10 Lines on Duck [With PDF]
Hello reader, today in this composition we will show you 10 easy remember lines on Duck.
This Composition is Formatted For Class 1 | Class 2 | Class 3 | Class 4 | Class 5 | Class 6

1. 10 Lines on Duck [Set 1]
- Ducks are beautiful birds and they are found everywhere.
- Ducks have wings, but they cannot fly in the sky.
- But they can use their wings to swim very fast, in water.
- Ducks are also known as waterfowls because they live in water.
- Many of the ducks are yellow in colour, but some are not.
- Ducks make a funny ‘quack quack’ sound, and female ducks make a louder quack than male ducks.
- They have a small mouth, and they use their mouth to hold fishes in it.
- Duck’s mouth is known as a beak or bill.
- Ducks prefer to live in small water bodies, and not on land or somewhere else.
- Duck’s baby is called a ‘Duckling’, and it learns to fly in 5 to 7 weeks.
2. 10 Lines on Duck [Set 2]
- Ducks are not animals; they are birds who don’t fly.
- Ducks can swim in water very well, in comparison to many other water animals.
- Ducks love to live in oceans, rivers, ponds, lakes, and other such water bodies.
- Duck’s mouth is long, broad, and flat so that they can hold their food properly in the mouth.
- Ducks are found all over the world, but not in cold places like Antarctica region.
- Ducks live in water for most of the time, and they don’t come outside the water body.
- Ducks can live from 2 years to 12, and it depends upon different types of ducks.
- Ducks lay eggs, and prefer to hatch their eggs in warm places.
- A duck’s egg is bigger than a chicken’s egg, and it is healthier.
- A duck’s child is called a duckling.
3. 10 Lines on Duck [Set 3]
- Ducks are birds who are small in size than many other birds.
- Ducks, geese, and Swan are similar, but ducks are smaller than geese and swans.
- Duck’s mostly live in freshwater and a few in seawater and go to many places by swimming.
- Ducks have very good eyes, and they can see and identify different colours around them.
- But ducks use their short and broad wings as paddles for fast swimming.
- Ducks have a short neck, and some of them make a ‘Squeal’ sound.
- A male duck is called a drake, a female duck is called a hen, and the baby duck is called a duckling.
- Male ducks are more beautiful and colourful than female ducks.
- Ducks can eat both plants and water animals as their food.
- Ducks love to live in warm places, and not in cold regions – they are beautiful birds.
4. 10 Lines on Duck [Set 4]
- Ducks love to be in the water and the search for their food under the water.
- Some ducks also live in marshes, wetlands, and water bodies.
- Ducks have strong and short wings, that help them in easy and fast swimming in water.
- Ducks are friendly birds and are very important animals for men.
- Ducks eat plants, fish, and fish eggs.
- Ducks lay eggs, and their baby is called a ‘duckling’.
- Geese and swans are bigger than the ducks.
- Ducks travel to warm places during winters.
- Duck’s eggs need good sunlight, and then a healthy duckling is born.
- Small kids love Duck’s cartoons, such as the Goofy duck.
5. 10 Lines on Duck [Set 5]
- Ducks are small birds that are found in water.
- Ducks can swim by using their pointed and strong wings.
- But they cannot use their wings to fly.
- Ducks have two legs which they use for swimming.
- Some ducks travel a lot through the water, they love to be in the water.
- Ducks don’t live in cold places; they can live well up to 15 years if they live in a warm place.
- Some ducks live for long, while some ducks live a short life – wild ducks can live for more than 20 years.
- Female ducks are brown, they give 5 to 12 eggs, and protect them.
- The baby ducklings are born in 28 days after the hen gives the eggs, and hens raise their ducklings in warm places.
- Donald Duck is a famous cartoon character, which is a very old cartoon, and it is loved by all.
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