Process Writing of Rehydration Mixture [With PDF]
In this session today, you will learn how you can write the processing of the Rehydration mixture. There is going to be three sets of processing to get two different methods to be covered.

Example 1
Question: Study the following points and write a paragraph on how rehydration mixture is made:
Points: Taking 1 litre or 5 cups of clean drinking water – Boiling the water in a pot – Cooling the water – Adding 6 teaspoons of sugar – Adding half a teaspoon of salt – Mixing until the salt and sugar granules dissolve – Drinking
Processing of Rehydration Mixture
A person is required to drink a rehydration mixture when they are showing signs and symptoms of dehydration or are having diarrhoea. It can help save lives. The rehydration mixture is prepared in the following way.
First, one litre or five cups of clean drinking water is taken in a pot. Then the water is boiled for a few minutes. After that, the water is cooled completely. Then six teaspoons of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt are added to the water. After that, the contents are mixed until the salt and sugar granules dissolve completely in the water. Then the rehydration mixture is ready to drink.
Example 2
Question: Study the following points and write a paragraph on how rehydration mixture is made:
Points: Washing hands with soap and water – Washing a pot and a spoon with soap and water – Taking one litre of clean drinking water in the pot – Boiling the water – Cooling it completely – Adding all the contents of one packet of ORS into the water – Stirring it well – Storing the solution in a clean bottle
The Process to Make Rehydration Mixture
A rehydration mixture is a simple solution of salt and sugar that is given to people showing symptoms of dehydration or suffering from diarrhoea. It helps to maintain the electrolyte balance and can save lives. The rehydration mixture is prepared in the following way. First, hands are washed with soap and water.
Then a pot and a spoon are also washed with soap and water. After that, a litre of water is taken into the pot. Then the water is boiled for a few minutes. After that, the water is cooled completely. Then one packet of ORS is cut and all the contents of the packet are added to the water. After that, the water is stirred well so that everything gets dissolved. Then the rehydration mixture is ready and can be stored in a clean glass bottle.
So, that was pretty enough to write processings of rehydration mixture. In today’s session, I have written the processings in a very easy language for a better understanding of all kinds of students. If you still have queries regarding it, please post them in the comment section below. To read more such sessions on various important topics related to English Writing comprehension.
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