Notice on Relief Fund Donation for Flood Victims [Kerala & Bihar]


In this article, I’ll show you four examples of notice writing on relief fund donation for the flood victims of Kerala and Bihar.


Notice writing example 1

Delhi public school


Donation For Flood Victims

All students of our school are with this notified that our school would raise funds to help flood victims in Kerala state. You are all aware of the recent flood that has affected Kerala’s public life with a great nightmare of devastation.

Many people became homeless, and many lost their lives. The country suffered heavy losses of public property and precious lives of both humans and animals.


Many people are stranded in the water without access to any food, shelter, or dry clothes. Now, since it is our moral duty to extend a helping hand to helpless flood victims, we try to raise money.

So you are all asked to donate as much as possible to the flood victims on or before August 15th so that we can send the amount raised to the Prime Minister’s Relief Fund very soon. Donations will only be raised in the form of funds.

Visa Guide:  Notice Writing on Independence Day Celebration in Your School [PDF Available]

Head Boy,

SK. Chatri

Notice writing example 2

GD Goenka School


Donation For Relief Fund

This is in order to inform all students that the school will contribute to Kerala Chief Minister’s Relief Fund. All students are required to donate to Kerala Chief Minister’s Relief Fund with cash only freely. The school will send a draft to the Relief Fund by September 10, 2019. All contributions must be submitted to class teachers no later than September 5, 2019.

Head Girl,

Sunita Das 

Notice writing example 3

Hogwarts Global School


Donation to the Relief Fund for Flood Victims

This is to obtain information for all students from grades five to ten that the school will contribute to the Relief Fund for Flood Victims in Bihar. All students are urged to contribute freely. The school will send the money and goods to the Prime Minister’s Relief Fund on April 5, 2020. Contributions can therefore be made to the relevant class teachers no later than March 20, 2020.

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Minerva McCain

Notice writing example 4

SRM Global School


Donation For Relief Fund

All 6th, 8th, and 10th graders are at this moment informed that our school has decided to help the residents of the flood victims area with some money, clothes, food, and other necessities. Residents of the stricken Bihar region were severely affected by the flood.

Therefore, students must collect old clothes, food, and money from themselves and their neighbours and deposit them at the two locations below on or before September 30th. Helping you save some lives, Students can contact the undersigned for more details.


Rohan Sennotice

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Visa Guide:  Notice Writing Format, Type, Writing Tips, Examples [PDF]

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