[FREE PDF] Dust Of Snow Poem MCQs | Class 10 First Flight Poem 1 [TERM 1]
Dear students, recently CBSE announced that they will be gradually revising the question pattern in the upcoming examinations for almost all subjects, including English. They declared that from now on, at least 50% of the total questions will be multiple-choice based questions (MCQs). Based on this decision of the board, we have decided to come up with sessions discussing model MCQs as per the guidelines.
As per the decision we took, we started a series of dedicated MCQ sessions based on the prose and poetry part of class 10 English Syllabus This session is going to be focused on MCQs exclusively based on class 10 English First Flight Poem 1- ‘Dust of Snow’.

Short Summary of Dust Of Snow Poem
The poem talks about how little things can mean a lot and have a larger significance. The poet is sitting under a hemlock tree that is covered in the dust of snow. He is sad and regretful and is spending his time thinking about the things that made him sad and regretful. A crow sitting on the hemlock tree shakes the tree and small particles of snow (called the dust of snow) fall down on the poet. This small action brings him out of his sorrow and reminds him of the beauty of nature, changing his mood. The poet feels happier and wants to utilise the rest of his day. A little action of the crow brings a big, significant change in the mood of the poet.
Dust Of Snow Poem MCQs With Answers
- Who wrote the poem ‘Dust of Snow’?
A. Robert Frost
B. Rudyard Kipling
C. Robert F. Lee
D. Maya Angelou
Answer: A. Robert Frost
2. What is the full name of Robert Frost?
A. Robert Charles Frost
B. Robert Lee Frost
C. Robert Frost Lee
D. Charles Robert Frost
Answer: B. Robert Lee Frost
3. When was Robert Frost born?
A. 26 March 1864
B. 26 March 1874
C. 27 March 1878
D. 27 March 1876
Answer: B. 26 March 1874
4. When did Robert Frost die?
A. 29 January 1963
B. 30 January 1964
C. 29 June 1963
D. 30 June 1964
Answer: A. 29 January 1963
5. Which of these is written by Robert Frost?
A. The road not taken
B. If
C. Phenomenal woman
D. Not waving but drowning
Answer: A. The road not taken
6. Which bird is mentioned in the poem ‘Dust of Snow’?
A. Sparrow
B. Parrot
C. Crow
D. Raven
Answer: C. Crow
7. Which tree is mentioned in the poem ‘Dust of Snow’?
A. Birch
B. Pine
C. Oak
D. Hemlock
Answer: D. Hemlock
8. What is the meaning of the word ‘rued’?
A. A type of sauce
B. Rowing a boat
C. Bitter regret
D. A fun-filled atmosphere
Answer: C. Bitter regret
9. What is the poet trying to say in the poem?
A. Life is always sad.
B. Snow is beautiful.
C. Even a simple moment may have a large significance.
D. Simple moments are not significant.
Answer: C. Even a simple moment may have a large significance.
10. What does the crow signify in the poem?
A. The depressive and sorrowful mood of the poet.
B. Just a bird
C. The dark clouds
D. The colour black
Answer: A. The depressive and sorrowful mood of the poet.
11. Which of these traits matches a hemlock tree?
A. It is sweet-smelling
B. It is poisonous
C. It is grand and beautiful
D. It is a small plant
Answer: B. It is poisonous
12. In the poem ‘dust of snow’, both the crow and the poisonous hemlock tree _____.
A. represent dullness, depression and bitterness.
B. represent happiness.
C. represent winter and snowfall.
D. have no additional significance.
Answer: A. Both represent dullness, depression and bitterness.
13. What do you mean by ‘dust of snow’?
A. Dust collected on trees
B. Small particles of snow
C. White coloured dust
D. Balls of snow
Answer: B. Small particles of snow
14. What did the crow do?
A. He shook off the dust of snow, i.e., snow particles, on the poet.
B. He flew over the hemlock tree.
C. He flew over the poet.
D. He came and sat on the poet’s shoulder.
Answer: A. He shook off the dust of snow, i.e., snow particles, on the poet.
15. How was the poet feeling before his encounter with the crow?
A. Happy
B. Bored
C. Sorrowful
D. Neutral
Answer: C. Sorrowful
16. What did the crow’s little action make the poet realise?
A. That he was wasting his day being sad and regretful.
B. That he should work harder.
C. That he should also play in the snow.
D. That it is time to go home.
Answer: A. That he was wasting his day being sad and regretful.
17. What happened after his encounter with the crow?
A. The poet became sad.
B. The poet became angry.
C. The poet was regretful.
D. There was a change in the poet’s mood.
Answer: D. There was a change in the poet’s mood.
18. How did the poet’s mood change at the end of the poem?
A. The poet felt happier and his spirit was revived.
B. The poet got angry.
C. The poet became sad.
D. The poet became regretful.
Answer: A. The poet felt happier and his spirit was revived.
19. How did the crow save a part of the poet’s day?
A. By talking to him.
B. By waking him up.
C. By reminding him of the beauty of nature.
D. By bringing him food.
Answer: C. By reminding him of the beauty of nature.
20. What type of flowers does a hemlock tree produce?
A. Small, pink flowers
B. Large, yellow flowers
C. Small, white flowers
D. Large, white flowers
Answer: C. Small, white flowers
21. What do you mean by ‘relative clauses’?
A. A clause that is attached to an antecedent by a relative pronoun such as who, which, or that.
B. A clause that doesn’t give any extra information.
C. A clause at the beginning of a sentence.
D. A clause at the end of a sentence.
Answer: A. A clause that is attached to an antecedent by a relative pronoun such as who, which, or that.
22. What is a ‘relative pronoun’?
A. The pronoun at the beginning of a sentence.
B. A pronoun that marks a relative clause and serves the purpose of conjoining modifying information about an antecedent referent.
C. The pronoun at the end of a sentence.
D. A neutral pronoun.
Answer: B. A pronoun that marks a relative clause and serves the purpose of conjoining modifying information about an antecedent referent.
23. When are relative clauses called ‘non-defining’?
A. Adds essential information that cannot be omitted.
B. Adds non-essential information that can be omitted.
C. Makes a sentence negative.
D. Makes a sentence positive.
Answer: B. Adds non-essential information that can be omitted.
24. When are relative clauses called ‘defining’?
A. Adds essential information that cannot be omitted.
B. Adds non-essential information that can be omitted.
C. Makes a sentence negative.
D. Makes a sentence positive.
Answer: A. Adds essential information that cannot be omitted.
- Choose the correct relative pronoun/clause to fill in the blanks:
25. All morning Lencho — [____] knew his fields intimately — looked at the sky.
A. Who
B. Whom
C. Which
D. Whose
Answer: A. Who
26. The woman, [____] was preparing supper, replied, “Yes, God willing.’’
A. Who
B. Whom
C. Which
D. Whose
Answer: A. Who
27. I often go to Mumbai [____] is the commercial capital of India.
A. Who
B. Whom
C. Which
D. Whose
Answer: C. Which
28. My Mother [____] cooks very well, is going to host a TV show on cooking.
A. Who
B. Whom
C. Which
D. Whose
Answer: A. Who
29. These sportspersons, [____] performance has been excellent, are going to meet the President.
A. Who
B. Whom
C. Which
D. Whose
Answer: D. Whose
30. Lencho prayed to God, [____] eyes see into our minds.
A. Who
B. Whom
C. Which
D. Whose
Answer: D. Whose
31. This man [____] I trusted cheated me.
A. Who
B. Whom
C. Which
D. Whose
Answer: B. Whom
32. What is the meaning of the word ‘metaphor’?
A. a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable
B. a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid
C. to draw attention to the nature of an action or event.
D. having the same characteristics or qualities as; similar to.
Answer: Answer this question in the comment section below. To know the right answer consider joining our Telegram channel.
These were our model MCQs based on the poem ‘Dust of Snow’. I hope that going through this session helped you gain an understanding of the question mentality and demand of CBSE. For your further help, you can download this entire session and store it as a PDF. If you have liked this initiative and found the session useful, kindly leave a quick comment to let us know. Besides, if you want me to cover such MCQ sessions on any specific topic of English literature/language, please let us know that as well. Kindly consider visiting our website to read the sessions we conducted earlier.
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