Anchoring Script for Quiz Competition [With PDF]
In this session, you will learn to write an anchoring script for a quiz competition in any organisation.

Welcome Speech (for School/Educational Institution)
Good morning/afternoon/ evening to our respected principal sir/ma’am (his/her name), our participants, judges, and everyone present here. I am (anchor’s name), the quizmaster of the 2022 Grand slam quiz competition, and today we have gathered to witness a breathtaking inter-school/ college/ institution quiz competition between several renowned institutions in this city.
They will be asked several questions, their merits, and GK will be interrogated, and filtered till the end when one school will be crowned as the quiz wizard of 2022. 6 schools from all over the city have taken up this challenge to prove their IQ. The contest, let me tell you all, is not easy. Tricks will be played, sweat will be released, and then merits will come forth. Now I will request our principal sir/ma’am to come upon the stage and inaugurate the occasion. Sir/ ma’am, the stage is all yours.
Welcome Speech (Local Clubs/ TV shows)
Good morning/afternoon/evening o all our participants, judges, and everyone in the audience present here. Welcome to (channel’s name/ local club’s name) the 2022 Grand Slam Quiz competition. I am your quizmaster (his /her name) and today I will be posing several tricky questions to our participants, who have arrived from different parts of the city to challenge us with their merits.
Things will be tough, interesting, and thrilling. Six stages will be there and each participant will have to prove their IQ. Six stages, Six contestants, and a lot of breathtaking performances. So without any further ado, let’s begin today’s Grand Slam contest.
Principal’s/ Chief Guest’s Speech (School/ Educational institution)
Good morning/ afternoon/ evening to our dear students, participants, and judges, present here. It is always an honour to conduct an inter-school/ college quiz competition. I am extremely elated at how so many young faces are determined to mark out their territories through their brains. Brains are their true beauty.
I just wish you all good luck. Whoever wins the trophy is not the only one. Remember today your participation matters the most. You are on stage, facing the lights, camera, and the crowd, and you are already a winner. A true winner of your strength and abilities. Don’t lose hope. You are great. Thank you. Wish you all good luck.
Now let us start with our first round. It is a one-on-many round. At every buzzer, a clue will be given to our participants. Every participant will get a chase per clue to answer and points will be secured likewise. At the end of all six clues, the final answer will be given. Here’s the first clue, everyone, at your screen.
After First-Round
Whoo! That was terrific. Only the first step and already all of them have started showing their brains quite well. Your scores will be up on the scoreboard.
Now let us move forward to our second round.
This round is a one-to-one round where all of you will be asked separate questions. You will be able to select you points for which you will play. The buzzer has the scores. This is a challenge round and so anyone can challenge the participant. Even double and triple challenges for greater scores are permitted in this round. Also, keep this in mind, this is a negative marking round. So, be careful while you answer and challenge. So here’s our first question for (his/her name).
(Question asked) Anyone who will challenge (his/her name)? Ok, so (his/her name)
has challenged for 24 marks. If you lose this challenge then 24 marks will be lost. Is anyone ready for more challenges?
After Second Round
We have arrived at the end of the second round. The scoreboard will show us the score details of every participant.
This is an elimination round. So (his/her name) is eliminated at this point. Well done (his/her name). Don’t be heartbroken, you have shown a wonderful talent already. Nothing is worth more than sharing this stage with everyone. I will hand over a cheque for 2000 rupees, a gift hamper from (stationary company’s name), and a food voucher from (confectionary’s name) to (his/her name). Wishing you lots of success ahead.
Now we will move on to the next stage. But before that let us take a short break, we will be right back. Stay tuned.
Third Round
Welcome back everyone to the 2022 Grand Slam Quiz competition. I am your quizmaster (his/ her name), and we will move on with our third round. But before that let us put our hands together for the sponsors today (sponsors name), who have single-handedly taken over the development and progress of the show. Our sponsors esteem the young brains and constantly strive for the betterment of young children in their education and overall development.
In the last round, we have seen a more terrific blow of the respective answers. This round is a rapid-fire round. Questions will be asked and participants will have to press the buzzer to answer. This round has no negative marking. But it is an elimination round. So while you answer you need to be very careful. More points, more chances to make up for the finals. So here goes the first question of the rapid-fire round.
After Third Round
That was tremendous! I just myself was thinking about how to continue questions at that speed of your strong answers. And to my astonishment, no one has made a single wrong reply. I believe this is the first time in this rapid-fire round. A huge round of applause for them, everyone, once again.
Now time for the scores. It seems there is a tie in this round between (their names). So we need a tie-breaker to have one continue for the next round. Hands-on your buzzer, a quick tie-breaker question and choose one. The question will come to your screen. One pressing the buzzer first and giving the right answer will continue to the next round. Here goes the question.
So, (his/her name) will continue in the next round and we will have to farewell (his/her name). Well done, your spirit is really praise-worthy. I will hand over a cheque for 2000 rupees, a gift hamper from (stationary company’s name), and a food voucher from (confectionary’s name) to (his/her name).
We will take a short break and be right back. Till then stay tuned.
Fourth Round
Welcome back to the 2022 Grand Salm Quiz competition. I am your quizmaster (his/her name) and now it’s time for the fourth round. Before that, I would like to applaud our technical team and supporting casts for wonderfully decorating the stage I honour every one of this team who is relentlessly working upon the grand structure of this quiz competition every year.
Let us now go forward with our remaining participants. 4 are left to continue with us. This is an audio-visual round and every participant will be given an option to choose from four. Each participant can be challenged thrice over by the other three. Make sure you challenge carefully as there is negative marking in this round. The final three from this round will continue with us in the fifth round. So here’s the first question to (his/her name).
End of the Fourth Round
That was wonderful to have such fun and excitement at this round. So many cross challenges have been made, points have been gained and lost, and now it’s time for the scores. Scoreboard, please.
(his/her name) is getting eliminated at this round. Well done (his/her name), you really played well. An elimination cannot mark your merit, you are much greater than that. I will hand over the gift hampers to (his/her name), and a cheque of 5000 rupees. A big round of applause for him/her.
We are now at the second last stage of today’s quiz competition. A quick overview of what happened till now on our screen.
Also, to our great happiness, this show is now live and is being aired nationally as well. This popularity of the quiz show is entirely a show of your efforts and support.
OK, so moving on with our program. This is a round of tricks and picks, where a riddle will be asked to each contestant. No challenge is here. If you get it correctly, then plus 6. If wrong, then minus 6. Two contestants from this round will qualify for the end. So here’s our first riddle to (his/her name)
After Fifth Round
The scores are up on the screen, ladies, and gentlemen. The one getting eliminated is (his/her name). Please come to the stage. You played really well and with much determination. Let me hand over to him/her the gift hampers.
Let’s move on to the final and the most anticipated stage, the last one, that will decide this year’s 2022 Grand Slam Quiz maestro.
Sixth/ Final Round
This round is based on GK and mathematical aptitude. Questions will be quite tricky at this point and be the ultimate judge of their merits. Firstly congratulations to both of you who have made it till the end, quite patiently and determined. Here comes now the first question o this round. Off to (his/her name)
Only one more question and this will decide the fate of today’s quiz. (first contestant’s name) is at 90, (second contestant’s name) is at 88. Anyone can be the winner now. So hold onto your breaths, here’s the last question of this year’s quiz competition.
After the Final round/ Ending Speech
We all have reached the end of today’s journey. It was epic, beautiful, and quite fantastic how every part of IQ was questioned and judged by several competitors. All of you are capable of it. All of you are quiz masters. Today/tonight we can only crown one contestant as the winner. But that is not the only yardstick to define your capacity. You all are great.
So the winner of the 2022 Grand slam Quiz competition is (his/her name/ school’s name). Congratulations! You are this year’s quiz maestro. Here are the gift hampers for you- a cheque for one lakh rupees, the trophy, gift hampers from (stationary’s name), gift hampers from (confectionary’s name), a book set from (author/bookstore’s name), and this bouquet.
And all of you who have been present here, it was great to share so much time with such young talents who will be the future of this country. I wish them good luck. On this note, let’s call it a day. Good day/good night to everyone. Thank you.
Note: This is a sample anchoring script you can use as a model to form your own as per your requirements. You’re expected to derive a basic idea of writing an anchoring script for any quiz competition from this session.