Processing Writing of Flower Garden [With PDF]


Our today’s session is going to be focused on writing processings on making of a flower garden. There will be two different sets of sample processing in the same context but about two different kinds of gardens.

Feature image of processing writing of flower garden

Example 1 

Question: Study the following points and write a paragraph on how a flower garden is made.

Points: Choosing an appropriate location – Removing weeds from the land – Preparing the soil – Choosing the flowers – Buying the seeds and seedlings – Planting them – Taking care of them 

Processing a Flower Garden

Everyone loves flowers and flower gardens. A flower garden is made in the following way. First, a good location that gets the appropriate amount of sunlight is chosen. Then the weeds are removed from the soil and the land is levelled. After that, the soil is prepared by digging it and adding fertilisers. Then various types of flowering plants that can grow well in that location are chosen.

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After that, the seeds and seedlings of the chosen varieties are bought from the market or nurseries. Then holes are dug in the soil and the seeds and seedlings are planted. After that, more soil is added on top. Then the plants are watered and taken care of so that they can produce beautiful flowers. After that, the flower garden is ready. 

Example 2

Question: Study the following points and write a paragraph on how a flower garden is made (rose).

Points: Choosing a location for the garden – Removing the weeds – Preparing the soil – Choosing different types of roses – Buying the seeds and seedlings – Planting them – Watering the plants – Taking care of the rose garden

The Process to Make a Flower Garden (Rose)

Roses are beautiful and are loved by everyone. A rose garden is made in the following way.  First, a location that gets a good amount of sunlight is chosen. Then the weeds are removed from the soil and the land is levelled. After that, the soil is prepared by digging, adding fertilisers and manure. Then different varieties of roses like damask rose, China rose, French rose, etc., are chosen.

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After that, the seeds and seedlings of those varieties are bought from the market or nurseries. Then holes are dug and the seeds and seedlings are planted in the soil. After that, more soil is added on the top and the plants are watered. Then the rose garden is ready. Afterwards, proper care is taken of the garden and after a few months, blooms can be seen. 

So, hopefully, all your doubts have been resolved regarding this context after going through these sample processings thoroughly. If you still have any doubts, mention that in the comment section below. I will try my level best to resolve your queries. Keep browsing our website to read more such sessions on various important topics.

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