Paragraph & Short Essay on Frog [100, 200, 400 Words] with PDF


During the last few years, essays on frogs have become quite relevant for many exams all around the country. In today’s session, you will learn to write paragraph and short essay on frogs. Here we will be writing two different sets of paragraphs and one set of short essay on the same topic keeping the need of the students in mind. So, choose one according to your requirement. 

Table of Contents

Feature image of Paragraph & Short Essay on Frog

Paragraph on Frog in 100 Words

Frogs are small animals that can live both on land as well as in water. They have smooth, moist skin and big, bulging eyes. They have two forelimbs and two hind limbs. The hind limbs are longer and have webbed feet. This helps them in jumping and swimming.

There are more than 5000 species of frogs and they are found throughout the world, especially in rainy areas. Frogs eat insects like flies and moths as well as worms, snails, and slugs. They use their long and sticky tongue to catch their prey. Frogs lay their eggs in water. These eggs hatch into tiny tadpoles which grow into frogs. 

Paragraph on Frog in 200 Words

Frogs are small, tailless amphibious animals that belong to the class Amphibia and order Anura. They can live and breathe both on land and in water. Frogs have smooth, moist skin and big, bulging eyes.

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They have a long, sticky tongue that they use to catch their prey. They have two forelimbs and two hind limbs. The hind limbs are longer and usually have webbed feet which help the creature jump, leap forward and swim. 

There are more than 5000 different species of frogs. They can be found almost everywhere in the world, especially in rainy areas. Frogs come in different shapes and sizes. Some frogs have camouflaging colours like brown and green while others are bright yellow and red. Frogs have glandular skin and secrete toxic substances which are meant to keep predators away. However, it has no effect on their main predators like snakes, raccoons, and some birds. 

Frogs usually eat small insects like flies and moths as well as worms, snails, and slugs. They lay their eggs in water which hatch into tiny tadpoles. Tadpoles start their life in water, breathing through gills like fishes. They eat algae and as they grow, they feed on small plants and insects. Tadpoles metamorphose into frogs and keep growing to become adult frogs. 

Paragraph on Frog Example

Short Essay on Frog in 400 Words

Frogs are small, tailless amphibious animals that belong to the class Amphibia and order Anura. Like all amphibians, they can live and breathe both on land and in water. Frogs start their life as tadpoles that live in water and have gills like fishes. As they reach adulthood, frogs develop lungs but they also use their skin to respire.

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Frogs have smooth, moist skin and big, bulging eyes. They have a long, sticky tongue that they use to catch their prey. They have two forelimbs and two hind limbs. The hind limbs are longer and usually have webbed feet which help the creature jump, leap forward and swim. 

There are more than 5000 different species of frogs. They can be found almost everywhere in the world, from the tropics to subarctic regions. But the highest concentration of frogs is found in tropical rainforests. Frogs come in different shapes and sizes.

Some frogs have camouflaging colours like brown and green while others are bright yellow and red. Frogs have glandular skin and secrete toxic substances which are meant to keep predators away. However, it has no effect on their main predators like snakes, lizards, raccoons, small mammals, and some birds like herons. 

Frogs are social animals that live together in groups. They usually eat small insects like flies and moths as well as worms, snails and slugs. They lay their eggs in water which hatch into tiny tadpoles. Tadpoles eat algae and as they grow, they feed on small plants and insects. Tadpoles later metamorphose into frogs and keep growing to become adult frogs. Adult frogs are mostly carnivores, but some species do show omnivorous behaviour. 

Frogs have been caught and eaten as food by people for centuries. They also have cultural significance as in many cultures like ancient Egypt and Rome, frogs were seen as a symbol of fertility while the Japanese saw them as a symbol of good fortune. Since they usually appear during the rainy season, frogs are closely associated with rains, and their appearance is seen as a sign of upcoming rain. In pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, frogs were seen as spirits of rain. 

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Most frog species are nocturnal and are more active during the night. They have excellent night vision and their protruding eyes help them see in front, to the sides, and even behind them. As frogs are cold-blooded animals, when temperatures drop during winter, many frogs dig burrows underground or in ponds and hibernate until spring. Frogs are freshwater animals but some varieties can survive in saltwater and brackish waters. 

Short essay on Frog Example

So, here I am concluding today’s session on writing paragraphs and a short essay on frogs. In the three different examples, I have tried to focus and elaborate on many aspects of a frog. Hopefully, this session will be able to fulfill your requirements. If you still have any questions regarding this session, let me know through some quick comments. And to read more such essays and other writing comprehensions, keep browsing our website. 

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