house to be comfortable and beautiful. A building meant to serve as a house is constructed in the following way. First, an architect is hired to draw a plan for the building. After that, the plan is taken to the local municipal authorities to be checked and sanctioned.
Then the building materials like bricks, sand, cement, rods, etc., are bought. After that, masons and labourers are hired to construct the building using the materials. Then carpenters are hired to make and attach doors and windows. After that, the building is plastered. Then the electrical work is done by the electricians. After that, the building is painted. Finally, the building is ready.
Example 2
Question: Study the following points and write a paragraph on how a building is constructed (school building).
Points: Hiring an architect to draw a plan for the school building – Getting the plan sanctioned by the higher authorities – Buying the materials necessary for construction like bricks, cement, sand, rods, etc. – Hiring masons and labourers to construct the school building – Hiring carpenters to make and attach the doors and windows – Plastering – Getting the electrical work done – Getting the school building painted – Adding blackboards, desks, chairs and tables
Processing of a Building (School Building)
A school is a place where children go to study. A school building has classrooms, laboratories, gaming rooms, etc., and is very spacious. It is constructed in the following way. First, an architect is hired to draw a plan for the school building. After that, the plan is taken to the higher authorities and then to the local municipal corporation to be checked and sanctioned.
Then the building materials like bricks, sand, cement, rods, etc., are bought. After that, masons and labourers are hired to construct the school building. Then carpenters are hired to make and attach doors and windows. After that, the building is plastered. Then the electrical work is done by the electricians. After that, the building is painted. Then, blackboards, desks, chairs, tables and other necessary items are bought and arranged. Finally, the school building is ready.
So, that was all about the process of building construction. In today’s session, I have written the processings in a very easy language for a better understanding of all kinds of students. If you still have queries, please post them in the comment section below. To read more such sessions on various important topics related to English Writing comprehension.
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